Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 66 Eye-gouging Devil (Part 2)

This slow torture lasted for a full five minutes. The passenger's screams never stopped, but his body never moved.

The female passenger sitting next to him did the same. She just stared to the side, with a lot of sweat on her body due to fear, and made a thin and pitiful cry for help in her throat.

"Next stop, tear out the intestines"

"Tear out the intestines."

The strange station announcement sounded again, and with this sound, the hooded man got up and came to the woman. He stretched out his hand and tore off the woman's clothes, revealing his white belly, and then the screwdriver in his hand. "Puff", it penetrated the opponent's stomach, stirred it up, and even started to tear it apart.

"Next stop, tear out the intestines!!!"

"Rip the intestines out!!! Rip the intestines out!!! Rip the intestines out!!!"

The voice of announcing the station began to become excited and sharp, and the woman, like the man just now, could not move, her eyeballs protruded due to pain, and the screams and blood mixed together in the carriage, becoming more and more intense! !

The small devil looked very happy. He happily crawled towards the woman's eyes, which were widened due to severe pain and fear. He opened his disc-like mouth and sucked her in.


Two crisp but extremely penetrating sounds.

This woman also had two black and bloody holes on her face.

After doing this, the demon swung its dense legs comfortably, but it seemed a little unfinished.

So, it turned around and looked in Sherlock's direction.

"Next stop, mess up your brain, mess up your brain"

The station announcement came unexpectedly.

The hooded man was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He was probably thinking about how to mess up a person's brain. He glanced at the screwdriver in his hand and most likely decided to use it to smash the other person's skull. .

And during this period, the eye-gouging demon had crawled down from the woman's trouser legs, stuck to the blood on the ground all the way to Sherlock's feet, and crawled along his legs toward his face.

Sherlock still sat motionless in his seat. It seemed that the only thing he could do was to be like the two passengers just now, fear and scream, waiting for the severe pain to squeeze his eyeballs out, so that he could be sucked by this little devil. Live, and suck.

Well. But the fact is that Sherlock didn't scream.

There is no fear either.

That kind of unsightly behavior such as picking nails and pulling out intestines did not cause any ripples in his heart. He just sighed with great complaint:

"Why did you show up?"

Due to the influence of a certain ability, he couldn't speak naturally, but he didn't seem to care, so he murmured to himself in the softest voice:

"Obviously it's a very good case, and it could have entertained me for several days, but why do you guys have no professional qualities at all!?

After the murder, do you have to hang around for a while and kill a few more people before you are willing to do it?

Even if it’s not fun, why not go somewhere far away to kill?

Look at what's happened now. The murderer is standing directly in front of the detective. Isn't this ridiculous!

This is a fucking case that has been solved! "

Sherlock became more and more angry as he spoke, as if he was scolding a child who had done something wrong, which made the hooded man in front of him stunned.

At this moment, the demon that looked like a lamprey had climbed to his collar, and seemed to be stunned for a moment after hearing these words.

"Huh? You can actually understand human speech." Sherlock seemed to have finally discovered something interesting. He suppressed his anger and looked at the eye-gouging demon close at hand:

"Okay, it's not too unexpected to be able to understand people's words. After all, I've already guessed that you are the type of demon with intelligence.

Regardless of physical size, strength, speed, endurance and other hard qualities, they are all extremely poor. If you didn't have some useful abilities and wisdom, your kind of demons would have been extinct long ago.

So, what exactly are your abilities? "

Sherlock started talking to himself again:

"Pick up your fingernails and tear out your intestines~ Tsk, tsk, it's really an unskilled operation.

So. Is it pain?

Or is it inner fear caused by pain?

In short, you can use this emotion to cut off human control of limbs. "

"." There was silence for a while.

The hooded man in front of him and the eye-gouging demon in the collar were all stunned for a second.

Immediately afterwards

“Next stop, screw your brain!!!!

Pierce the tongue! ! ! ! !

Rip your throat out! ! ! ! ! "

The almost useless small speaker above the head suddenly made a sharp and harsh sound.

When the hooded man heard this, he immediately recovered.

"I will do it. Hahaha, I will do it!!!"

He repeated this sentence nervously, and then stumbled towards Sherlock.

As the person got closer and closer to him, Sherlock finally saw the other person's face.

A young man, probably less than 20 years old, but his expression was extremely crazy, as if he had taken some kind of drug that made him crazy; from the bags under his eyes that were almost drooping, it could be seen that he had been there for several months. He had never had a good night's sleep. One of his eyeballs was missing, and the remaining eye showed a kind of morbid excitement that was almost before death. His face was covered with tiny bits of blood poked out by his limbs. The holes are so densely packed that it makes people suffer from trypophobia just looking at them.

And while this person was walking a few steps this way, Sherlock was still talking to himself:

"Well, it seems I was right. Your ability does require fear as energy. Then I'm curious, what would happen if your prey didn't have fear?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the hooded man had already arrived in front of him.

Then without any hesitation, he directly raised the screwdriver in his hand and stabbed it towards Sherlock's head!

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