Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 496 Reconciliation

World No. 12?

Who knows what that means.

But it is very likely that in a certain world, there is such an obscure person who said: The human soul itself has the attribute of madness. Standing on the edge of the abyss, sometimes, all it takes is a gentle push.

There are countless versions of this metaphor, such as a kite in a storm or a small hole in a river bank.

Sherlock just pushed now, cut the string of the kite, and poked the small hole in the river bank.

Everything collapsed like this.

Lord Dante was right, the old Lord Chancellor of the Inquisition was right, and even Commissioner Lestrade of Scotland Yard was right.

Shylock has the ability to subvert the empire, and he is worthy of the empire's laws and will do everything in his power to capture and kill him. If he wants to commit a crime one day, then he will be the most vicious criminal in the history of Saints.

Not only did they recognize the dangers of Sherlock becoming a criminal, they also gave him a reason to become a criminal.

The people cannot know the truth. Sherlock doesn't care about this. He is a detective and his job is to dig out the truth. Therefore, he spreads the truth to every corner of the empire. There is no use in shutting down the newspaper. He orders the broadcasters to shut up. It's useless. From today on, the truth is on the streets, in people's homes, in their pockets, everywhere.

Is there a gap in the army's recruitment?

Is the annual tax for the Great Expedition, or is it to appease the factories and businessmen who have the technology to develop weapons?

Are pensions for injured veterans going into someone else’s pocket?

Are there any differences in education between the aristocracy and the poor?

Why do some people work hard all their lives but can't even pay their medical bills?

For some people, the cost of a haircut in a lifetime is enough to cover the food expenses of a family for two months.

Resources are distributed unfairly, but people don't know how unfair it is.

People know that they have no access to the truth, but they don’t know how absurd the truth is.

They have not even considered that if most of the resources are concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, then the operation of the empire depends on these few classes. In this case, the empire needs to send as many resources as possible to these groups. .

As for the people at the bottom, they spend their whole lives just delivering fuel to these people.

Whatever it is, no matter what era it is, whether it is before or after the start of the Holy Calendar, whether there are kingdoms or systems, in short, it is like this at every stage in human history, and the structure of society is like this. Conflict never disappears.

But Sherlock, this bastard, actually made these things public and brought them to everyone's eyes. He began to investigate the truth in various fields, the truth between nobles and poor people, the truth between rich and poor, and the truth between officials and common people.

And he investigated too quickly!

One week, half a month, twenty days, thirty days.

He makes these truths that have permeated the entire history of mankind more terrifying than ever before.

When the imperial government finally could no longer bear the strike that had not eased for nearly a month, Mr. Franklin finally stood on the high platform of the ancient Roman city of France.

He is not a person who is good at inciting people's hearts, and on this day, he just hopes that his words can appear more sincere and more contagious.

I don’t know when some sunflowers bloomed on the streets of France. Some parish leaders held golden pendants. Priests wore white robes and recited something in a low voice near the pulpit. In the past few months, Over time, the Holy See's ability to control believers continued to decline, and senior members of the Holy See who had never interfered in the political decisions of the ancient Roman city gradually appeared in the capital of the empire.

This is really an incredible scene. When the Holy See and the government found that they were somewhat unable to control the people, the two forces that they had been fighting for centuries spontaneously came together and desperately wanted to bring the empire's top officials to the people. The control within is magnified.

Below the high platform, countless flashlights crackled, like countless guns spraying out blazing fire. Mr. Franklin announced that the members of the Council of Elders had decided to abolish the selection system of the imperial emperor and release this ability to the people. From the next At the beginning of the Translocation Ceremony, all citizens of the empire can choose the emperor candidate they support.

Some unsound laws will naturally be improved, and they promise to seriously rectify the capital flows of government enterprises, keep data open, and ensure the authenticity of government media reports. At the same time, they call on people participating in demonstrations in all major regions of the empire to stay as calm as possible, and Return to your respective jobs as soon as possible.

In countless flashes of light, he shouted impassionedly that the empire is the empire of the people, and we must believe that the government will lead mankind to a better future.

However, the excitement in his tone could not make Mr. Franklin ignore the panic in his heart. He knew that everything he said was based on a speech written by a government information agency. He knew that he was trying to appease the people and tried to stop it. deterioration of the situation.

But what he was worried about was that the empire was forced by one person to compromise with the people in just one month?

Has the government's deterrence been damaged?

Or is it really just like what is said in the demonstrations these days, that the deterrence force is actually based on lies?

Under the pulpit of the ancient Roman city was a huge square. Long before the start of the Holy Calendar, this was the place where the ancient country delivered its most important speeches. Countless inspiring words had been heard here. He looked down. The densely packed crowd continued to erupt with huge waves of applause, shouts, anger, and questions. The young students were flushed with excitement, and the dark-skinned workers were waving slogans.

What's going on? Why did a great empire suddenly become like this?

A thin figure wearing a windbreaker walked on the street, his hat was pulled down low, leaving only a cigarette flickering in the late autumn wind. The parade beside him had just passed the corner of the street, and now you can still hear those There were loud shouts, several shops had signs saying they were closed, and the fire reflected in the puddles at their feet showed that an overturned police car was burning.

The once busiest streets in the city center are full of garbage. The sanitation workers' strike lasts the longest because they can't make much money even if they work. Judging from this situation, if there is still no money next week If people come to clean up garbage, urban traffic will be hindered. As we all know, once traffic starts to be blocked, the entire city will be like concrete that is gradually drying out, and it will soon stop functioning.

And just this morning, an annual financial statement of the Palmia Administrative Region was made public. It also fell from the sky and overflowed from the mailbox of every household. No one knew that it was hidden somewhere. Where did people get these documents? Of course, the public is more concerned about the content above. For example, only one-third of the total tax revenue on the report was reported, and the remaining half has disappeared.

These thin pieces of paper made the strike team in the entire administrative district grow a little bigger, and even included many factory bosses who usually suppressed their employees.

Damn it, I lost more than half of the salary I worked so hard to withhold after I turned it over. This is hard to accept even for a capitalist who has no money to spare.

The chaos continues like this, and I don't know when it will completely get out of control.

"The situation is dangerous, and if this trend is not mitigated, it will become increasingly dangerous."

In the office of the London City Hall, some officials seemed to be talking to each other with trepidation. London has the highest quality of people among the many jurisdictions in the empire. I can't imagine what it's like in those remote cities where trade is not flowing. .

The mayor cautiously looked around at the scene outside the window and whispered:

"Use the power of the grassroots to fight the power of the upper levels. Once it gets out of control, big problems will arise."

Everyone knew something would go wrong.

Moreover, people who are desperately trying to maintain public sentiment seem to have temporarily forgotten that now is the time when the expedition team has arrived at the gate of hell and is building the final offensive fortress. At such a critical point that is about to change history, if the empire No, if there is a problem in the entire empire, the consequences will be disastrous.

"What should we do?"


The Mayor of London remained silent and did not look at the bastard official who had no eyes to ask such a stupid question at this time.

what to do?

What else can be done?

The initiator of all this is the guy named Sherlock. The whole world knows this, so there is only one way to calm down this chaos.

Everyone knew what to do, but no one dared to suggest it.

Is it necessary at this time to make a suggestion to the government, the Holy See, and the old man who has been revered for 30 years?

[Otherwise, let’s reconcile with Mr. Holmes]

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