Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 81 The Savior and the Great Detective (Part 1)

Chapter 81 The Savior and the Great Detective (Part 1)

At 10 a.m., the sun finally climbed over the dome of the church and shone into the garden behind it.

Moriarty stood in front of the window, waiting for the rare light to envelope him in the holy city of Jerusalem. The light never had to wait, because no matter when and where, that place was illuminated by brilliant light. From the sunflower statue on the top of the church, from the emblem on the chest of the choir, from the sanctuary where the priest's door is enshrined.

The Holy City is like a lamp that never goes out in this world, leading humans to survive tenaciously in desperate situations.

But Moriarty discovered since he was a child that if he stayed in the light for a long time, when he looked elsewhere, it would be dark.

From a medical perspective, this is because of the self-protection mechanism of the human eye.

But if you look at it from other angles, it seems to have some other mysterious meanings.

In short, when he was still learning to speak, he occasionally couldn't tell the difference between light and darkness. It wasn't until the people around him continued to instill in him the meaning of these words that he finally managed to distinguish them clearly.

A few years ago, he seemed to be unable to distinguish because of something.


There was a soft sound as the door was pushed open, and Moriarty knew it was his maid, Moran.

"Mr. Moriarty. I'm sorry, we still haven't found any clues about the intruder." The maid lowered her head and said, "But a second-level priest has been urgently dispatched from the nearest parish. He can smell the residue in the space. The smell of danger, what is certain is that the intruder does not have any bad thoughts towards you, it should be a means by some force to attract your attention, as you said."

Moran only said this, because they can only find this for the time being. When big people do things, they rarely leave too obvious traces.

"The security team has been contacted. The entire British Library was put under surveillance an hour ago. If the intruder appears again, he will be unable to fly." Seeing that the man in front of the window did not speak, Moran thought that the other man was still worried about last night. He was unhappy about the matter, so he immediately added.


"No need." Moriarty said calmly: "Now that we have determined that the other party is not hostile, let's evacuate everyone nearby. No matter who did such a thing, I think the person left behind last night One sentence is enough to make them realize their problem.

Oh, by the way, there is no need to call that person an ‘intruder’. From a certain point of view, he and I are the same. That room doesn't belong to any one person. "

"But. Always leave some security personnel. Your safety is more important than anything else."

Moran tried her best to make her tone sound like a humble suggestion, but when she thought about His Royal Highness the Holy Son having stayed in an unsafe place for five full hours, cold sweat broke out on her back again.

"Haha, there's no need. Those guys are checking around, but it makes people unclean. Besides, even if there is really danger, it's enough to have you by my side," Moriarty said with a smile.

With just a few simple words, the girl in front of the door froze up and her breathing almost became rapid.

"Oh, also, I remember telling you, don't think that my identity is much higher than other people. Although this is true to a certain extent, we cannot hold ourselves to this.

The survival of the Holy See comes from mankind's desire for survival, from the Holy Light, and from the devil, so the Holy See and the devil have a symbiotic relationship.

If the door to hell cannot be closed, then mankind will eventually perish and the Holy See will cease to exist.

But if the door to hell is closed, humans will naturally not allow the Holy Light to continue to exist, because we are always insecure creatures, and our nature makes us naturally resist all things that are beyond our control.

This is not a stable triangle, but a cyclic pull in different directions. As long as one small link breaks, human beings will fall directly into the abyss of no return. "

If this sentence were said by anyone, it would be a heinous crime, but it happened to come from the mouth of the Holy Son, so after hearing this, the girl did not dare to speak, but nodded quietly.

Immediately afterwards

"Of course. I won't let that happen."

Moriarty added casually.

The girl servant subconsciously raised her head and saw the young man bathed in the shallow light. She felt that her heart was suddenly grasped by something.

I thought for no reason that my master must be very tired.

Therefore, she said with some uncertainty:

"Three hours ago, Mr. Franklin gave a speech on the new planning application of electricity in Old Caesar Parish. I heard that the response was very good, and more than double-digit financial groups showed strong interest in it. You need to listen For a moment?"

Upon hearing the name Franklin, a hint of appreciation seemed to appear in the eyes of the man at the window.

But it was hidden in an instant.

"The promotion of new energy is not a simple matter. Steam has firmly tied the entire empire together. One or two successful speeches or experiments cannot shake the inherent knowledge of centuries." He said lightly. : "I'm a little tired today. I'll sort out the main content of the speech. I'll look at it again when I have time."

Moran heard that his master wanted to rest, and his mood seemed to improve a lot. A smile appeared on his face: "Okay master, what time do you need me to wake you up?"

"At 11 o'clock tonight."

Moriarty said softly that he still had to face the book tonight. Although he knew that he would experience the extreme pain again, he almost never gave up.

At the same time, he subconsciously thought of the corner of the page that was deliberately bent.

He smiled helplessly.

I don’t know who came up with this, whether it was intentional or stupid, but I have to say that it did surprise me for a while.

So from a certain perspective, this can be regarded as attracting my attention.

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