Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 532 Resurrection (Part 1)

The empire has been established for centuries, and Lord Dante is less than 90 years old.

The Devil's Gate has appeared for centuries. Before Lord Dante was born, humans could still survive in this world with their own tenacity.

But at this moment, everyone seemed to feel that the empire had collapsed.

The temperature above the clouds does not change due to the change of seasons. It is closer to the sun, but it is as cold as winter all year round. The bright morning sun spreads on the deck, but it only condenses into a thin layer of frost. The cold wind and bright light form a The strongest contrast, so people can only feel shivering and cold backs when bathing in the light.

The search and rescue team hired by Ms. Irene Adler is undoubtedly the most professional. They are accompanied by the most professional medical personnel, so people know exactly what is happening in this sky, in this airship, and in this cabin. In fact, some things could have been foreseen long ago, but when they actually witnessed this scene happening, people's hearts seemed to gradually stop following the slow rise and fall, and finally solidified into a shocking straight line.

It extends from one side of the advanced display to the other side.



Then, there was an explosion like the earth was shattering. After rubbing their eyes countless times, people found that they could no longer deceive themselves. They fell to their knees limply and buried their faces in their hands. It was the first time in their lives that these people saw the old man in front of them. , their impression of them seems to be only those heroic images of young men wearing old-fashioned steam armor standing in the square, but at this moment, they are as if their biological parents are dead.

Lord Dante is dead.

At his age, he should be dead. Behind the crowd, Nightingale, who looked calm, just glanced at the people who were in extreme grief, and then turned around silently.

Everyone knows that her ability can only cure injuries and illnesses, but cannot delay aging. Therefore, when an old man who is nearly 90 years old dies, no one will think that this death has anything to do with Nightingale, let alone People know what the two people said in this hut not long ago.

Everything went smoothly like this, but it came like a building falling down.

Now the empire is in chaos. In just a few months, the division of the army has caused everything to run wildly in an uncontrollable direction.

If the news of Lord Dante's death is announced at this time, no one can predict what impact it will have on the current chaos.

Therefore, the old man's death should be concealed for the time being.

But no one knew why, before the airship landed, the ground received this earth-shattering news, and more than 20 newspapers in the empire actually dared to publish this matter.

It was like a premeditated plan that had been waiting for a long time.

But at this juncture, it is impossible for anyone to have the leisure to speculate on who else is hiding behind all this.

The fundamental reason for the division of the army is because of the emergence of the new Gate of Hell, and also because Lord Dante went to the Elbes Mountains alone, but due to military orders, he could only be alone without any empire. Military force to the rescue.

And now that he is dead, what will the most devout followers of Dante in the army think?

Will those people burst into tears or go crazy on the spot?

This is a question that people all over the world care about, and it is also a question that the military, the government, the Holy See, and those at the top of the pyramid must care about.

However, there are also people who don't care about these issues at all.

In a remote neighborhood called Baker Street in London, there is a house that looks ordinary, but is extremely special.

No. 221B.

This room was originally no different from any other room, but it had a special meaning because of the people who lived here.

For example, the landlord here is Her Excellency the Saint of the Holy See.

For example, the allegory about the death of Augustine the Great originated here.

For example, regarding the feasibility of the controllable plan for wild demons, several people in this room had a series of arguments.

Just like the great Miss Nightingale hanging on by a thread here.

For example, Sherlock Holmes, a former human hero, now a wanted criminal, and the great demon trying to destroy the empire, lives here.

With a short knock on the door, the door of the room was opened. A woman looked at the beautiful face at the door in surprise, which was known to the whole world. She took a deep breath, turned around and called her husband's name.

Immediately afterwards, an equally handsome man hurriedly walked out of the back room. Without saying anything, several people carried the huge wooden box under the steps into the house.

The woman who knocked on the door was Nightingale, the person who looked at the box at the foot of the steps was Irene Adler, the woman who opened the door was Molly Morstan, and her husband was John Watson.

And these people originally lived in different worlds. Even if they had some intersection, they couldn't be as tightly together as they are now.

And the reason why they know each other is entirely because of that man.

The lid of the wooden box was opened, thick foam and sawdust were pulled out, and the body bag hidden underneath was opened, and a calm and cold face appeared in front of everyone.

Although they had already known that this would be the result, it was still difficult for several people to accept it when they saw the body.

Mr. Sherlock Holmes died like this?

People will die, even Lord Dante will die, and of course Shylock will die too.

But the dead should be buried in the soil, cremated, and the ashes carefully collected in boxes, or simply scattered in rivers and winds.

In short, the dead should not be secretly carried to this place.

Watson stretched out his hand and felt the pulse of the corpse. The corpse definitely had no pulse, so he looked at Nightingale solemnly.

"He is already dead, does your ability still have an effect on him?"

Nightingale shook her head.

"It probably has no effect." She said, but suddenly the topic changed:

"But you should still remember that there was an old man who wanted to kill me before, and we stopped him here. And when he gave up his original plan, he once told me...

I have the ability to change the direction of this world.

After that, I went to the battlefield and saved many people, but I was still just saving people. The direction of the world would not change in any way because of the lives and deaths of those people. "

Having said this, Nightingale looked at the lifeless face.

“I have never been a person who believed in fate, so I never took the old man’s words to heart.

But if it concerns Sherlock, I should give it a try."

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