Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 478 The bad taste of paranoid children and the future

There are so many coincidences in the long river of time.

There are so many obsessions.

The old man implanted his brain into an artificial celestial body, and his consciousness was also connected to the artificial sun control terminal on the ground. The time rift has not yet been perfected. This obsession still prompted him to use control after his death. Terminal, constantly trying to complete this plan.

During that period, the artificial embryo project was just an idea. The old man's body had not yet been broken down into countless genetic fragments. The future was still dark, but I don't know whether it was good luck or some other reason. After the old man died, In the first century, the property of time rifts causing biological mutations seemed to be briefly resolved.

At that time, people in the desperate world seemed to have finally found hope of living, and the mission began to negotiate with people from another time and space in order to get a glimmer of hope.

However, as Lilith said before, human greed is more terrifying than imagined. Even if they are the same human beings, people in the two worlds still do not regard each other as the same kind. This may be information retained by one world. Too much, or it may be that the other world feels that it wants too little. Now no one will delve into that period of history, or even simply bury that period of history. Anyway, that sudden great robbery happened.

The resources of the entire world were snatched away, and the few remaining survivors were massacred. The last city of mankind was not destroyed by mutant creatures, but was destroyed at the hands of humans 800 years ago. The most important thing is that those bandits destroyed the artificial The control terminal of the sun was snatched away.

You know, that control terminal is connected to the old man's remaining consciousness. At this stage, all human understanding and research on space-time rifts are based on this biological machine. If it is snatched away, it means that the "Time-Space Escape Plan" will never be implemented. has come to a standstill.

The last way of life for the surviving humans was ruthlessly cut off.

At this point, the world has truly fallen into complete despair, and it is at this moment that the hatred for the world on the other side of the time and space rift is forever implanted in people's hearts.

It was precisely because the control terminal was plundered that the stability of time and space travel technology was greatly reduced. The space-time rift standing on the Antarctic continent began to expand. No one could control it, let alone close it.

The energy escaping from the big hole also began to undergo unexplainable transformations on the surrounding creatures. They seemed to have the ability to tear a hole in time, and they became more and more sophisticated in the past hundred years of reproduction and iteration. As you become more proficient, small void cracks will grow from time to time within a certain range, and mutated creatures begin to travel through time and space, killing the creatures in the other world.

Just like the karma mentioned in ancient religions, the entire world began to suffer its own consequences. If the Holy Calendar had not been opened and all human resources were unified, humans in this world would have been extinct faster than those on the other side.

Of course, the most important thing is the huge biological machine that was plundered. This may be the reason why the old professor’s obsession continues. This machine began to evolve continuously after traveling through 800 years. An artificial sun is floating in the universe 800 years later, but the ground console connected to it was stored on the top of the world's highest mountain at some time 800 years ago.

This wonderful state where the same consciousness spans several worlds and is still connected. It cannot be explained by absolute scientific concepts at this stage. Anyway, it just happened. Moreover, in the process of continuous evolution, this machine has also spanned 800 years. Over the years, we have worked hard to use radiation energy to prevent the time cracks from getting bigger and bigger.

In the eyes of the people of the empire, this phenomenon is like God protecting mankind, so the holy light shines on the world.

The Holy Light is omniscient and omnipotent, and the Holy Light can predict everything.

From a certain point of view, the Holy Light just uses extraordinary calculation data to deduce the occurrence of most things. And to be honest, the Holy Light itself was forcibly moved from the future. Of course it can The development of many things can be predicted in the trajectory of history.

At the same time, this holy light still has a little bit of bad taste.

For example, the old man happened to be holding his best book and reading it on the night he died. His mind was immersed in the time of the early 19th century, savoring the customs and changes in the world at that time. , he had too many interesting ideas in his mind, and he also realized the tenacious vitality of human beings, and that in times of crisis there will always be some heroic figures who can save the world from fire and water, or push human society to the bottom. a process.

His mind was filled with many names.

For example, the writer of the magnificent epic poem, the poet who dreamed of going to hell and drew an extremely gorgeous picture of another world; such as the stingy man who studied biology and tried to prove the theory of evolution of all things; such as flying a kite on a rainy day and not knowing whether to live or die. A balding middle-aged man who wanted to catch thunder and lightning, drafted the Declaration of Independence later in his career, and had his face printed on banknotes; such as a nurse; such as a retired doctor who only appeared in novels, such as

The old man put down his books that night, and the complex thoughts in his mind seemed to replace the revolving door of his life, and instead touched those familiar names in the long river of human history.

After that, after he was given the name of Holy Light, part of his subconscious was still thinking, if one day these powerful people in human history were gathered together, would it be possible to save mankind?

This is a somewhat childish idea, absurd, ridiculous, and impossible to realize.

But its thinking, which has not yet fully evolved into an independent personality, is obsessed with constructing this dream in the real world.

For example, one morning, it seemed that a pregnant woman's mind was tapped and a very interesting name was given to her.

For example, when a certain divine son came, the servants of God rushed to Jerusalem overnight, saying that the holy light descended from the gods last night and gave a life to this child.

Of course, the Holy Light can only helplessly spread these names, and at most it can interfere with the life processes of some of these people, but it has no way to determine the personalities of these people.

Therefore, Watson cannot be as rigorous and gentle as in the book, Nightingale cannot be a nurse with a bad temper, and Dante cannot be a helpless person. Even Moriarty is not a math teacher who thinks about making money and studying crime all day long.

As for Sherlock, he got along quite well by chance, and he actually became a detective.

But this is because detective seems to be the only profession that does not require any license, examination, study, identity, academic qualifications, diplomas and other messy things.

In this way, the world is constantly moving, some people are intertwined, and some people are fighting for their own ideas.

But ideas will eventually conflict.

That night, Shylock visited Lord Dante.

And the night after he left, this old man who also knew part of the truth about the world looked at the calm sea and didn't close his eyes all night.

He felt the increasingly thinner power in his body and the gradually aging organs. He didn't know when he would be unable to sleep in a certain dream.

Human beings are a blind race. They will be carried away by honor, faith, and other vain things; they will also forget their original intentions because of ridiculous things such as money and love. Human beings are blindly obedient after all, and under the current social structure, There has to be one person who stands on a high place and leads people to a new era.

After all, without the devil, human unity would be as fragile as a dry leaf.

But that guy Sherlock has a really weird personality. On the other side of the time rift, he was hunted for more than a year, and finally escaped, but he seemed to be obsessed with those people who tried their best to kill him, and Not hostile.

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