Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 515 The Great Plunder (3)

New era, new era.

In newspapers, this word has appeared constantly in recent years, but for people in the empire, what exactly is a [new] era?

Energy replacement, productivity leap?

The start of the expedition?

The separation of the Holy See and the Temple of Holy Light?

The closing of the gates of hell?

Tired after the celebration or the lingering excitement?

People are not very clear about it, because these are enough to change the current life and give unlimited possibilities to the future.

Among the many possibilities, no one has ever thought that one day a pope might become the emperor of the empire.

For centuries, the Holy See, as the wielder of the Holy Light in the world, has been worshiped by all believers. In the minds of almost everyone, the government is a necessary product to maintain the normal operation of human society, and the Holy See is the human race. The two are fundamental to survival. The two complement each other. Under the stability of social and material life, spiritual security is also guaranteed.

At the same time, the two forces are constantly restricting each other due to their different division of labor. The people are ignorant. Even the people themselves know this. After all, money, life, work, trivial matters between neighbors and children crying all day long , is enough to exhaust all the energy.

So there are a lot of things that people don't understand.

Long before the start of the Holy Calendar, when the world was still divided into countries, many people in non-faithful countries simply could not understand the weird rules of religious governance in Western countries, and religious groups could not understand that in a country without faith, What beliefs do people rely on to survive?

Similarly, people in the empire cannot imagine what the world would be like if a pope became an emperor.

In all the time in the past, it is impossible for people to accept this phenomenon, because it has never been like this. Just like before the start of the Holy Calendar, a certain member of the Eastern country also served as the president of a Western country. Then What the hell is going on?

The people cannot accept unknown changes. If this happens, both the government's credibility and its faith in the Holy See will be devastated.

However, in these years, there have been too many unknown changes that the people of the Empire have been forced to accept. Just like the sudden disintegration of the Holy See and the Temple of Holy Light at the end of the previous year, and after the gate of hell was closed, the government's credibility has expanded to At the extreme, many things were unthinkable by people in previous centuries. Anyway, everything is just like what was said in newspapers and radios. This is a gap between the old and new eras, and everything is brand new.

So, at this juncture that is inexplicable, strange, and confusing, but also exciting, joyful, and full of endless expectations for the future.

The new succession ceremony has begun.

However, the final result of the ceremony this time is not solely responsible for the Imperial Council of Elders. Those stubborn old men only have 40% of the say, and the remaining 60% is in the hands of the people.

This system was implemented by Emperor Franklin himself after the Imperial March a year ago. In fact, for a long time after that, people did not understand what this system meant until this time. At the beginning of the ceremony, people were surprised to find that a huge ballot box actually appeared in the Victory Square in each administrative district, and government officials really kept calling on the people to vote, either by name or anonymously, or even For the candidates you support, you can draw banners and slogans to praise their great achievements and win votes for them.

This model is simply unimaginable for the people of the empire. Not only government officials, businessmen, nobles, civilians, and even the tavern girls at the lowest level of society all have equal rights. This system is No one could tell whether it was good or bad, but for the first time, they felt that they seemed to be of some use to the future of this empire.

Due to the reform of the format of this succession ceremony, there were seven candidates, and because of Franklin's initiative to abdicate, the competition for votes was extremely fierce. Fortunately, the whole process was at least within the reach of the public at this stage. The entire process is conducted with absolute fairness.

The vigorous voting process for the succession ceremony lasted for four months, and in the end, under the unified vote of the people, the result was.

Moriarty was successfully elected as the new emperor.

This matter was so absurd at the beginning, but during the four-month voting period, it gave people a sufficient buffer in their hearts. Coupled with the various contributions that the Pope has made to the empire, he has become the leader of mankind. The glory of the hero, Lord Dante has shown his favor in the public eye more than once. The most important thing is that this is the final candidate selected by the general public through voting.

Whether it was [popularity] or [blind submission], in short, at the succession ceremony, in front of the huge crowds of people in the ancient Roman city, on the ancient stone platform, Mr. Franklin, who was increasingly balding, took off his yellow robe and walked from When he stood up on the throne and placed the crown on the head of the young pope, who was a head shorter than himself, the entire French city burst into unprecedented cheers.

There are no sunflowers here, only white pigeons flying in flocks across the sky. The ceremonial guard on both sides of the high platform played magnificent music, interspersed with precise drumbeats, and uniform gunshots.

Since the opening of the Holy Calendar is the opening of the gates of hell, mankind is facing a time of crisis. But now, the gates of hell are closed, and a new era has begun.

Therefore, as early as the beginning of the election for the new emperor, government officials proposed that when the new king succeeds to the throne, the year record should be changed directly to the first year of the [New Calendar].

This is to commemorate the destruction of the devil and the beginning of a new era.

However, this proposal was directly rejected after Moriarty succeeded to the throne. Government officials did not quite understand that this was the best time to change the year. The painful war period had passed, so why should they continue to support it? With this year mark full of dark memories?

What is even more puzzling is that after Moriarty succeeded to the throne, he did not seem to reduce military expenditures at all. Instead, he paid more attention to the size of the army and weapons production. The recruitment order has also remained the same as when the Great Expedition began. strength.

But now that the demons are gone, why spend so much money on raising an army?

It seems as if the devil will come back in the near future.

I have to go out tomorrow, so the updates may not be timely, so I’ll give you a shout-out.

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