Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 513 The Great Plunder (1)

For Sherlock, this year is very long and very boring. So boring that if this period of time appeared in a novel, he would only write one or two chapters and there would be no way to finish it. .

But for the government of the Survivor Alliance, this year can be described as mentally and physically exhausting.

Those are 30 million mutant creatures. Although there are mutant creatures everywhere in this world, those guys are all aggressive.

Well, no matter what you say, one year has passed and the mission is accomplished.

No matter how hard it is, no matter how tiring it is, if we can really get back the machine that records the research documents on space-time cracks, even if there is only an extremely slim possibility, it is still worth a try.

A plane flew rapidly towards the mountains in the distance. In the center of the mountains, there was a huge but extremely crude temporary warehouse, which was used to store the tens of millions of demons.

In fact, it is a warehouse, but it is better to say that it is a huge aggregate built with steel cages. Looking down from a high altitude, the moving limbs, the fangs and bones protruding from the darkness of Wuyang Wuyang look so cold. All can cause intensive phobia.

Sherlock was sitting on this plane, with the huge roar of the plane's engine in his ears, but even so, he could still distinguish the screams and roars soaring into the sky from the mountains below.

Three dogs were locked in a room, and their screams were enough to make people dizzy. With 30 million demons gathered together, the screams were comparable to a flash flood.

The plane landed far away on a tarmac on the top of a mountain. Below was a tunnel dug out. Since the construction had only started in the past year, it looked very crude. Some hanging lamps were swaying, making the tunnel inside The silhouette of the human figure is like a dancing devil.

Along the way, Sherlock didn't ask Lilith how much manpower and material resources it would take to capture these demons, nor did Lilith ask Sherlock what he was going to do with these demons.

These are meaningless questions. If a person can bring a little hope to the world, then don't try to prove the authenticity, feasibility, probability of success, source, reason, etc. of this hope.

Just go and do what the person says.

Because the only hope can no longer bear any doubts.

Finally, with the roar at the end of the tunnel, the air-raid shelter door opened, and Lilith and a group of staff took Sherlock into a mountain col. Before that, everyone put on special protective clothing and Soundproof helmets, communicating with each other using radios.

Because a huge number of demons gathered together, the reverberation of sound waves in the mountain valley was enough to affect the human body. If a person did not wear protective clothing, a person might suffer organ damage, ruptured blood vessels, and skull damage due to the shock within a few minutes. Internal bleeding.

Even Sherlock put on protective clothing before going in. He knew what the number 30 million meant. Although his physical fitness was strong, in the face of the sheer number, he didn't want to be shocked deaf if he went in.

Of course, the mountain col is open-air, but because the huge iron cage aggregate blocks the sky and the sun, not much sunlight shines in. The exposure lights embedded in the rocks emit pale light, but compared with steel buildings hundreds of meters high. Standing up, there is no visibility at all. You can only see some nearby demons huddled in cages, roaring, and leaking bloody fangs at the people who just entered.

"There are 30 million. The life detector will update data every week, but the number is too huge and there is no way to guarantee accurate values.

Fortunately, the error can be guaranteed to be within 100,000. "

Lilith's voice came out from the communicator. It could be heard that her voice was a little trembling. Maybe it was because of the spiritual shock caused by this terrifying sea of ​​mutant creatures. Maybe it was because she was expecting that Sherlock could really Bringing a ray of light to this world. In short, she turned her gaze to the man beside her and stared at him for more than ten seconds.

Many of us have died for these things. There are not many resources in this world, and we cannot afford too much consumption.

Of course, I'm not putting pressure on you. I just want to say that we tried our best.

No matter what you have to do.

Me, the Survivor Alliance Government, and all humans in this world.

Hope you can succeed.

"." Sherlock raised his head, as if he wanted to let his sight pass through the demon body that was blocking the sky and the sun.

After a long time, he turned his head to look at Lilith.


As he spoke, he walked towards the demon closest to him. It should be a second-level, or mutated creature that has not yet reached maturity. Its ancestors should be cattle or sheep, with two horns full of It's a barb, curving and extending toward the back of the spine.

Seeing a human approaching, the little guy stared with blood-red eyes and poked his horns out of the gap in the cage, showing great aggression.

Sherlock didn't care. He took off one of his gloves and exposed his palm to the mutated creature.

From the sleeves, some tentacles slowly extended out, like tiny seaweed, floating towards the demon.

At this moment, under everyone's gaze, the mutated creature suddenly stopped roaring. It was stunned, and then began to retreat deeper into the cage, with a clear look of panic in its eyes.

It was hard to imagine that this look would appear on the face of an animal. What was even more incredible was that, centered on the mutated creature, this fear seemed to begin to spread. The roaring around them gradually became quieter, and silence continued to spread. The violent creatures in the cage were timidly hiding in the corner. A few minutes passed, and the roar in the entire mountain col was actually swallowed up by silence.

Within sight, the demons looked at Sherlock in horror, or looked around uneasily. This was the most instinctive fear of danger as a creature.

But what are they afraid of?

At this moment, suddenly, from the communicator, the voice of the staff who was extremely frightened came.

"Miss Lilith, something is coming!"

"???" Lilith frowned, not understanding what this ambiguous report meant: "Is there something? Make it clearer!"

"That's it." The staff member hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't know how to describe the scene he saw. He could only look at the mountains, where the black mountains and plains were pouring towards the central mountain col, holding back. After waiting for a long time, I finally managed to choke out one word: "It's the tide!"


In this geographical location, of course there can be no tide, and even if there is, it cannot be black.

So Lilith still couldn't understand the meaning of this word, until she felt the vibration under her feet. The sand and gravel in the mountains were pushed and slid down, rolling down from the top of the mountain. When countless dry vegetation was passed over, the withered branches broke. There was a clicking sound, the dodge began to tremble, and the roar came closer and closer.

The demons are becoming more and more frightened. They instinctively know that something terrible is coming, but they have nowhere to escape. They want to tell the ignorant people about this terrible thing, but they don't understand the other person's language. They can only huddle helplessly in their own cages.


The black tide overflowed through the mountains, climbed to the peak of the mountain col, and emerged slightly on the edge of the steel cage polymer that was so huge that it blocked the sky and the sun!

Then in the next moment, it turned into countless dark waterfalls pouring down, overwhelming the mountain, and the black water roared like an intrusion, roaring into the mountain col!

The people around them all panicked. They screamed and wanted to run away, but they didn't know where to run. They could only watch in horror as the black tide approached overwhelmingly, not knowing what it was. When the tide approached and was about to submerge him, he was even more horrified to discover that it turned out to be a dense and terrifying scene with countless tentacles clustered together.

But just when everyone was ready to be submerged by this black tide.

All the tentacles bypassed everyone on their own.

They kept pouring into those steel cages, stacked one layer on top of another, constantly climbing upwards.

Trying to engulf everything!

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