Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 508 That person once

In the known illustrations of the Holy See, there are very few flying demons. Even if there are, they are definitely not third-level demons, let alone humanoid demons.

Of course Crimson can't fly either.

But under that extreme speed that made people's scalp numb, coupled with the last leap that was so exquisite that it reached a peak, gravity and speed reached some weird balance, and people watched the crimson color turn into a cloud. The bird that fell from the sky suddenly broke away from the shackles of the cliff and flew towards the gate of hell at a slight angle. It passed through the surrounding fireworks and moisture, passed through the smoke of gunpowder, and countless people who were frightened by avalanches at their feet. The demon group that arrived did not know how much wind and snow they smashed into, and how many demons they crushed. The plasma all over their bodies was blown away by the strong wind at a terrifying speed, like a terrifying creature reborn in blood and fire. The demon broke out of the muddy shackles and flew straight across a distance of nearly a kilometer in mid-air.

He disappeared!

Just like that, it disappeared into the darkness.

The avalanches are still pouring, the bullets and fire have not stopped, and the roar in front of the Gate of Hell is still ringing in the sky, but it seems that no sound can be heard in people's ears.

I just recalled the extremely thrilling few minutes just now.

I even forgot to call for a ceasefire.

In the year 294 of the Holy Calendar, a criminal wanted by the empire, under the gaze of millions of eyes, passed through the Dark Portal again with great vigor.

On the same day of the same month of the same year, an avalanche alarmed tens of millions of demons. The gate of mankind's last war fortress opened, and countless human warriors rushed towards the gate of hell.

In this way, the clarion call for the final war between humans and demons was sounded.

There is an Erin Bar in every city in the empire.

People who know its existence are either rich or noble. Even ordinary men and women who accidentally enter the bar will be surprised and leave directly after seeing the menu with that price, muttering indifferently, how dare you do this? The bar that charges high prices may not be able to survive for two months and will close down.

Ordinary people don't understand how the world works, and they can't imagine how different people's concepts of money can be. Maybe ten thousand imperial coins can make a family of three happy for a month, but for some people In his eyes, there was just a plate of peanuts on the dining table.

Inequality in resources, information, and money are problems that cannot be eradicated at every stage of human history, and even this problem is human society itself.

But fortunately, there are always some things in common between people, such as the desire to talk after drinking.

Whether it is a rich kid with a lot of money or a poor guy working in a factory, whether it is priceless wine or three large glasses of low-quality beer for 20 yuan in a pub, when drunk, they will all beep when trying to attract friends. A few beeps.

Now, the most popular topic of conversation in the entire empire is naturally the Battle of Hell's Gate that has been going on for more than half a year.

The partitions in Erin's Bar are all made of special hollow sponge partitions, but because they are not closed, you can hear the melodious music in the hall and some whispers from time to time.

There is water pouring down from the artificial rockery, and some fish are lying quietly at the bottom of the pond, seemingly intoxicated by a few syllables on the piano.

Looking back more than half a year ago, the general strike that affected the entire empire has been gradually downplayed by the media. Mr. Franklin’s promotion of salary allocation and the process of transparency of fund flows have more or less allowed the people to find some sense of balance. In addition, The government spared no effort to distribute subsidy funds, so that the largest parade in the history of the Holy Spirit gradually returned to calm.

Then, under the emotional stimulation of the much-publicized danger to the human race, as well as the newspaper slogans about the tragic war on the front line, and the news of victory that was constantly broadcast on the radio, people were encouraged to donate their money to the front line battlefield.

In fact, after walking around, the mood of the people improved, but the weight of their pockets did not change much.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

"Have you read the newspaper this morning? The baseline of the war has been advanced by 4 kilometers. Maybe in half a year, we will be able to hit the gate of hell." A young aristocratic young man who seemed to be a bit passionate talked about it. , the wine glass in his hand poured down, and the dripping wine was worth an unknown number of boxes of ammunition.

A young man wearing glasses across the wine table always looked worried.

"But this month's revenue is 7% less than last month. My old man is so anxious that he is already hospitalized."

Businessmen always focus on money. Although they already have more money than they can spend in a lifetime, they still cannot bear the psychological gap when they see the money they earn decreasing little by little.

"If you ask me, that guy named Franklin is simply an old fox. He talks about relaxing various policies, but as a result, the frontline cargo transportation industry is firmly in the hands of the government. Now is the time of victory, and all the funds are He withheld the biggest sum of money that went to the frontline battlefield, so how could he share the remaining little cake?"

A glass of wine was handed to the eldest son of the merchant's family, and a simple and honest laughter came along with the wine belch.

"Why do you care so much? When this battle is over, there is no easy way to make money, just drink!"

This optimistic mood began to spread. Indeed, as long as the war was won, there was nothing difficult to make.

Thinking back on the battle situation on the front line during this period, we have to say that the combat effectiveness of the human coalition shocked everyone at the beginning. The troops mixed with artificial contractors and new high-power electric energy weapons showed great performance in this war. Incredible lethality.

As for the means of commanding operations and the accurate calculation of strike positions, it is of course impossible for nobles in the hinterland of the empire to know. They are just sighing that there are so many powerful people in the world who can act like heroes. affect the entire battle situation.

General Patton's commanding ability is naturally not to mention. Almost the entire expedition process was run under his leadership. It is said that the Imperial Mechanical Institute and the Academy of Life Sciences have begun to create a bomb with terrifying power, which can even cause the collapse of mountains after detonation. , the permafrost tore apart, forever burying the Gate of Hell in the deepest part of the Antarctic continent, never to be seen again.

Behind the front lines, Nightingale has formed a group of professional field medical teams this year. There seems to be a set of data that shows that as long as her medical team is there, the war casualty rate on the front line can be reduced by 40%. !

Of course, war is indispensable for warriors. The bloodthirsty officer whose name was once hidden by the imperial military showed incredible personal fighting ability in this final decisive battle. One person is like an unstoppable heavily armored force. , constantly breaking into the depths of the demonic tide, detonating explosions that affected a huge area, and trying to find a way to get in and out of the gate of hell. If one day he really succeeds, he might be able to carry the new research and development alone. weapons, sinking the entire Gate of Hell into the depths of the continental shelf.

Speaking of this, the aristocratic young master, who was born with no worries, couldn't help but feel a little excited. The more prosperous young people, especially male young people, yearn for the glorious battlefield where blood is shed.

Of course, it's just yearning. They won't be stupid enough to go to the devil's mouth and die, but at this point in their mood, they have to drink a few drinks happily.

"Tell me, that officer named Baskerville is so powerful, why not let him lead a group of contracted demons, form a death squad, and rush to the gate of hell? Anyway, doesn't the Academy of Life Sciences have the technology to control wild demons? A war has been going on for so long, how much money will it cost?"

"Haha." A relatively sober person on the side couldn't help but smile: "Theoretically, it can be done like this, but who dares to bet that the officer is the strongest person in the Imperial Expeditionary Force now. If he can really succeed, Fortunately, if he fails and falls in the center of the demonic tide, there will be no one who can save him."

At this point, several people couldn't help but sigh. In the long years of human beings fighting against demons, it seems that only two powerful men in the world, Dante and Baskerville, have emerged who can approach the gate of hell with their own power. But now that Lord Dante is old and there is only one left, he naturally does not dare to let him risk a narrow escape.

"Hey, it would be great if there was a guy who could rush directly into the gate of hell, and save me every day." A man burped from wine and muttered in a daze.

The sound was not loud, but suddenly, the whole atmosphere seemed to solidify.

People looked at each other, as if they had thought that just over half a year ago, there really was such a person who rushed into the gate of hell like Lord Dante.

However, that person seemed to have later been discovered to have anti-human tendencies, and had once committed a serious crime of killing the emperor.

I haven't heard that person's name for so long. I guess he has been arrested and secretly executed.

The silence lasted for a while, and suddenly, a man raised his glass again.

"Hey, have you heard that our Pope is very famous now? It is said that the current Great Crusade can be launched because of his silent contribution behind the scenes. The relationship between the Emperor and him is also very good. Well, it seems that someone saw him walking with Lord Dante in Jerusalem."

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