Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 63 Eye-gouging Devil (Part 1)

"The devil we are looking for is about 15 centimeters in length, weighs about 500 grams, has some sharp but small limbs, is not fast, and is not actually very strong. It can only crawl, not jump, is afraid of light, and likes to stay away from water sources. It has no teeth, which means it has no ability to chew or bite."

Sherlock flicked it casually, and the ash fell directly on Lampard's body.

Watson glanced at it and didn't care. Although they usually seemed to have a pretty good relationship, he didn't ask why Sherlock's reasoning. Anyway, he naturally believed what the detective in front of him said. I'm just a little surprised by one of the reasoning results:

"No teeth?"

"Yes, it sounds a bit strange, but this demon is not big and can't bite, so it can only swallow things smaller than itself, such as eyeballs." As he spoke, Sherlock gestured with his hands. He measured a circle the size of an eyeball and said, "I wonder if you have ever seen a starfish."

"I've seen them before, but most of them are specimen models made after death."

"Then you must have never seen a starfish eat." Sherlock said with a smile: "The way a starfish eats is very strange. It doesn't have the ability to chew. It doesn't even have a mouth. When it eats, it needs to chew itself. Its stomach is turned out, wrapped directly around the prey, and then it begins to digest the food simply and crudely. When the digestion is completed, it turns the remaining residue out of its stomach. For starfish, this behavior is even Shit.”

This overly vivid description did not make Watson feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. Instead, after thinking for a moment, Watson nodded:

"Indeed, if the size of the devil is really what you said, then only the eyeballs in the human body can become its food. This can also explain why every victim has their eyeballs removed;

However, how could such a small thing kill a human being several times larger than itself?

Even if it can kill ordinary people, Lampard is a contractor.

The surface temperature of his contracted demon is extremely high, and the mucus it secretes also has terrifying burning properties. Logically speaking, he should not be killed by the demon so easily. "

Listening to Watson's question, Sherlock answered directly: "Because he never summoned the contracted demon from the beginning to the end."

"Ah? Why?"

"Don't know yet."

Watson narrowed his eyes cutely and smiled: "So you don't know everything."

"Of course not. This is my reasoning. Don't compare me with Holy Light's omniscient and omnipotent cheating ability." Sherlock flicked the ashes again: "After all, demons are not human beings and have many abilities that cannot be explained by common sense. ability, so the reasoning about demons cannot be analyzed solely from a corpse, and more clues are needed.

For example, I haven't been able to deduce why the murderer did such a unnecessary thing as "lifting off the prey's fingernails".

Oh, by the way, the murderer in this case was not just a demon, but a human being was involved. "

"What?!" This time, Watson was a little surprised: "Are humans involved?"

"Yes, you may not believe it, but the nails of your colleague who died were raised by someone with a hard object. Judging from the marks and the force, it is probably a screwdriver or a small iron bar. Moreover, his limbs were also lifted up by a hard object. To break it forcefully, you need to push the joint with your feet, and then use brute force with both hands to break it in the opposite direction."

As he spoke, Sherlock followed suit and made similar movements: "But the strange thing is that this human being doesn't seem to be a contractor."

"Can all contractors see it?"

"Of course, if you watch a lot of torture scenes, you can feel the mood of the torturer when committing the murder; being too excited will make the injuries of the torture appear rough;

Those who are calm and enjoy themselves always like to use slow and less tiring techniques, just like you. "

When Watson heard this, he shrugged his shoulders without thinking at all.

"As for the murderer, it was obvious that he was resistant to actions such as breaking the limbs of the deceased. This is very strange...

Therefore, there are still many areas that require further investigation.

However, if it were a puzzle that could be solved in just one glance, it would be too boring. "

Watson nodded: "I can see that you are enjoying it, but you'd better calm down that expression, they are coming."

He reminded kindly, and then made his expression look slightly sad.

Following these words, a burst of footsteps also came from behind.

In fact, in the conversation just now, Sherlock spoke at a speed of "three times faster" because he knew that Watson could easily keep up; therefore, from the time they started chatting to this time, At this moment, only about a minute had actually passed;

Sherlock only had time to take two puffs of cigarette. Not far away, Mark was still in a state of confusion. The Scotland Yard police officers on the street had just piled into the police carriage.

Well, they didn't even use high-bright gas lights, they just packed up and left the scene of the crime.

It was only at this moment that Priest Thompson, who noticed something was wrong, just came over.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Well, it seems..." Mark wondered for a moment, but found that he didn't know how to explain it.

Fortunately, Watson slowly came to the side of a few people, with a hint of sadness on his face after his colleague died:

"Lampard did indeed die at the hands of the 'Eye-Gouging Devil'. Those people from Scotland Yard have all gone back. They said that from now on, all investigations here will be handled by Sherlock alone."

"What?" Priest Thompson frowned: "Why should we leave it to him?"

"Maybe it's because he's a detective." Watson replied in a tone similar to 'That's the only way to explain it.'

After these words were spoken, several people present finally remembered that Sherlock's occupation in the recommendation letter was indeed a detective.

However, this reason seems to be untenable.

Even though these people usually deal with demons, it does not mean that they do not understand the police case handling process. The investigation of the crime scene requires the collaborative assistance of many departments, such as evidence collection, autopsy, evidence collection, reasoning, etc. Etc., each item requires extremely professional qualities.

"So, why have those people left?" Mary was very anxious at this time, and she couldn't help but ask.

Watson did not speak, but turned his gaze to Mark, who had been standing aside.

As for the latter, he seemed to have been trying to understand all this. After hesitating for a long time, he finally said:

"Because the detective said they would disturb Mr. Holmes by staying here."



There was a strange silence, and no one present said anything, and they even didn't know what kind of expression they should put on.

In the end, they could only turn their gaze to the man next to the corpse.

However, they only saw a body lying alone in the pale light.

There was no one around.

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