Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 59 Everything is fine

No one would have thought that it could snow in London in November.

However, just a few days ago, in the early morning, fine snowflakes fell without warning. Perhaps these small white particles reflected the light around the clouds, making the fog over London cleaner.

This is the most sunny weather we have rarely seen this year.

The snow reached its peak at night, and the street lamps and the rare trees were covered with some silver. The entire Thames River looked like a dream under the light of the huge clock tower. What was even more magical was that it had already snowed, but The temperature was not that cold. The moment the silver-white particles touched the street, they melted into wet water stains, making the air on the long street particularly fresh.

Sherlock walked down the stairs with a bottle of wine worth two pounds. Little Sanhua got out of the brand new cat's nest. She made a sweet sound, but called out to Sherlock fiercely, and then got out in confusion. Go back and continue its sweet dream.


Mr. Detective knocked on the landlord's door.

This bottle of wine is a gift because as a tenant, you have to give some response to the landlord's last dinner. This exchange of courtesy proves that you have the landlord's approval and can live here for a long, long time.

Although it seems a bit cumbersome, it is an essential human touch.

Because it is more difficult to own a property in London than to witness the mayor being a dog again, so most people need to rent a house, and often rent for decades. Birth, old age, sickness and death in the place where you live.

In this case, the relationship between the landlord and the tenant will become extremely delicate, even similar to a kind of relatives other than blood.

"I noticed that you are always in your room and never come out. You seem to be a very busy person."

Mrs. Hudson brought some peas to the table, the most common vegetable at this time of the year.

There is no meat in this meal. A commoner in the lower city cannot have meat in every meal. However, the landlady's cooking skills are pretty good. Sherlock is even thinking about whether he should offer to increase the rent in exchange for a daily rent increase. The right to go downstairs to eat.

“The nature of my job requires me to think, so I sometimes lock myself in a room,” he said with a smile.

Of course, the main thing Sherlock does in the room these days is sleep.

In other words, it is expanding the chassis in hell.

Those tentacles obviously have extremely terrifying reproductive capabilities. Under the protection of the domain, they can easily penetrate into the bodies of those demons that dare not move, turn them into living nests to nourish themselves, and then grow more Tentacles, make the land in hell your own.

And this method of plural division also makes the expansion of the domain faster and faster. At this moment, the entire Baker Street in front of Sherlock has become his territory, and he is even about to occupy the two blocks next to it.

That is to say, if he wants cat food now, he can open a crack in the void at the intersection of the street more than 500 meters away with a thought, and then let a carrion dog secretly grab a bag of cat food and shrink back. , then ran to himself, opened the crack in the void, stuck his head out, and handed the cat food to himself.

You can get twenty-three pennies for nothing without making a sound.

Of course, Sherlock is a legal citizen and he would never do such a thing! !

He was just complaining about why the cat food couldn't pass through the void cracks.

In addition, during the expansion process, our Mr. Detective also encountered some troubles, that is, his tentacles seemed to be able to only erode those low-level small demons, but the parasitic rotten dogs were really powerful in combat. Not so strong, which meant that when he invaded the Palmos neighborhood, he encountered a few slightly larger reptilian demons and seemed a little helpless.

I don't know if those demons are insensitive to fear, or if they are of a slightly higher level and can withstand the deterrent power of some areas. In short, they are not motionless in the areas, but will fight back.

As long as the tentacles get close, they will roll around and bite. When the carrion dogs pounce, they will fight back with spikes sprouting from their bodies.

This caused the expansion rate to be drastically slowed down

Sherlock was troubled by this.

And he also discovered that there is a limit to the number of parasitic tentacles he can have. He can only parasitize three very weak demons. If there are more, those small tentacles will stop working.

Is it because my contract ability is still in its initial stage?

There is no way to know the answer now. I can only verify it by slowly improving the fit between myself and the tentacles.

The flavor of the peas is as strong as ever and goes great with pasta.

Oh, Italy is a place name, but I don’t know where. After the empire was unified, most countries changed their names.

"Haven't those debt collectors come to you lately?" Sherlock poured another glass of wine for the landlady and asked.

"No, they've been quiet a lot recently. I always feel like some big day is coming."

Mrs. Hudson is a very cautious but easy-going person. In these days of getting along, she has been able to share a lot of things about herself with Sherlock.

After all, if you are a neighbor for a long time, you cannot hide some things.

"Actually, I've always wanted to ask why you need to use loan sharks. You don't seem like the kind of person who needs a lot of money for turnover." Sherlock asked.

Rather than taking the initiative to reason and guess, in fact, sometimes, being able to use communication to let the other party take the initiative to say something can help him experience the feeling of life more.

Mrs. Hudson took a sip of wine, looked at the cherry red liquid with drunken eyes, and hesitated:

"Actually, I'm not a wife, I'm not married." She said slowly with obvious apology: "I just lied to you to avoid some trouble. I hope you can understand, and I really need money."

Her face began to turn red, and under the gaslight, she seemed to show the innocence of a girl again.

"Although I have always lived alone, I have relatives.

My father is in hospital. He is a steam pipe worker. He lost consciousness due to an accident a year ago and has not yet woken up.

It was at that time that I took out a loan shark to pay for my medical expenses.

Oh, I also have a younger brother who was drafted into the army five years ago. He was transferred to the front line to transport supplies and should not be in too much danger.

But he hasn't written home for two years.

I have been paying the phone bill, which costs 15 shillings a month. I am just an ordinary person. There is nothing that requires the use of the phone. I just hope that one day, when he calls home, I can pick up the phone.

Tell him everything is fine at home."

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