Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 523 Between Time and Space (Part 2)

Time is the greatest mystery in the world.

A butterfly flaps its wings, fallen leaves are carried in different directions by the wind, a ray of sunshine comes a second earlier or a second later at a certain time on a certain day, a child inadvertently yawns, or even a drop of water splashes into the pond, causing ripples. More or less ripples.

Time presents countless possibilities under different branches, and these possibilities converge into tens of thousands of worlds.

Once, a meteor accidentally entered a galaxy centered on the sun. The gravity captured some fragments of cosmic garbage within a few seconds. One of the cosmic garbage was pulled and crashed into this galaxy at an incredible speed. A small star passed by and changed its original direction by chance.

There was only such a negligible change, but the terrifying speed of this star and the distance of the universe made this star sadly come into contact with the capture range of the sun. The huge star instantly He grabbed it tightly and pulled it towards him.

No one knows what material that star is made of. In short, when it melted under the blazing solar wind, the seeds of a disaster were planted. In less than a few hundred years, the center of the galaxy , the star that has existed for hundreds of millions of years began to burst out with terrifying vitality. It may be that it finally woke up from its slumber, or it may be that it wanted to release all its heat before predicting its death. In short, the sun began to go crazy, and A blue planet has become a fish in the pond.

In this way, a hopeless world was born.

In order to escape, the people of this world touched the taboo of time. A crack in time and space pulled another world in a strange direction.

In the concept of time, it is so easy to create a completely different world.

Tens of millions of years ago, an ancient ape faced danger, picked up the stone on his left hand, and killed the hungry jackal. At this point, the world's first tools were born, and spears, bows and arrows were developed based on it. Lever, wheel, a grand civilization slowly opened.

But in another timeline, the monkey picked up a burning stick on the right hand side and lit the jackal's hair. At this point, the flame became the symbol of this ethnic group. In the thousands of years since then, various people have Various fuels began to be developed. Flame and high temperature became the main body of this world. Tempering and sublimation, the ashes of all things burned merged with each other. In the flames, substances that did not originally exist in nature were once again condensed. The power of alchemy The prototype gradually sprouted under constant evolution.

What if the species that sprout intelligence in the mountains are not just monkeys?

Cattle, sheep, pigs and horses all began to evolve. It was a world where everything was a spiritual and intelligent demon.

There are people in the mountains who really feel a ray of breath traveling around their body, limbs and bones. Doesn't spiritual practice necessarily only stop at the stage of strengthening the body?

Under the macroscopic probability, any world is possible or even inevitable. Of course, for Sherlock and Dante at this moment, no one will think about these too far-off issues. They will think about it alone. Thinking about how to kill the other party, a person concentrates all his energy on avoiding being killed by the other party.

Everyone knows that the time and space rift is imperfect, but its imperfection not only gives some physical variation to the people who travel through the period, but most importantly, this rift is not a single passage.

It's just that when people cross the crack, they always follow its guidance and fall in a fixed direction. So, what will happen if they run rampant in the crack?

Will he be taken to other worlds?

Over an abandoned medieval castle, a giant dragon has just returned to its nest. In the thorn forest below, warriors wearing steel armor are marching on the road to defeat the dragon. Someone raised his head and looked at the gap between the dense thorns. Then something suddenly tore through the sky, and there was a faint sound of flesh bombarding each other, but the sound was extremely loud, and in an instant, it was swallowed up by a small piece of darkness that suddenly rose up.

In a remote small village, a young man was lying on the back of a cow, looking at the old book seeking Taoism in his hand, imagining that one day he could climb the fairy mountain and feel the aura of this world, but suddenly a crack appeared above his head, and a man covered in Bloody, the man with an overly angular face was hit not far away with a bang. The huge impact caused him to plow the grass and roll out a deep trench that was a hundred meters long.

The young man opened his mouth and dropped the old book in his hand. The next second, an old man with white hair bumped into the man just now. The dust on the ground was shaken up into the sky. Cows in the distance were The group fled in all directions, and another hint of darkness appeared, as if some kind of rule was eager to drag the two people who suddenly got up back to the world that originally belonged to them.

The young man on the back of the cow was trembling with excitement. He thought he saw immortals fighting. He hurriedly picked up the old books on the ground, and his obsession with spiritual practice deepened.

In this extremely chaotic battle, the two people had no idea how many time and space they had crossed. In world No. 31, Sherlock smashed a concentrate detector. In world No. 8, a mine was dedicated to the ancient unknown old god. The temple was kicked down by Lord Dante. In World No. 0, a miserable man who was chewing sugar-free biscuits and typing Chinese characters on the keyboard felt a sudden gust of wind behind him, blowing the room full of people. The sheets and clothes were blown away. He turned around in panic but didn't see anything.

Time has a binding force. In the process of traveling again and again, the dark cracks constantly adjusted the positions of the two people. Finally, in the sky of the Elbes Mountains of the Empire, a meteor rushed out from the darkness. , crossed the mountain, smashed the rocks and soil into pieces, and smashed them towards the ground.

Of course it wasn't a shooting star, just two people.

In that world that was mired in despair, since the white-haired old man had not appeared again for a long time, the troops gathered around the mountains began a mighty march. Countless tanks drove into the rift in time and space, cautiously approaching the place. On the top of a snow-capped mountain 800 years ago, missiles and artillery fire carved a bloody path among the demonic swarms. Dozens of drilling machines crushed the mountain rocks, climbed to the temple, and started without respect. Crazy digging holes under the mountains.

In front of the geological exploration instruments, several scientists, who were dizzy and had bloody noses in the cracks of time and space, resisted the strong urge to vomit and kept shouting into the microphone:

"Two hundred meters ahead, another two thousand revolutions of the drill bit!"

"Almost there! 100 meters!"

"Change the manual! Be careful! Be careful!"

Their eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. Although they did not pass through the cracks, this dark and chaotic space could still cause the human body to feel unspeakable discomfort.

But no one thought about backing down, and even people ignored the hair that gradually began to fall out, the blood vomited in the stomach, and the nails that fell off with just a slight tear.

People are waiting feverishly and holding on.

Finally, a hollow rock wall below the mountain suddenly collapsed, revealing a large hole more than two meters wide.

The blue light seemed to have been imprisoned for centuries, and finally found the exit, so it rushed straight up the hole crazily, and people nearby had to squint their eyes.

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