Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 476 I do

Time is an extremely weird thing. In terms of energy development, Mr. Franklin pulled the empire into the age of electric energy. Professor Charles Darwin devoted his life to the study of biology. The speed of technological advancement exceeded all The imagination of the Imperial people.

But in today's human scientific process, [time] is still a mysterious realm that cannot be touched.

In fact, if we think about it from a human rational point of view, if there really is such a Creator, then it must hide the most dangerous things in the most secret and inaccessible places.

For example, if the speed of light is set at an upper limit, it means that most things in the universe will be controlled in a cage from which there is no escape. For example, the explosion or contraction of the original singularity that is not known to exist is doomed for millions of things. After hundreds of millions of years, there will eventually be a reincarnation. The existence of the world must require a rule in the thinking of those who are absolutely rational and materialistic.

If the rules are broken, extremely terrible things will happen.

Thinking about it this way, time might be something terrible that humans should never touch.

Fortunately, humans can hardly even understand time, let alone touch or even change it.

The bad thing is that the human race seems to be born with a certain stubborn attribute. Whenever there is a crisis, one or two people will always appear to save mankind from fire and water.

Three million years ago, during the great changes in the earth's crust, a great ape led his tribe out of the African continent and provided the first glimmer of life for mankind;

The water from the sky pours back in the Koran, Yu controls the floods in Eastern legends, and the Great Flood in the Bible of Hippoly. Various legends record a rise in sea level that is enough to destroy the human race. However, there is such a legendary figure. Noah spent 120 years building a huge ship.

The Great Plague swept through more than 4 million square kilometers in just a few years, and its spread was almost unstoppable. However, a group of medical personnel headed by Reverend Edward used cruel methods such as isolation, burning, and even massacre. The disaster was contained at the end of the European continent.

When there is smallpox, there is cowpox; when there is a high incidence of infection, there is penicillin; when there is an energy crisis, there are successive productivity revolutions; in the history of mankind, there will always be some people who can point the way for the future.

Therefore, in the year 2419 AD, when the earth showed a desperate scene similar to hell due to the explosion of the sun, in that last city of mankind, there was an unknown person who stood up again.

He touched the taboo hidden by the Creator. In despair, he grasped the turbulence of time and tore a hole in time on the Antarctic continent.

"Actually, from a four-dimensional perspective, time can be folded, just like a circle made of paper in the three-dimensional world. As long as you poke a hole in it with a pen, you can go to the hole. The other side.”

During those years, the hero who did not want to leave his name kept trying to tell others what was in his mind. He gave lectures throughout the surviving humanity, trying to find someone who could inherit his legacy. Even if there is only one.

Because the research on void cracks has not been completely successful, after all creatures pass through that crack, they will be twisted by some kind of power into extremely terrifying monsters.

In this way, it is impossible to save mankind.

But he was getting older, and before his death, it seemed that he would no longer be able to complete this experiment that was related to the survival of mankind. He could only place his hope on his students.

However, genius does not appear at any time. No matter how hard this person searched, he could not find anyone who could keep up with his thinking.

It is clear that the hope of the entire race is right in front of us, but for everything to stop moving forward because of lifespan, this is really something that no one can accept.

"Doctor, the research and development of [Project Canopy] is nearing completion. We will launch an artificial sun over the Antarctic continent and orbit the earth. According to calculations, it can reduce the amount of radiation in sunlight by more than 70%."

A government official came to the hospital bed and reported in a deep voice.

The old man in front of him was extremely haggard, his sparse hair curled feebly on top of his head, and age spots had already covered his cheeks. He was wearing an oxygen mask, adjusting his glasses with difficulty, and tremblingly calculated some calculations that others could not understand. The formula was written down in a notebook.

He is 93 years old, and it has been 40 years since the space-time rift opened, but it still cannot be perfected. He knows that he has limited time, so he can only hold on forcefully, unwilling to die, and looking forward to solving this problem before he dies.

After hearing the report from the government officials, the old man nodded happily. This artificial sun should be able to allow humans to survive tenaciously for a while.

"." After seeing the old man's pleased expression, the government official gritted his teeth and spoke again with great difficulty: "Doctor, there is still one final step before the [Top Canopy Project] is completely completed."

"Oh?" The old man finally looked away from the notes in his hand and looked at the person next to him in confusion: "What steps?"

"Because the structure of the artificial sun is too complex and requires extremely huge computing power to operate, the government created the console for Project Skyrim. However, because the energy consumption is too huge, the resources currently controlled by humans can only barely maintain its operation. 110 years.”

The old man was extremely smart. He could tell many things from the other person's expression, so he took off his glasses and said with a smile: "Human, what else do you need me to do?"

The government official looked at the extremely old face and the gentle smile, his heart twitched suddenly, he lowered his head and said: "We ask you to donate your brain after death to serve as a biological calculation terminal for the artificial sun. .”

The old man was slightly surprised. He knew that the research and development of biological computers had begun many years ago, but he had been concentrating on studying time cracks without paying too much attention. Unexpectedly, it was now possible to use the human brain to perform biological calculations.

So he smiled.

At this moment, he didn't think about what would happen if his brain was installed into the artificial sun, let alone whether he would still be conscious. If so, would he be launched into the universe along with the sun? Among them, he floated so alone in the dark void forever.

He just nodded and said softly: "I do"

I know this chapter is short, I hope there will be another chapter this afternoon, but if not, can you please scold me a little bit.

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