Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 521 Between Time and Space (Part 1)

Then there’s no need to talk about it!

If there is no need to talk, then naturally there will be no talk, no cold words to each other, no boring conversations to show whether each other is right or wrong, and there is no need to even curse.

Times are advancing, organisms are evolving, and various civilizations will evolve between different races. However, it seems that the ultimate point of all problems will evolve into the most primitive and basic way: eliminate each other!

Devour, kill, use fangs, claws, stones, tools, flames, gun wars, army massacres, civilization invasions, and even let an entire plain text fall to another plane, or dimension.

The contradiction arises between each other, so as long as the other party is eliminated, the contradiction will naturally be resolved. This is the simplest answer that can be obtained without any reasoning ability.

So the war began.

Between two people, in this gap in time and space that stretches thousands of miles, silence suddenly breaks out.

The old man and the man were very close, only three to five meters away. For an ordinary person, this distance might take two steps and take several seconds. But in this intertwined black and white space, the simplest The short distance between colors is really scary.

The old man moved quietly. It was not that there was no sound, but before he could hear the explosion at that moment, his body had already arrived in front of the other party, leaving only the gradually blurred figure in the original place that had just lost sight. Capturing the ghost of inertia.

At the same moment, Sherlock's eyes instantly shrank to a tiny focus. His eyesight and brain, which could normally capture the most complex movement trajectories without distinction, failed to keep up with that extremely simple straight line at this moment.

The old man's movements were too simple. He just took a normal step without any fancy steps or rhythms, but it also made him appear extraordinarily powerful. In the face of absolute speed and power, all techniques seemed so useless. As long as he got close to the opponent , contacting the opponent, penetrating the physical force into the opponent's body, and this force just exceeds the upper limit of the opponent's body. From fights in the streets, to bloody fights on the battlefield, and even to the life and death of two worlds , in fact, to put it bluntly, it is such a simple truth, there is no need to distinguish between [remote attack] and [process attack], because as long as it is fast enough, it will be the same regardless of distance.

Between the mountains, a violent wind blew up. It was the air wave that the white snow under his feet had just reacted to when the old man moved. This force spread out in a circle, whistling across the top of the strange snow-capped mountains, and then along the mountains. The ravines formed an explosion like a demonic roar.

Some soldiers who were close by were blown away by the air wave, and their heavy bulletproof shields hit the cold rocks. The guns in their hands opened fire subconsciously, but they only shot out unmistakable fire in mid-air, and their ears were shocked. It burst, and there was a turbulence in the chest, and even blood came out.

It was just a blink of an eye. In Sherlock's tiny pupils, his reflexes, which were beyond the capabilities of ordinary people, were running wildly. He drove the muscles of his body ferociously, causing his body to break away from his reflexes. He made the most correct response, and the legs on his side moved fiercely. He was placed on a mountain rock, twisting his body powerfully and strangely to avoid the terrifying force that was heading straight for his chest.

However, the force was still too great. Although he avoided direct contact, the wind pressure it brought out instantly enveloped Sherlock, and his body flew upside down like a kite with broken strings, followed by whistling rock fragments and flying missiles. The ice and white snow smashed into large pieces of deep rock, rolled into the army in the distant mountain col, roared and dragged out a deep ditch on the ground, and destroyed the bodies of countless people.

For a moment, no one realized what happened. The instinct of the creature directly caused people to feel the terror in their hearts.


Amidst the huge roar, a shout suddenly rang out from people's helmets, dispelling the fear in their hearts.

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of, because death is already the most common element in this world. No one will have the delusion that they can end their lives, endure endless pain in the hospital bed, and finally end their lives tragically, seemingly in the distance. The old man who is like a god and a demon and turned into flesh and blood under his terrifying power is even more heroic and heroic.

The most powerful way to defeat death is to die.

As a result, there was a flash of fire between the mountains. At the strange dividing line between the darkness and the void, the death army that gathered all the military power in the world was like an endless wild beast, hungry for many years, heading towards the end. The mechanized troops gathered into a majestic torrent, crushing the ice between the mountains coldly and crazily. With the firelight soaring into the sky and the devastation on the ground, they crushed all the way towards the old man. come over.

And their target is the top of the snow-capped mountain standing in the darkness behind the old man. Right there, the research data on the space-time rift that records the world's last hope is right there!

Of course, the old man was faster than anyone else. In fact, before the endless army was launched, he had already turned into a pale stream of light, rushing straight into the battle formation and directly in front of the junior whom he had the most high hopes for.

In the sky, the near-Earth satellites maintained a relatively stationary position as the earth rotated. In the battle formation, the army generals looked down from high altitude on this war that exceeded their ability to understand. They looked at the single, thin man. The body was swallowing mountains and rivers with every movement and stillness, and set off a storm of snow with its strength and speed. Everyone's body was tense, and they just felt creepy!

Even those researchers who had watched the video of the first visitor from another world more than a dozen times were still shocked beyond words when they stared at the dynamic picture.

They couldn't even imagine how they would respond if that terrifying white-haired old man devoted all his offensive to Zhou Zai's army.

Fortunately, the old man did not do this now. Maybe he felt that the army was not a big threat to him, or maybe for some unknown reason. In short, he focused all his attention on the second person from another world. visitors.

Of course, people in this world cannot believe that the two people who are fighting fiercely at this moment were sitting at the same table drinking tea more than a year ago. The man respects the old man, and the old man also regards the man as the successor of his will after death. .

It is precisely because of this that when the man committed this series of events, the old man seemed to feel that he had a share of the blame for all this.

It's a mistake that needs to be corrected!

It must be erased!

In the satellite picture, the center of the army has been swept out of a large open space by the wild wind. The vibrations of smoke and dust represent the collision of huge forces. Occasionally, a body covered in blood can be glimpsed on the ground. He was constantly being smashed into the mountain, or flying into the sky, as if the man would be shattered into the dark curtain in the next moment.

Sherlock's whole body was smashed into the ground heavily, and the rocks behind him had long been turned into rubble. In fact, from the very first moment, he had been experiencing an unprecedented horrific bombardment. He knew very well that he was a genius. After becoming a contractor, he became one of the most powerful people in the world in just a few years. And after enduring these years of training, he should More powerful than imagined.

But he still didn't expect that the old man could be so powerful that he wouldn't even give him a chance to breathe, and would even kill him to death within a few seconds.

Blood filled most of his field of vision, and the pain all over his body was palpable. During this period of time, he had not even fought back once. Several bones were broken, and his internal organs were almost exploded by the force of penetration.

Sherlock had always thought that old Dante had not exercised for decades, and that his life had finally come to an end, and his strength should be far weaker than at the peak of his youth.

But it turns out that this common sense does not apply to the old man in front of him at all. The power of breaking mountains and cracking rocks is constantly pouring into his body, almost defeating him with every blow. There is no dodge at all, and it seems that he will never stop.

Fortunately, every time he endured the extremely miserable experience, countless simulation scenes were formed in Sherlock's brain. He was constantly adapting to the strength and speed of the bombardment, and even simulating the old man's habits, emotions, and breathing patterns. Rhythm, eyes filled with murderous intent.

At a certain moment, the old man pressed Sherlock's face and forcibly crushed his entire head into the steel of a war. Sherlock's sight passed through the opponent's fingers, feeling the violent wind of the fist. Just after leaving his side ribs, the old man's chest swelled slightly, which was the heavy ventilation that is bound to accompany a creature after strenuous exercise.

It was at this moment that Sherlock's whole body pressed back violently, and the broken steel chassis and the gravel underneath suddenly collapsed, leaving a gap of less than half a centimeter between his body and the opponent's palm.

Then, there was a loud explosion of "Boom!"

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