Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 451 Reminiscing about the past

The huge dark void is so quiet. It doesn't seem like a whirlpool constantly sucking in everything around it. There are no chaotic stars in the film and television pictures that symbolize the flow of time. It is just dark, huge, and covering the sky. It's as if a big hole has been cut out of the surface of this world.

And you don’t know the area or volume of a large one. If you don’t walk into it, you don’t even know whether it is standing on the ground or suspended in mid-air. You don’t know whether it is a surface or a sphere, and you cannot determine it with the naked eye. The boundary can only be roughly determined by using the surrounding buildings used for scientific research. This large hole is estimated to be several kilometers wide.

It is impossible to verify who is the researcher of the space-time rift. Since humans on the other side of the rift entered the world a few centuries ago, all research reports on the rift have been looted. However, from a scientific researcher’s Judging from this perspective, that researcher is definitely one of the most outstanding geniuses in human history.

Lilith walked into a building. This was an important place for scientific research, so Lilith was respected much more here than in the survivor government building.

But the bad thing is that there are not too many military forces stationed here. After all, throughout the past few centuries, there have been only a few things that have come out of the cracks in time and space. There is really no need to waste precious combat power guarding them. Such a place.

When Lilith rushed here, she had already asked the government to send troops. However, because she did not have the right to deploy troops now, and such a major event would certainly not be implemented in a matter of minutes, so when she When the helicopter he was riding in landed alone, there were only three or four companies with combat power here.

A person in charge of the Time and Space Crack Detection Bureau immediately came up and shook hands with Lilith. The person in charge looked to be in his sixties. Lilith showed rare respect for him from the bottom of her heart. In her eyes, these people who have devoted their whole lives to scientific research are much better than those cowards in government buildings who play political tricks or hold on to the command of the army.

"I'm glad you could come in person, but the government didn't issue a notice or let us build defenses." The elderly person in charge said straight to the point.

"Those people are all idiots. Even now, they still think that they can stop that guy outside the city." Lilith shook her head helplessly: "I don't even think about it. If that traitor succeeds in breaking through, he will run to It's in the wilderness outside the city. Even if more troops are sent to pursue it, how long can it last?

It is so difficult for the military to supply supplies outside urban areas. The aircraft can continue to fly for 5 hours, and the power of the heavy armored vehicle can only last for 48 hours. If it travels at full speed, it will be completely exhausted in less than 15 hours.

If that traitor dives into the canyon, who will be able to find him! "

Lilith's tone was a bit fast, and it seemed that she was really angry.

The elderly person in charge on the side also nodded slightly. Compared to those arrogant military experts, he seemed to be more willing to believe in the woman in front of him.

But he couldn't help but be surprised by Lilith's evaluation of the traitor.

It seemed that in her mind, that person could really break out of the army's encirclement and suppression by himself.

"Then what should we do now? If the army can't stop him, then our combat power here seems to be of no use."

"Originally, there was another way. I calculated the guy's speed and breakout direction. If a nuclear explosion was directly triggered from a position 630 kilometers outside the city as the base point, and the explosion range was limited to a diameter of 50 kilometers, there would be There is a 70% probability that it will be enveloped. If the target is not affected, the explosion range will be extended to 120 kilometers in the southwest direction, and then there will be a direct hit of more than 90% probability.

But this method was directly rejected.

Those idiots seemed to think it was ridiculous to take such a huge risk to trigger a nuclear explosion near the city just to kill one person.

They actually behaved like little girls under such circumstances, worrying about the secondary mutation that the nuclear explosion might cause in the surrounding ecology. "

Lilith took a deep breath:

"They simply don't know that if the traitor is allowed to return to his world, the changes caused will be much more serious than a few nuclear bombs."

Ms. Lilith was very angry, anxious, and helpless.

No matter how complicated her emotions were, there was no way to change the status quo. Three hours had passed since she submitted the proposal to deploy troops. After such a long time, the news of the traitor's death still hadn't come through.

That means he ran away!

And as long as he is out of sight of the army, in such a huge wilderness, the speed of him and the mutated creature will reach a terrifying level that he can't even imagine. At this time, it will be useless to send troops to the Time and Space Crack Observation Bureau. .

"He will always come here. When the time comes, please tell all soldiers to be quiet and not to open fire."

"What?!" The person in charge of the testing bureau was startled: "But, what if that's the case?"

"There is no point in firing. Even his speed cannot be slowed down. No one can stop him now. I can only rely on me to make this develop in a good direction."

Lilith just said that. No one knew what she meant, but judging from the conclusion of her words, it seemed that the woman in front of her was much stronger than the army on the other side of the wilderness that was constantly releasing smoke and flames of war.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

In the past two hours, the soldiers stationed at the Space-Time Crack Monitoring Station and the scientific researchers were all extremely nervous. A terrifying and murderous demon was running towards them. No one seemed to be able to calm down. Come.

Lilith was sitting on a chair, and she didn’t know which employee it belonged to. There was half a cup of coffee on the table that she hadn’t finished yet. Looking back on the past year, she was sometimes silent, sometimes smiling bitterly, and always felt that everything It all seems like a farce.

At this moment, she frowned slightly because she saw the liquid in the cup on the table began to ripple slightly.

Then, circles of ripples began to appear until it rolled, shaking the cup, and colliding with the table, making a rattling sound.

Something was flying from a distance.

Lilith stood up and walked out of the observation room. At the same time, everyone at the observation station also noticed that the earth was vibrating, and a distant roar was approaching rapidly.

They walked out of the room and looked towards the wilderness in the distance, and then saw the vast land at the end of their sight, the bloody sky, and the yellow sand rising into the sky on the dividing line. The howling wind pushed away everything around them. Like a breathtaking tornado.

These experimenters were all dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them.

At first they couldn't understand why Ms. Lilith said that those troops couldn't catch up with the traitor.

No matter how fast he is, can he still be faster than a plane or a missile?

Until they saw the scene in front of them, they stared into the distance with their mouths open, feeling that their brains were buzzing and their legs were shaking, but they couldn't tell whether it was because of fear or the vibration from the ground.

I just feel that if such a guy wants to pass through the time and space rift, then the surrounding buildings will be driven into ruins at his speed.

In front of such a picture of monstrous flames on the physical level, Ms. Lilith slowly walked out of the building complex and stood between the sky full of wild sand and the dark cracks in time and space, as if she was standing alone. He was speeding on the railway track, as if he was trying to block the oncoming train with his thin body.

In the distance, crimson is running wildly.

In fact, most of the time in the past, people only noticed Crimson's structure that was too close to the human body and the external skeleton specially designed for fighting.

Indeed, these features seemed to be specially designed to allow him to demonstrate incredible combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

But in fact, everyone has ignored the area in which he is best at in his entire body structure.

That's running.

The powerful calf muscles are not bound at all, and the entire sole of the foot is wrapped by bones to establish a more stable impact with the ground. The thick tendons are like steel bars, continuously bringing the kinetic energy generated by pedaling into every muscle in the body. His slender body is not built for strength, but for speed. The slightly forward leaning back is to give the entire body a streamlined shape more suitable for running. The slender arms and wide shoulder armor allow it to swing when it swings. , like a huge bird spreading its wings to fly.

Lilith has studied Crimson for a year, and she clearly knows how terrifying this mutated creature will be if it fully demonstrates its speed, so she knew from the beginning that he could not be surrounded, nor could he be surrounded. May be killed.

"Your Excellency Lilith!" Behind him, some exclamations sounded, probably shouting that it was too dangerous, so come back quickly.

But it was just a few subconscious sounds.

Because most people already understand that if the traitor really wants to kill people, then everyone here will die and no one will survive.

Lilith just stood there quietly. In fact, there was no theoretical basis to show what the traitor would do after seeing her, but she had spent some time with him after all. During those few days, she It is extremely unreasonable and extremely conceited to think that he already understands the other party.

Although it was only a part, although it was just a very vague concept, she stood in front of the other party at this juncture.

The vibrations of the earth had reached a heart-stopping level. All the equipment in the monitoring station shook wildly and fell to the ground with a crackle, causing a mess of alarms on the data instruments.

The huge horizontal tornado was already very close, and the yellow sand kept hitting the buildings like dense raindrops.

That crimson figure is like a demon running out of hell, arrogant and unstoppable!

However, at a certain moment, the terrifying shadow seemed to slow down, and then, at a moment that no one noticed, the violent wind and sand around them stopped, and the vibration of the earth disappeared unconsciously.

Just for a moment, when people finally came to their senses, the behemoth had already arrived in front of them. With his hands hanging by his sides and his body slightly hunched, he stood in front of Lilith, one large and one small forming the most distinct shape. contrast.

People's hearts began to beat wildly.

I don’t know why, but the scene in front of me at this time was extremely quiet and peaceful compared to the flying sand and stones just now, but people became more and more frightened and nervous.

They watched the giant slowly lean down, a person jumped off its shoulders, landed lightly on the ground, and then walked towards Lilith step by step.

"Long time no see." Sherlock said lightly.

"Yeah, long time no see."

It was like an accidental reunion between two old friends, although it was a bit awkward. Although there was a more pressing matter, the escape between life and death, but they had to stop and reminisce about the past.

"Don't worry, I don't want to stop you, and I can't stop you." Lilith seemed to know what the other party was thinking, and emphasized with a wry smile.

"Huh..." Sherlock obviously exhaled: "I was scared to death. I thought you would escort the little Miller sisters out, or drag the old man who raised mutant creatures in front of me, and then force him to I surrender."

"Actually, at the beginning, I thought about using this method, but when I thought about using a citizen of the Survivor League to blackmail a traitor, I thought it was too ridiculous. I couldn't do such a thing. .”

Lilith's tone was very light. She knew that she could not stop the other party, but she still had such a unique sense of pride.

Sherlock seemed to feel that this feeling of pride and confidence was very familiar, as if he put on this badass attitude every day.

"So, what are you doing here? You can't really tell me about old times."

"Of course not." Lilith said: "I just think that since you don't agree to stay and be my guinea pig, then I have to let you use your value on another level.

After returning to your world, I hope you can make the people in your world accept us.

Population 26 million.

Using technology far beyond your world's 800 years,

In exchange for a roof over your head.

At the same time, the war between the two worlds that had lasted for centuries was ended.

Calculating it this way, you won’t lose money no matter what, right? "

Sherlock smiled.

"Didn't you tell me this idea from the beginning?

But you must understand that if this thing is really the same as arithmetic problems or selling potatoes, then how could our two worlds have been fighting for centuries?


Speaking of this, Sherlock paused deliberately: "Why do you think that after being hunted by you for a whole year, I will still have the heart to listen to your request, instead of killing you and you now?" The people behind you said that they were all beaten to a pulp?"

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