Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 458 I’m here to reason!

Moriarty said that the Temple of Holy Light now has a tendency to sever ties with the Holy See and become independent.

As the current pope, he is not easy to show his face.

But what is going on with Moran in front of him?

Anyone with some knowledge knows that Moran is Moriarty's personal maid. Her appearance at the foot of Mount Elbes doesn't sound too much like the Holy See.

Okay, maybe Moran is not very talkative and is a maid. Even if he follows Moriarty every day, he may not represent the position of the Holy See.

But it’s a little unreasonable for the landlord to appear here.

You are a saint of the Holy See.

It's not good to act like you already knew I was going to come to the Holy Light Temple to cause trouble and waited here for a long time.

"Well, long time no see." Sherlock waved his hand awkwardly.

In fact, before his hand had even finished swinging in front of him, Mrs. Hudson had already walked up quickly and hugged Sherlock.

Few people know that Hudson likes Sherlock.

This kind of love is very simple. It is a landlord who, during a period of contact with his tenants, develops the most common feelings among ordinary citizens.

It is not the arrogant choice of Irene Adler who has all the material needs in the world and wants to find a man worthy of her.

It's not Catherine's kind of inexplicable emotion that can't be called liking at all, but she feels that this guy has done a lot for her, and it contains gratitude.

So at this moment, when she saw Sherlock resurrected from the dead and appeared in front of her eyes again, of course she had to rush over and hug him!

And this scene, in Moran's eyes, made his heart feel complicated.

This is a majestic saint of the Holy See. In the past hundreds of years, she was a woman who was supposed to be husband and wife to her master in name. Now, she was hugging another man in front of him. , this inexplicable jealousy poured directly into Moran's mind.

But Mrs. Hudson did not marry Moriarty after all.

What's even weirder is that the person who had sex with the Holy Son of the Holy See on the eve of the Day of Holy Love was herself.

Therefore, judging from the customs that have been passed down for centuries, I am the biggest defiler of this sacred marriage.

In other words, Moran personally destroyed the chastity of his most respected master, and now he sees the woman who was supposed to be his master's wife embracing another man. How can he be jealous on behalf of his master?

A bit messy.

Moran couldn't remember it anymore, so she sighed and stopped looking at the scene in front of her that was enough to make her head spin.

After a while, Mrs. Hudson finally realized her identity. Of course, a saint of the Holy See could not marry other men, so she could only hide her simple love for Sherlock in her heart, and slowly Let go of the man in your arms.

Sherlock continued awkwardly: "Why are you here?"

"I'll go up with you." Mrs. Hudson said: "I will go to the Temple of Holy Light to plead with them to let Watson go. They can't completely ignore the request of the Saint of the Vatican."

Sherlock frowned.

He understood the mood of the landlady very well. In the eyes of everyone, the Holy Light Temple was supreme. If she really had a conflict with the temple, the outcome would definitely be miserable. Therefore, it was understandable that she wanted to help him. Original.

But it felt really uncomfortable to ask her to plead with the temple for her own sake.

As for Moran.

She came here entirely because Moriarty was afraid that Sherlock would do something irreparable, so he asked Moran to go up with him.

That little dwarf knows Sherlock best. If he goes crazy, he can really do things like killing the God Envoy and demolishing the Holy Light Temple.

"My master should have told you that the Holy Light Temple is now divorced from the Holy See, but its rights still exist naturally.

If you get into really big trouble, the temple says it wants you dead.

At least 70% of the Holy Army's troops will obey the orders of the Holy Light Temple. By then, the Holy See will not be able to help.

The people of the empire's obedience to the temple can make you the target of the entire empire in a short period of time. Even though you have returned from the gate of hell, everyone thinks you are a hero.

But belief is blind and requires no reason. You can't go against the whole world. "

Moran's words are very true. In fact, Moriarty said the same thing to him not long ago.

But Sherlock still had the same answer in his mind.

In the past year, I have been fighting against the world every moment.

Of course, it's not pleasant to be an enemy of the world. Sherlock is a selfish person, not a masochistic person.

So, he just smiled: "Don't worry, I didn't go up the mountain to make trouble this time, I went to reason."



There was silence.

Moran and Mrs. Hudson both had uncontrollable expressions of confusion.

Sherlock. Reason.

These two words can actually be connected together?

"Don't be ridiculous. What we are talking about are serious things. Watson must be rescued, but we don't want you to be in danger." Hudson said seriously.

"I know, I know." Sherlock said, and then he seemed a little impatient, and waved his hand: "Okay, I'll go up the mountain first, and after I pick up Watson, let's find another place. chat."

This understatement was like saying that he was going upstairs to get a hat.

But the next second, he turned around and swept straight towards the huge mountain range in the distance.


As a maid, Moran has always been the kind of person who plays by the rules, except for sleeping with her master. Anyway, she really couldn't stand Sherlock's wanton and almost crazy behavior, so she yelled sharply. Throat, I just want to chase after it.

But in such a huge mountain range, how could it be possible to find a small figure of a person after a gust of wind and snow.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hudson stopped her and said anxiously: "Stop chasing her, let's just get on the airship!"

The status of Her Royal Highness is second only to the Pope. Military airships dare not fly to the temple, but Her Royal Highness can be directly called the exclusive airship of the Holy See.

So, the nuns in white immediately called one from the nearest parish.

A few hours later, the Holy See's airship landed at the bottom of the mountain range. After a brief repair, it flew towards the upper levels of the clouds.

Steep cliffs.

A strong wind emerges from the mountain stream.

Extremely cold temperatures.

And the snow that was so deep that my legs couldn’t pull it out.

Very few creatures can survive in this kind of environment, and it is even less likely for ordinary humans to come to such a place.

But Shylock is very familiar with this kind of environment. When he chased Nightingale for several months, he stayed in this extreme snow and wind almost every day.

He crossed the nearby jungle at the bottom of the mountain, climbed over the rock belt, and then stepped onto the towering snow line. Sherlock's current physical condition no longer has to worry about whether there is a mountain road. Even if it is a 90-degree vertical cliff, he can climb it with his bare hands. .

So in the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of light shone on the huge temple on the highest peak in the world, a servant of God who had just finished his worship saw a ray of light in the dazzling sunlight penetrating the wind and snow. When the shadow spread out for tens of meters and approached the temple little by little, everyone was stunned.

He watched as the shadow covered the steps of the temple bit by bit, and then, under a specific angle of sunlight, slowly spread towards the main body of the temple, as if it was going to envelope it.

After a few minutes, he finally saw a man walking out of the snow.

A thin man with snowflakes all over his body made him subconsciously feel absurd. Who is this guy? Did he come all the way up on foot?

"Hello." Sherlock looked at the huge temple in front of him and couldn't help but be surprised that such a magnificent palace could be built in a place like this. When he saw a divine servant at the door, he was in a good mood. Because I finally don’t have to wander around and find my way around.

The servant of God looks young, only in his early 20s. It may be because he has not stayed in the temple for a long time. The radiation sickness on his body is not serious yet, but his pupils are white and all the hair on his body has fallen off. He looks much more pleasing to the eye than those old guys with stooped figures and missing arms and legs.

And because the young servant of God grew up in the temple, he was still a little unfamiliar with normal interpersonal communication. Seeing a strange person appear in front of him, he seemed a little confused.

"Um hello"

He responded with a question mark on his head.

Sherlock stepped forward and shook off the snow on his body: "Sherlock Holmes, come here to pick up my partner, John Watson."

"Ah?" The expression on the servant's face showed that he obviously didn't follow the other person's train of thought. He blinked his eyes and squeezed out one word.

"I said, I'm here to pick up John Watson, the military doctor who killed one of your God's servants a month ago. To be honest, I've been in a good mood recently. There are many people interceding for your temple along the way, so pick them up quickly. Come out, as for how to apologize, just let Watson think about it then, don't waste time, otherwise I can't guarantee that my good mood will last forever."


Well, the servant of God became even more confused after hearing the other party's explanation.


Sherlock sighed helplessly, feeling that the guy in front of him might have something wrong with his brain. He said it very clearly, but he still couldn't understand it.

He had no choice but to walk towards the temple gate by himself.

"Wait! Who are you? Breaking into the temple without permission is unforgivable."

"Bang!" With a sound, Sherlock slapped the servant of God on the face, causing him to be slapped on the steps of the temple at his feet with a muffled sound.

Sherlock was confused. Didn't he just tell who he was and what he was doing here? Why did this guy still ask?

The good mood I had originally was ruined by this guy.

So, he stepped past the servant of God whose jaw was shattered by the slap, lit a cigarette, and came to the door of the huge temple that was four to five meters high.

In fact, there are several small doors next to the main door, which are usually used by ordinary servants of God to enter and exit, but Sherlock was too lazy to go there and kicked the heavy door directly.

A huge roar resounded through the clouds, causing the snow on the mountain top to tremble a bit, almost forming a massive avalanche that fell from the highest peak in the world. The door of the temple was kicked open with a bang, and there were huge giants on both sides of the door. Due to the long-term low temperature, the bearing seemed unable to withstand the sudden and rapid twisting, and it directly cracked in several places, emitting a piercing scream.

Suddenly, wind and snow poured into the main hall of the temple. The expensive charcoal burning in the wall heater was blown out by the howling wind, and the cold began to spread inside the temple.

The servants of God in the main hall were all dumbfounded. They were all so frightened that they didn't even have time to scream. They just looked at the kicked-open door in disbelief and saw the man with a cigarette in his mouth walking in the wind and snow outside the door. A man walks in.

Of course, Sherlock didn't care about the looks that were directed at him. He took a few steps forward, pulled over a servant of God who was closest to him, and asked directly: "Where is John Watson?"


The servant of God seemed to realize it, and then started to scream, causing Sherlock to tilt his head to the side, casually throwing the servant of God to the side, and then dragged another guy who seemed to have a clear mind: " Don’t waste all of our time, where is John Watson? He’s the military doctor who killed the servant of God!”

In other words, Sherlock is a good judge of people. The reaction ability or acceptance ability of this servant of God is indeed better than others. He immediately realized what all this was going on, so he forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart: " That... that death row inmate is in jail."

"Where is the prison?"

"Down below." The servant of God pointed at his feet, but then, he still upheld the absolute respect of a servant of God for the Holy Light Temple, and solemnly reminded: "It is absolutely unforgivable for the condemned prisoner to offend the Holy Light. He wants to visit Prisoners need permission from the old envoy!"

"Oh, that's fine." Sherlock nodded.

He is a man who understands the rules. The Divine Light Temple has the highest status in the empire. When he comes to save Watson, of course he cannot force his way in.

I have emphasized it many times, and this time he is here to reason.

So, Sherlock threw the servant of God on the ground and walked towards the depths of the hall.

The servants of the gods all around were so frightened that their legs were weak. After living in the temple for so many years, let alone seeing this formation before, even in the most terrifying nightmares, there had never been such a scene.

They rolled and crawled to the sides, watching helplessly as the man walked in and shouted:

"Old God Envoy, where are you? We need to talk!!!"

These days, the update time is not necessarily in the morning, but I still maintain 4,000 words a day. I’m sorry for everyone. I’ll give you a shout-out before the end of the year~

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