Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 471 Wedding (Part 2)

In a certain period before the Holy Calendar, humans passed down a spell of unknown meaning but with extraordinary effects.

When most people are struggling with something, or don’t know whether to move on, or how to deal with the arrival of someone, the development of something, etc., they just need to chant this mantra, The problem will be solved easily.

That is. "It's all coming."

Yes, it’s coming.

The front line is now building the most majestic military base in history in front of the Gate of Hell. According to legend, in order to cope with the upcoming demonic war, the high wall must be 30 meters high. The transportation of various supplies and the transfer of ammunition will take a long time. .

In this case, Nightingale had nothing to do. Of course she had to return to the hinterland of the empire.

It just so happened that Watson was getting married again, so of course she had to attend.

And Shylock was on stage as the best man. It seemed that the bridesmaid was just a daughter of the Pope's family. This gap was a bit big. She was not from the right family, and Nightingale could not let the bride's family lose face.

So I discussed with the bridesmaid whether I should go on stage instead.

Although this matter was not notified to the bride in advance, which was a bit unexpected, time was tight and this was the only way to go.

And the bridesmaid didn't even say a word, she just nodded with her big mouth.

So, this scene appeared in front of me.

There is an old saying in the Empire, that is, when you are in the mountains and forests, you cannot appreciate the towering mountains. For the same reason, Nightingale has been a little under-aware of her own intimidating power after so many years, especially on the front line. In the past two years, this former girl has really saved too many lives, and her reputation has already reached an outrageous level.

Who would have thought that it would be because of a wedding that she would appear in front of the people of the empire again.

Nightingale was the bridesmaid? ? ?

Anyway, at this moment, the entire auditorium fell into absolute silence. Under the successive shocks, people had completely given up resistance and just marveled and remained silent. Some people's bodies completely lost the ability to move, but their glasses and brains were still He refused to admit defeat and wanted to resist for a while longer.

Therefore, some eyes caught sight of the man next to Nightingale, and their brains ignorantly connected that man with the man who had been resurrected from the dead in the recent photo.

The landslide in consciousness triggered a tsunami, and the earthquake ushered in a meteor from the sky. But it doesn’t matter anymore, everyone is stupid anyway.

Jasmine looked at the ridiculously beautiful face in front of her for a moment. Perhaps because she had already known that her husband's partner was Mr. Sherlock, the shock in her mind dissipated faster than others, and she was stunned. Looking at Watson, he timidly said:

"Aren't the bridesmaids supposed to make the bride look prettier?"


Watson was startled, and the best man and bridesmaid next to him were also startled. None of them had ever been married, so they really didn't pay much attention to such details.

"It seems so." Sherlock muttered, and then looked at Nightingale next to him: "You are a bit too beautiful, and it is indeed not suitable. Otherwise, change it back?"

Watson also nodded, thinking it would be better to change it back.

Nightingale was a little anxious. She turned sideways in embarrassment and wanted to change with the bridesmaid just now, so as not to delay the wedding process.

But who knows!

"Are you crazy? Are you asking Miss Nightingale to step down?"

Jasmine looked at Sherlock and Watson as if they were crazy, and then immediately looked at the apologetic Miss Nightingale beside her, her face red as if it was about to smoke.

"Miss Nightingale, can I give you a hug?"


"I, I have your portrait in my bedroom. You are much more beautiful than that."

Jasmine was so excited that she became a little incoherent.

Nightingale smiled, took the initiative to open her arms, and hugged Jasmine.

During the whole process, Sherlock could clearly see that Jasmine was constantly muttering to herself: "Oh my God! Holy light!" and other exclamations.

"It seems that you two are really a couple." He said to Watson with a smile.

Watson looked slightly embarrassed: "I just found out that she likes Nightingale so much."

Everything that happened next seemed so peaceful, or indifferent.

Just like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, after being overly surprised, people's brains have completely shut down, so in the series of shocks that followed, nothing too embarrassing happened.

It was just that when Moran sent the gift from the Pope and said apologetically that he really couldn't get away, the daughter who came to attend the wedding of the Morstan family on behalf of a certain pope felt her legs weaken and collapsed on the ground. .

At first, no one paid attention to the wedding itself, and no one paid attention to the groom's New Year exchange of rings. But at this time, everything was different. Everyone understood that the man standing on the stage The man is not an ordinary person, and after exchanging rings, it means that the Morstan family has a son-in-law with an astonishing status. They didn't know how lucky Jasmine had been, and how much thought and price Morstan's family had paid for this man.

Anyway, everyone present looked at Ms. Morstan, congratulating the newlyweds and congratulating her on finding such a husband for her daughter.

Ms. Morstan had a decent smile on her face, but he was already panicking. She still doesn’t understand what happened. Why even Miss Nightingale appeared at the wedding. These people, really Are they all here for that man named Watson?

However, how could such a person marry his own daughter?

Is this a conspiracy set up by the Holy See or the imperial government?

Or am I having an extremely ridiculous dream?

She had lived in such a family since she was a child, and received the education of the unique benefits of a business family. When she became an adult, it was natural for her to marry a husband who could make the family continue to prosper. In Mrs. Morstan's understanding, she had thought about it. There are countless possibilities for marriage between his daughter and Watson.

The only thing I haven't thought about is the most common and simplest reason - love.

Maybe she simply couldn't understand that it was just a meeting in a London alley, a very dishonorable and even rude dinner, a kiss on the street, and they didn't tell each other their names until they separated.

"Beautiful lady, can you be my hostage?"


On that night three years ago, under that dining table, under the soft music and lights, the man sent such an unreasonable invitation to the woman.

Now three years have passed, and amid countless wonders, men and women face this side again.

"So, beautiful lady, can you please be my hostage again?"

Watson smiled at Jasmine who was wearing a wedding dress in front of him.


Jasmine replied, feeling very calm and happy, but she could no longer hear the applause, cheers, and blessings from the audience. She could only hear her own heartbeat and feel a simple ring passing through her fingertips.

Happy, but also somewhat distressed, I thought: "From now on, I'm afraid I won't have to be your hostage for the rest of my life."

I do!

I do!

When two people are in love, this word is extremely easy and freehand to say.

The cardinal among the newlyweds smiled especially sincerely. He was very lucky to meet such a pair of men and women with pure feelings in his lifetime. Of course, he was also proud of himself. After so many years, he still had not forgotten the process of the ceremony.

Next, naturally comes the less important speech segment.

Sherlock looked at Watson again.

"Is it really going to be like this?"

Watson shrugged: "I wanted to cancel it, but the bishop said that there is a speech session. If you don't go up, it would be a bit disrespectful to them."

"Then what if I insist on not giving him face?"

Sherlock seemed to want to make a last struggle, but Watson narrowed his eyes and reminded in a low voice: "I have never cared about whether you need to give anyone face, but this is my wedding.

So please hold on, just go up and say a few words, and then come down. "


"Go quickly!"

Watson pushed Sherlock toward the front desk angrily, and the noise in the audience suddenly fell silent. Everyone looked at him, the man who had returned from hell and was clothed in the glory of miracles.

Sherlock walked to the middle of the reception desk, took out the three-day-old manuscript in his pocket, and found that there was only one line of self-introduction on it.

He sighed. It seemed that this manuscript couldn't help him today.

So, he crumpled the paper in his hand and threw it to the ground

“I’ll just introduce myself without you having to do it.

After all, there won't be too little information about me in the Holy Journal. It doesn't matter whether it's true or false.

Today’s theme is wedding and love.

But I really don’t know how to wish you well, Watson.

I don’t know how to evaluate these things, especially [love], because it goes against reason. And weddings, a celebration derived from love, are also a bit weird and morbid. Especially at today's wedding, I saw hypocrisy, falsehood, absurdity, moral corruption, flashiness, etc., etc., which all confirmed my thoughts on the wedding.

Just now, I even felt a little sad because my best partner John Watson was also trapped in this love.

Oh, yes. Watson is my partner.

I consider myself a fairly smart person, and I am also quite conceited, so I cannot just casually find an unknown guy on the street and just casually accompany me and become my partner.

This can fully prove that Watson is also an extremely smart person.

Because of this, I had a little self-doubt just now. Since such a smart person is willing to devote himself to love, could it be because love is really so fascinating, and I just haven't realized this yet.

Next, I saw some people.

They all came with sincerity. Although they all came a little late, the blessings in your eyes made me feel that maybe love is really a good thing.

What I'm trying to say is that I may not be the unlikable guy that I am portrayed in the Holy Journal. I'm annoying, arrogant, unreasonable, vulgar, and a jerk. Meet me. Everyone is really unlucky. I despise morality, have no aesthetics, and don’t even understand happiness.

Therefore, I didn't write this wedding speech for three full days. I even didn't understand why Watson insisted on asking me to be the best man.

Of course, with my meager logical thinking, I vaguely guessed that this might be because he really regarded me as a friend. Well, I have to admit, Peanut, you are the bravest, kindest, and wisest person I have ever had the pleasure to know. A person like me can even feel warmth and friendship when getting along with you.

But I still can't bless you.

After all, we are very familiar with each other. I always feel a little awkward when I think about a strange woman appearing in your room in the future. "

Having said this, Sherlock turned to Jasmine

“But this beautiful lady, I want to bless you.

You have John Watson.

This persistent man has his own standards for judging justice and evil in his heart. He yearns for a better imperial society and the future of mankind.

But he chose you.

This man has an incomparable pursuit of beauty. He is willing to travel every inch of the empire for the beautiful scenery, but for you, he is willing to stay in a small room on Baker Street and just look at the sunset outside the window.

He once said that Nightingale was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

But for you, he is willing to let the most beautiful person in the empire stand beside you and hold the wedding ring for you.

Of course, this choice is not to put another burden on your marriage, but I want to say, Miss Jasmine, you are worthy of him.

As I have just emphasized, John Watson is a better and smarter person than anyone imagined.

So, logically speaking.

You two will definitely be happy. "

After saying these words, there was no applause or discussion. In fact, most people were still amazed at seeing Mr. Sherlock Holmes alive.

Or maybe they haven't caught up with the sudden turns in Sherlock's speech.

Just like that, Sherlock walked off the high platform of the auditorium, and Watson looked at him with a smile.

Jasmine's eyes were a little red, and she didn't know it was because of those words, but she sincerely said thank you to Sherlock.

"You should be able to tell that I'm not good at dealing with this kind of situation."

Sherlock smiled bitterly, then took out a cigarette: "I'm going to take a breather."

He walked to the other side of the church and lit his cigarette.

Until then, suddenly, warm applause burst out in the auditorium, and the silence just now was like the lighter in Sherlock's hand, bursting into flames in an instant.

"It doesn't seem too embarrassing." Sherlock thought, and then took a sip in a good mood.

As he slowly blew out the cigarette, several government officials in formal attire walked towards him.

"Mr. Holmes. You are accused of murdering the last king of the empire-Emperor Augustine. Please come with us."

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