Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 69 Better to handle

Chapter 69 It’s easier to handle.

Two minutes later, the gas light in the small shop flickered a few times and then came on.

Andrew sat quietly on the chair behind the counter, his eyes still full of horror, but it was completely different from the horror that burst out after repression just now.

Instead, I felt a little confused, or at a loss.

The door of the small shop was less than three meters away from him. It was not locked and was just ajar. He could rush out with just one jump.

However, he had no idea of ​​escaping.

Now for himself, there is some good news and some bad news.

The good news is that he seems to be temporarily out of the clutches of the cruel demon.

The bad news is that he was found by an even more terrifying human being.

The good news is: After he was found, he was not dead.

The bad news: He doesn't know if being alive is a good thing.

Anyway, he can only sit on a chair in this clothing store now, trying hard not to act so panicked, and at the same time praying that the damp smell in his crotch will not leak out, so as not to offend that person. Not happy.

Oh, by the way, that man's name was Holmes, and he even introduced himself politely.

Just when he thought of this, a sound of footsteps came. Andrew looked in the direction of the sound, and then saw a figure walking towards him where the lights were not turned on. The blurred outline seemed to blend into the darkness, like The evil spirit is approaching step by step.

"Sorry, the owner of this shop looks like a pauper. He doesn't have any tea or coffee. Fortunately, he still has some hot water."

With that said, Sherlock's figure walked out of the darkness, and he saw a glass of water in each hand. He took a sip, and then handed the other glass over.

Andrew felt that everything was wrong. After the bloody and terrifying scene just now, this guy actually poured himself a glass of water?

What's even more ridiculous is that he actually took it and said: "Thank you."

Okay, now he doesn't dare to have any thoughts at all. Just do whatever the other party asks him to do. Even if there is some poison in this cup, there is no other way besides drinking it.

So he took a gentle sip, trying not to let his trembling teeth touch the cup.

"what's your name?"

"Ann Andrew." He was glad that he could remember his name now.

"Oh, that's a pretty good name." Sherlock said, "So, that guy is your contracted devil?"

"Yes." He replied quickly.

"Haha." Sherlock looked very interested: "Then could you please tell me what happened between you two?"


Andrew responded immediately, because the man in front of him spoke so politely, and he was afraid that the other person would say something like, 'Otherwise I'll tie you to a steam pipe and roast you like a living pancake.'

He quickly recounted the whole thing in the clearest voice and fastest tone he could produce at the moment.

In fact, all this is not too incredible.

The general process is that Andrew is a devout believer. Not long ago, he finally got an opportunity to participate in the canonization ceremony. After that, he also successfully got his own contracted demon.

It was originally something worth celebrating, but something gradually went wrong. Andrew discovered that all the abilities of his contracted demon required fear as energy, otherwise he would be a waste.

I have been worshiping the Holy Light devoutly since I was 7 years old. It was only when I was 19 that I finally got a spot as a contractor, but I got a loser. Who can bear this.

So. He began to use "cruelty to small animals" to fuel his demons.

Although it is very inhumane, he always picks rats or wild dogs to kill, and tells himself that this can be regarded as getting rid of harm for the people.

After a period of time, everything went smoothly. However, as he killed more and more small animals, the fear and discomfort in his heart became more and more intense. Finally one day, he found that he seemed to be unable to control it. That contract devil.

Not only was he unable to control it, but because of his own fear, he in turn allowed the other party to control him.

This kind of situation is very rare in the circle of contractors, but Andrew's contracted creature is indeed very special, and he himself is too cowardly. Anyway, various reasons combined to make him become the slave of his contracted devil. .

Since then, the lamprey-like guy has begun to abuse Andrew, poking bloody holes in his face and body, even tightening his body and sucking out his eyes. , using him as a source of fearful nourishment.

And also forced him to torture and kill other humans for himself.

This is the origin of the ‘eye-gouging devil’, until today I met Sherlock.

After listening to the young man's story, Sherlock nodded: "Well, it's pretty much what I thought. It's just a story about a coward being reverse-enslaved by a demon. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to belittle you."

"It's okay. I'm fine with whatever you say." Andrew quickly explained, adding in his mind: "Just don't do anything."

Sherlock leaned against the wall: "In that case, you are also an accessory."

"Ah?!" Andrew was shocked. He didn't dare to say anything at first, but he didn't know what the man in front of him was going to do to him. He quickly mustered up the courage to say: "I, I, I am also a victim, and it was all forced by that guy. My, I’m innocent!!”

"Don't be so nervous. Those people you killed were all innocent. These days, innocence is no reason to escape punishment. There are too many innocent people in the cell. You have killed a few more or less. Well, it’s much better than those who take advantage of you.”

Andrew was stunned. His tone seemed to be comforting, but it was so awkward.


"Don't worry, I will send you to professional people to deal with it. You may be locked up for decades, or you may be executed directly, but no matter what, it is better than you continuing to be that guy's slave, right? .”

Sherlock's comfort was still awkward, but the young man in front of him was silent for a while, exhaled slowly, and really didn't say anything more.

Seeing that the other party had calmed down, Sherlock said with satisfaction: "Very good, then I wish you a better outcome when you undergo the trial;

Next, I have to deal with your ignorant contract demon. "

When Andrew heard this, he was slightly confused: "But, it has escaped back to hell."

The man in front of him smiled and patted his shoulder:

"Don't worry, young man, it will be easier to escape back to hell..."

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