Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 484 The Fall of the Hero (Part 1)

As I just said, silence is not a good thing most of the time.

Sherlock is so quiet at the moment. He needs to focus, he needs to convince himself, and he needs to go over Lord Dante's words in his mind over and over again, telling himself not to go crazy.

Although your hands are cuffed, don’t go crazy;

Although your control is in the hands of the person you respect the most, don't go crazy.

Although you will be sent to court or become a criminal, don't go crazy.

Although some of the crimes were not committed by him, but were forcibly placed on him, but don't go crazy!

Although all kinds of things seem like being threatened, forced, or imprisoned, and although these behaviors obviously make you uncomfortable, try to endure it and don't go crazy!

Although just one blues can slow down my depressed mood a little bit, and the spicy feeling that hits my lungs can make me feel better, but the fool in front of me can't even light one for myself!

but! Don't go crazy!

Because my behavior is a bit extreme, but I am not a madman.

Sherlock knew very well that this moment was a very delicate moment. If he suddenly broke away from his shackles and slapped the head of the executive in front of him to pieces, then things would develop in a very bad direction. .

So, he remained silent and said nothing, just taking deep breaths to keep himself calm.

Don't go crazy! ! !


Maybe Sherlock really has a certain unflattering aura naturally, maybe it's because his hair is always messy, maybe it's because he has too sharp edges and looks very aggressive.

In short, his silence made the executive in front of him become nervous again.

That was an executive officer, an official of a violent organization recognized by the government and the Holy See, a professional responsible for dealing with the crimes of demons and contractors in the hinterland of the empire.

So of course he could feel the extremely dangerous feeling emanating from Sherlock.

At the same time, as an official of the Adjudication Department, he had also heard some rumors about Shylock, knew about several deacons of the Holy See who died in his hands, and knew that he seemed to have tortured and killed a pope. These thoughts made a second-level The top executive became increasingly uneasy, so he had to take out the gun from his waist and quietly load it. The task he was given was to keep an eye on the prisoner, so he didn't want to let the prisoner escape because of some oversights. Of course, this is also to make him feel more at ease.

However, no matter how secretive these behaviors are, they cannot escape Sherlock's observation. He smiled bitterly: "Did I make you nervous?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, the executive nodded.

"Put the gun back," Sherlock said.

"Please forgive me for not doing that. I must ensure that there will be no mistakes on the way to the trial court."

"I'm not crazy. I'll keep quiet until I get to my destination."

However, the executive shook his head nervously: "I can't believe a person who bombed an entire street for no reason."

"." The carriage that had just made some noise fell into silence again.

The executive didn't know why Sherlock suddenly stopped talking, but he was scared. People who haven't experienced it would be hard to imagine staying in a closed space with someone like Sherlock, especially since he kept suppressing his anger. Under such circumstances, when there is sudden silence for no reason, it will bring great fear and discomfort to people.

After a long time, Sherlock finally said: "I won't blow up an entire street for no reason. I told you, I'm not a madman.

In fact, I am a rational person in every sense, so I do things logically.

For example, I like to twist off the criminal's hands and feet and put them into a suitcase. This is because it is convenient to carry the suitcase and it is not too conspicuous. "

"Please be quiet." The executive repeated what he said just now. In fact, he didn't realize that what he said was contradictory to what he did. He was obviously very scared when the other party didn't speak, but he still kept on Ask the other party not to talk.

But this time, Sherlock did not shut up, but continued:

“I once killed the Pope, but that was because the Pope once wanted to kill me.

I once tried the vice-president of the Academy of Life Sciences without any evidence. That was because in my opinion, what he had done was well-documented and I was too lazy to follow the imperial legal process. To be honest, I I have always felt that the laws of the Empire are a piece of shit.

I once assassinated the Emperor because I thought he deserved to die.

I once killed many guards of the ancient Roman city for this reason. It was because they were trying to protect a person who deserved to die in my opinion. A group of people who were ready to kill me because of their position and in exchange for glory must also do it. Be prepared to die for this.

I have never said that I am a good person. The Commissioner of the London Police Department has said more than once that if I am in a bad mood one day, I will definitely become the most vicious criminal.

Yes, he is very good at reading people. "

At this point, the executive sitting opposite him finally couldn't stand it anymore. The moment he heard that the guy in front of him had assassinated the emperor, the executive suddenly picked up the gun in his hand and aimed it at Sherlock's face. Fortunately, he was powerful. His psychological quality did not allow him to pull the trigger at this moment. He just said tremblingly: "Shut up! I don't want to hear this!"

But Sherlock still didn't shut up. He continued talking, as if he was using words to comfort himself, telling himself to continue to calm down:

"I am a criminal, and I admit it, so I didn't complain when I was imprisoned in the blood prison, and I didn't feel wronged when I was pushed to the bottom of the blood prison, because I did kill a lot of people.

But these are crimes I admit to.

And the explosion on the street, those dead children, those innocent believers and citizens... they were not killed by me.

So I want to correct you, I do things logically and I only admit the crimes I have committed! "

"Fuck, shut up!" No one can understand why Sherlock still has to say these words at this time. If everything is really what he said, then he is undoubtedly a terrible criminal, but why does he insist on saying this? Concerned about the explosion on a street and the civilians who died? Compared with the things he said, a few citizens were nothing worth mentioning.

"I can't shut up, I have to convince myself."

"Shut up!!!"

the executive shouted excitedly.

His voice was probably noticed by the driver in front of the car, who braked suddenly. Then, the door of the rear cabin was opened, and a group of people from the Adjudication Department rushed in in a panic.

"What's wrong?"

"what happens?"

They saw that Sherlock was still being handcuffed, but his companion was pointing a gun at each other with a frightened look on his face, and asked eagerly.

"There is something wrong with this guy. I understand why Master Dante wants to imprison him. He is a criminal and a madman?!"

The light from the streetlight shone in from the car door, and Sherlock saw some bloodshot eyes in the eyes of the executive in front of him.

Entering the carriage with the light, there was also the unique cold wind of the ancient Roman city. This place was already close to the edge of the outer city. Looking through the door of the carriage, Sherlock saw a convoy gathered outside, as well as a group of heavily armed soldiers. , they looked at themselves one by one as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and aimed the black muzzles of their guns at themselves.

At this moment, Sherlock stopped talking.

He wasn't obedient or convinced himself, but suddenly felt a little tired.

He had been convincing himself to stay calm, but the moment he looked outside the car, he couldn't find a reason to continue convincing himself.

The people in the Adjudication Division didn't know what they said. They seemed to become very nervous, and then they looked at Sherlock in horror, and they were talking and yelling.

But he no longer cared about those contents. He just stood up quietly, and then walked out of the carriage with his hands cuffed in the face of countless gunshots.

"Stop, Mr. Sherlock!"

"Get back in the carriage, otherwise, we're going to shoot!"

The sounds of countless firearms being loaded and some roars sounded from all directions. Sherlock's eyes swept across the soldiers in front of him, and through some gaps, he saw some imperial people on the streets in the distance, using even more frightened expressions. Look this way.

Yes, why should I convince myself?

At this moment, Sherlock felt that the question was a mystery.

So he sighed: "I don't want to leave with you, I'm going home."

Under the night, he said lightly.

Everyone around them looked at the guy who was about to become a human hero with nervous and weird eyes, but they felt that this guy at this moment was like a fool or a madman, because everyone knew that he If he can't go home, no one will let him go.

"Don't force me, I'm in a bad mood, let me go."

Sherlock said, and raised his handcuffed hands, as if expecting someone to come over and open the shackles for him.

However, he saw several contractors standing at the back of the crowd, their expressions becoming extremely solemn. The transport trucks carrying the third-order demons were parked on the side of the road. Several people kept repeating: "Don't move, otherwise Let’s shoot!” and stuff like that.

Finally, Sherlock discovered sadly that none of the people in front of him was listening to what he said.

Subconsciously, he wanted to touch the cigarette in his pocket, but was stuck in an awkward position by the handcuffs.

That's this moment!

"Bang!" There was a gunshot.

In the crowd, a guard soldier was so nervous that his fingers trembled. He pressed the trigger back for a moment, and a hot bullet passed through the night wind and shot into the shoulder that Sherlock had just raised, exploding a cloud of fire. Too big a blood flower.

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