Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 493 Dead End

That's just a little black dot.

Then there were more small black spots, one after another, and there was no sound as the clouds dispersed, so no one noticed the changes above their heads at first, until someone raised their head, and then the people around them saw each other's strangeness and also raised their heads. , only to see that dense black dots were already falling towards the square, and the outlines of the first batch of black dots could almost be seen vaguely. Some contractors with better visual abilities even saw some in mid-air. It was tumbling messily, with a strange howling body and sharp fangs.

Each one of them showed an expression of extreme confusion and gradually panic. After several seconds, they could barely hold back one.


The time returns to 7:30 am.

A crewed airship in the suburbs of London finally took off after strict passenger checks.

There was no way, because after the issuance of the wanted order for Sherlock, it caused quite a stir among the people of the empire. There were signs of demonstrations or strikes everywhere. Some people who did not mind the matter seemed to have found a way to relieve their inner depression and take revenge on society. The number of robberies at street shops increased more than ten times overnight, forcing major transportation ports to step up inspections.

However, just 20 minutes after the airship took off.

"Dong dong dong."

A knock on the door woke up a drowsy passenger sitting in the luxury cabin.

Oh, it shouldn't be a knock on the door, but a knock on the window, right next to the passenger's ear.

The passenger rubbed his eyes and looked out the window in a daze, and then he saw a person outside the glass, smiling and greeting him while knocking.

The passenger turned over, unhappy that someone was disturbing him when he was about to fall asleep. No matter what he was selling, he couldn't ignore the other person.


Suddenly, the passenger's eyes widened, and he lost all sleep in an instant. Then he turned his head in disbelief and looked at the person outside who was greeting him apologetically, with a question mark on his forehead.

This is on a fucking airship.

The next second, he noticed the appearance of the man outside the window. His windbreaker was blown to pieces as if it was about to be torn to pieces, his hair was wildly dancing in the air nearly a thousand meters above the ground, and he had a smiling face. Face

Well, whether it was surprise or panic, the passengers recognized each other.

A wanted criminal is currently holding the outer edge of the airship cockpit with one hand, hanging on the other side of the window and greeting him. Well, it shouldn't be a greeting, but a gesture, which seems to be asking him to Stay away from the window.

At this moment, the passenger's body exceeded the reaction of his brain, and he jumped up from his seat with a roar, and rolled and crawled to the other side of the airship aisle. This move also aroused the dissatisfaction of the surrounding passengers, who followed him one after another. They looked over and saw the incredible scene. They saw the person outside the window facing the strong wind nearly a thousand meters above the ground, holding the edge of a piece of glass with their hands and beginning to tear it open.

No one realized what this meant. Anyway, when the entire glass was torn off and huge air flow roared into the cabin, screaming and panic, all the sounds were covered by the wind in the crack in the cabin. People He grabbed the seat and buckled the seat belt as hard as he could to prevent himself from being swept out by the airflow.

The man who had just broken in through the window was arranging his clothes, rubbing his blown hair, and said apologetically: "I regret to inform you that this airship has been hijacked."

In order to prevent Sherlock from directly summoning demons in London's Victory Square, the temple closed the branches of Holy Light in the entire area, starting from the Thames River as the dividing point and shielding a huge area of ​​200 square kilometers in the lower city. Without the help of demons, A third-level contractor would definitely not be able to withstand a sniper bullet filled with tranquilizers. Even if it could, how about two or three rounds?

Once during a military exercise, Major General Ulysses was able to hit Sherlock with one shot despite the crimson speed exceeding 160 kilometers per hour, as well as the scorching distortion of vision and the smoke obscuration. In the open square, as long as The target appears and he is confident that he will definitely keep it.

But who could have imagined it? Sherlock summoned a large number of demons more than ten kilometers away, packed the entire airship cockpit, and drove to the top of Victory Square like an iron can. An airdrop of an army of demons.

The investigators hiding in high places were stunned. The contractors mixed in the crowd below were stunned. In the shadows of major buildings and in alleys, the demon transport vehicles and military weapon handlers parked in alleys were stunned. The weapons they owned You can easily stop these demons, but you can't stop these demons from falling down.

"Poof!" a sound.

The first demon accelerated at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters and fell firmly to the ground. The blood exploded directly, like a rotten watermelon falling to the ground, and the scarlet juice splashed out in a large area.


More and more demons fell to the ground and fell into the crowd. Panic spread and people fled in all directions. However, the square was too empty and there was no shelter at all. As a result, people had no place to escape for a while. Fire hydrants It was smashed, and the water inside spurted out like an upside-down waterfall. The street lights were broken, and the wires were exposed to blood and stagnant water on the ground. Some people were convulsed by the electricity.

In the panic, the command voice in the communication channel was delayed for half a beat. All the hidden combatants rushed out and pointed their weapons at the sky. Regardless of whether they were useful or not, they first fired these 'flesh bombs' in the air. Let’s break it into pieces.

A large piece of flesh and blood is more lethal when smashed down, but a smaller piece of minced meat is smashed down and the damage range is wider. No one can figure out which one is the better choice, but there is no other way to deal with it now.

"Transport the prisoner away quickly!!"

An unknown voice sounded through the communicator. This voice made the soldiers in the square suddenly realize the key point.

That's right, no matter how chaotic the situation is, Sherlock's target is the condemned prisoner named Jasmine. As long as he protects the condemned prisoner quickly, it won't be a problem if it turns into a mess.

It has to be said that the members of the wanted group No. 221B are all elites from various departments. Just as the words were spoken, an armored vehicle quickly rushed through the crowd and arrived in front of the gallows. Several executioners and soldiers quickly Jasmine was stuffed into the car. The car was naturally specially reinforced. Even if it was directly hit by the devil in the sky, it would not cause much damage.

As a result, the people in the square finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to evacuate the crowd and retreat in an orderly manner.

A few minutes later.

The demon in the sky finally disappeared. The entire Victory Square seemed to have been drenched in a rain of blood. Broken flesh and corpses were everywhere. The statue of Dante in the center was smashed. The majestic power armor was only Half of it was left, which looked a little desolate.

In the buildings outside the square, the people of the action team finally repaired for a while. Some people were struggling to carry their comrades who had been smashed into concussions, and some were pulling out the broken bones of the devil stuck in their bodies.

"Throwing demons from the sky, how the hell can a human think of this?" a contractor yelled angrily.

Because there is a soul connection between the contracted demon and the contractor, an injury to the demon will cause backlash in the contractor. Therefore, most of the time, the contractor protects his demon as a treasure. This is an inherent understanding. , so no one can imagine that there are people who don’t want money, use demons as bombs, and transport so many at once.

"Oh, it is indeed a bit unexpected, but what can we do? The woman named Jasmine is still in our hands!"

A soldier whose leg was broken endured the pain of being bandaged and gritted his teeth and said, indeed, it is not a big loss if the hostage is still in hand.

"Fortunately, we reacted quickly and protected the person first. Otherwise, we might have been kidnapped by that Sherlock. Who shouted that loudly through the communicator. When the mission is over, apply for him. Second class merit!"

The team leader smiled and said that although his men were in a terrible state, he was in a good mood because he could take advantage of the legendary Sherlock.


After a few seconds, there was silence and no one answered.

"Haha, whoever thought of protecting the hostages first did a good job." The team leader smiled and asked again, then looked around and found that the surrounding soldiers were also looking around, but still no one answered.

An uneasy atmosphere spread among the crowd.

"Where are the hostages?" the team leader swallowed and asked.

"In the car, I saw the executioners taking people hostage inside."

"Oh, what about the car?"



There was silence in the crowd.

Half a minute later, a dedicated phone line in a church rang suddenly.


The phone was picked up, and among the panicked gasps on the other side, the squad leader's voice rang out: "In case of emergency, I want to find the Lord Chancellor!!"

"I am."

"Ah! Your Excellency the Chief Justice. The hostages have been taken away." The voice on the phone was full of anxiety. After spending so much manpower and material resources, he didn't even see the shadow of the target and let him take the hostages. Come on, no one can take responsibility for such a big omission. The team leader held the microphone tightly and nervously waited for the judge's angry rebuke.

But unexpectedly, the voice on the other side of the phone seemed very calm: "Oh, did that guy steal an airship, or did he blow up the entire ground?"

"Huh??" The team leader was stunned: "It's an airship. He dropped a warehouse full of demons."

"Oh haha, I know, you did a good job, please close the team."

The chief judge of the trial court said with a smile, ignoring the confused team leader on the other side and slowly hung up the phone. The stained glass of the church split the sunlight into countless tiny colorful fragments, which shone on the chancellor's robe and his peaceful smiling face.

"As I guessed, this guy chose heaven."

Opposite the justice stood his most proud disciple and successor as the next justice of the trial court, Stanley Hopkins.

But at this moment, this once-in-a-century genius had a cold face without any emotion.

"This is what I said, if we are dealing with an enemy that is too powerful, what we should think about is not how to cut off all its escape routes, but to leave some small opportunities for him, so that the opponent will Get in naturally." The justice looked at the cold face of his proud disciple and continued to say with a smile:

"I deliberately placed the execution address in London's Victory Square because I saw the steam pipes extending in all directions below Victory Square. Since London implemented the city-wide power replacement half a year ago, those steam pipes have been abandoned. If calculated correctly, it only takes 50 A kilogram of explosives can collapse half of the square. This is the first plan to save the hostages.

Through our previous analysis of Sherlock's character and contract ability, we found that he can actually create large-scale panic from the air, but this method requires strong self-confidence and prediction ability. After all, after hijacking the airship, he still needs Responders on the ground took advantage of the chaos to rescue the hostages.

I guess it was the hostage's new husband, John Peanut, who served as his helper on the ground.

You see, the target has indeed fallen into my trap, and it is the more effective dead end.

Now, he is in an airship, above the clouds, with no possibility of escaping. All it takes is a moderate explosion, and he has no way out. No matter how powerful the contractor is, it is impossible for him to resist. The effect of gravity. "

Before he finished speaking, Hopkins, who had been silent, finally said, "But, what about the passengers on the airship?"

The justice smiled: "Stanley Shylock is not an ordinary criminal, he has the ability to shake the structure of the empire, so this is not a simple crime trial, but a war.

There is no right or wrong in war, and it is impossible for war to be without innocent casualties.

And all we can do is minimize the damage. "

There is no right or wrong in war. This sounds unreasonable, but it is a fact. Hopkins has read a lot of historical documents. He knows that before the start of the Holy Calendar, there was almost always war between the countries on this planet. Innocent people died because of war.

Maybe these people died willingly, or maybe they died with endless resentment. In short, just like their teacher said, they could only work hard to minimize the damage.

But he just felt that something was not right, making him feel awkward and uncomfortable all over.

In order to kill Sherlock, his teacher loaded bombs on all the airships in London in advance. Now, the airship on which Sherlock is riding has become a death row with nowhere to escape.

All it takes is a moderate explosion to wipe out the empire's hidden dangers.

This should be considered the best ending.

"Okay, I can understand how you feel. You have had many interactions with your targets, and in some of them, I took the initiative to ask you to get close to Sherlock." The justice said seriously: "But you should understand , you are an official of the Tribunal, between the stability of the empire and friendship, you should know what to choose."

Hopkins' silence today was particularly stubborn. In fact, his teacher didn't know that he had murdered some criminals who were not sentenced to death because he was too obsessed with the law. The Ripper case that caused a lot of controversy at that time, among which He also has his own figure, otherwise he would not have said so much to himself today.

"Okay, you go and have a rest." The chief judge of the trial court realized that his student seemed reluctant to talk today, and he thought he understood the reason, so he waved his hand to indicate that the student could leave.

And he himself is responsible for the finishing work of all this.

After Hopkins left, he picked up the phone next to him and dialed a number.

"Yes, it's me. Please ask the Airship Navigation Bureau to connect me. I want to talk directly to Mr. Holmes."

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