Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 510 A little episode in the boring life in another world

Thirty million demons, this is definitely not a small number. Even for the survivor alliance with a huge number, it still cannot be completed in a short time.

"Don't be so embarrassed. I didn't set a time limit. Half a year, one year, or even three to five years. I can wait forever." Sherlock fiddled with a fallen cotton thread on the corner of his clothes and said calmly.

Lilith looked at him resentfully, as if she was a little angry: "Three to five years? Do you know how much pressure your existence has brought to us? Do you want us to send troops to guard you for three to five years?"

"I didn't let you stare at me. I told you that as long as you don't use planes or cannons to greet me in my face, I won't make trouble for you."

Lilith spread her hands: "You can't make the government believe your verbal promises. In fact, no matter what promises you make, the government will not believe them."

"Then speed up the progress. In one year, 30 million demons, you should be able to do it if you work hard." Sherlock threw the cigarette butt to the ground angrily: "To be honest, you guys are better than us here. That world was much more boring. There were no criminals, and there were very few murders. Even if someone died, he still couldn't bear the radiation sickness and committed suicide. If I really stayed in your world for three to five years, I would probably be the first to be unable to bear it. .”

About five months have passed since Sherlock crossed the gates of hell again. During this time, he reached a deal with the government that seemed a little unbalanced.

He said that as long as there are more than 30 million demons, the artificial celestial body control device that was lost centuries ago and carries countless experimental data can be brought back.

What the government has to do is to let him survive in this world quietly.

There is undoubtedly a huge gap between the celestial body operating device and a person's peaceful life. Let alone a peaceful life. If someone can really snatch back the celestial body operating device, the government is even willing to give it to this person. Erection of statues, altars, money and beauties are at his disposal, and he is even willing to hang his photo on the survivor government building.

But what makes the government a little depressed is that this person who longs for a peaceful life is a defector, a terrifying figure who can survive the pursuit of the army and return to the rift in time and space.

This is very difficult to handle. After all, no one can guarantee whether this guy will suddenly demolish the city on a whim one day.

at this time


Sherlock's cell phone rang.

Um. That's right, Sherlock didn't know how long he would stay in this world. Naturally, he also had a mobile phone. After picking up the phone, he responded lazily a few times, and then suddenly opened the phone that had been listless. Eye.

"The door is closed?"

"Is there a statue in there?"

He asked the person on the other side of the phone a few questions that Lilith couldn't understand, and then said more interestedly: "Okay, I'll go over now."

Then, he hung up the phone.

"What, is there something interesting that interests you?" Lilith asked.

"Well, it sounds quite interesting." Sherlock said and stood up: "Then I'll go over and contact me if you have anything."

Just like that, he wrapped his windbreaker tightly and disappeared to the other end of the square.

Lilith looked at Sherlock's back and seemed to feel that the surveillance team around her breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, Sherlock's watch is also equipped with a remote positioning device, which can check his location at any time, whether it is damage or destruction. When removed, an alarm will be issued immediately. No one dares to take this scary guy lightly.

But Sherlock didn't seem to care about the government's cautious attitude. After negotiating with the government, he rented a store on a small street, opened a detective agency casually, and then stayed bored. It’s been almost half a year.

During this period, in addition to hanging out, reading newspapers and watching TV, he would eat and sleep every day, just like an ordinary citizen who didn't have much enthusiasm for life. As for people who came to ask for entrustments, he would mostly ask about the ins and outs. The answer was given. As for those cases that required him to leave the detective agency, he would ignore them as long as he didn't think they were interesting.

It can be seen that he opened this detective agency because he is more suitable for this kind of work, but he will only pay attention to some interesting cases and ignore the rest.

This kind of life is indeed a bit boring for people like Sherlock.

On a not-too-remote side street in the city, Sherlock got out of the taxi and saw a woman standing at the door of his detective agency far away, looking a little sad.

In the past few months, as long as Sherlock didn't want to stay in the detective agency, he would just close the door and leave, and then leave a phone number on the door, so that if a client comes to see him, he can call him directly.

But as Lilith knew, most of the phone calls he made were just for a brief inquiry and then hung up in a boring way.

For him, now that he no longer has any worries about living expenses, he has no intention of listening to boring cases anymore. In fact, in the past few months, he has only eliminated three or four cases.

And the case mentioned by today's client seems to be a little interesting.

A man is in a room without any exit, and a fire burns him to a crisp.

The reporter was the mother of the deceased.

The street outside the car window was receding at a constant speed, Sherlock was sitting in the back seat, and the mother of the deceased was driving. They were now going to the crime scene, and they seemed extremely silent during the whole process.

Because it was a suicide case, the police only took notes over the phone and did not even conduct an on-site investigation because they did not have the manpower to spare. I heard that they would not be able to dispose of the body until tomorrow at the earliest. They also encouraged the family of the deceased on the phone to dispose of the body by themselves. Lose.

People in this world have a very strange ability to withstand death. For example, the client who is driving, her son just died yesterday, but she did not feel heartbroken about losing her loved one today, she just remained silent. , I could feel a bit of sadness, but it did not delay this mother's life.

Maybe her child is just a baby handed out from the embryo factory. Maybe people are ready to die from radiation sickness at any time when they are conscious. In short, although there are not many in this world There are homicides, but the death rate is much higher than in Sherlock's previous world.

Suicide is also the most common behavior.

Soon, the client took Sherlock to the crime scene.

This is a very common residential building, with a total of 60 floors and no less than 5,000 families living in it. The intricate building structure reminded Sherlock of a honeycomb. If this huge building was cut open and looked at from a distance, there might be... Gives people intensive phobia.

I took the elevator to the 41st floor and passed through countless narrow corridors and corridors.

Finally, a burning smell entered Sherlock's nose.

After walking forward for a while, a wall that was burnt black appeared in view.

It was a warehouse, a very old civilian warehouse. It was a square space inside, without any windows, and of course without a chimney or sewer. All entrances and exits had to go through an iron door, which was open to one person. At a high position, there is a small window 10 centimeters wide, blocked by iron bars, from which the scene inside the warehouse can be seen.

And here is where the deceased was burned yesterday. The flames rushed out from the small window on the door and blackened the wall on the opposite side of the corridor.

Since it was night, no one was passing by in the corridor, and the sprinkler device on the top of this old residential building had long been broken. It is not yet known whether the deceased in the warehouse screamed when they were burned. Anyway, the fire was quite strong. It burned for more than an hour, but no one noticed.

Fortunately, this warehouse was tightly sealed and there were very few things inside. Once everything was burned out, the fire naturally went out without causing any spread.

It sounds like a simple suicide.

But what interested Sherlock was that the door of this warehouse opened inwards.

But at this moment, a statue as tall as one person was standing tightly against the door, standing in the warehouse. Sherlock tried to push the door in, but found that he could only open a gap of about one centimeter, and could no longer push it. Moved.

Of course, what I say here is that it can't be pushed. It's just that ordinary people can't push it. If he uses a little strength, he can push open the nearby front wall for you.

But there are no contractors in this world, and it is certainly impossible for the deceased to move such a large statue.

So, how did this thing appear behind the door?

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