Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 84 A Business

Sherlock walked over and stroked the keyhole with his fingers.

The scratches were extremely rough, almost as if the lock had been destroyed by force, without caring whether there was anyone in the room.

A home invasion?

It's not like that. No one would commit a robbery in broad daylight and make such a big noise.

He pushed the door open and landed on the carpet inside the door. The messy fur fibers were trampled like weeds with their roots broken.

Three people, four people, five people.

One of them is nearly two meters tall and weighs more than 140 kilograms.

Looking inside the house again, Sherlock's eyes swept over everything he could see.

At the same time, virtual lines began to appear in front of his eyes, and they quickly outlined non-existent shadows, as if what had happened in the past was being replayed before his eyes.

After a person entered the house, he kicked away the chair closest to the door without any scruples. He used such force that the chair hit the wall and bounced back half a meter. The flower pot was smashed, and the cupboard was All the things were thrown to the ground, the cupboard door was open, and the two people began to rummage around unscrupulously, probably looking for some valuable things, and in the process, the tall guy sat down on the sofa out of boredom. , leaning against the backrest, with his hands comfortably placed behind his head, and unnaturally, leaving a few fallen hairs around.

Not hair, but shorter, finer body hair, which should grow on the forearms or chest.

Considering the cold weather, no one would wear too light clothes. So.

It only took about two seconds for a most suitable image to appear in Sherlock's mind.

Just last month, he saw a person who, no matter how cold the weather was, liked to unbutton his clothes and expose his chest, because there was a hideous scar there.

For a person who lives in the lower city and relies on fists and violence, this is a demonstration of strength.

That's right, it's the person from the debt company.

That night, they came to see Mrs. Hudson once, and they happened to run into her. However, they were obviously much more polite that time. They didn't even keep knocking on the door, but just waited at the door in a "harmonious" manner.

This means that Mrs. Hudson will not often evade debts, so the debtors will inevitably maintain a certain degree of respect for her. In their own words, the company is operating legally, and they just want to get back the money that should have been returned, that's all. .

If you use violence, you will not get more money back, but will incur some medical expenses and damage the company's image.

Only a fool would do this.

So what happened to these guys today?

Suddenly broke into the customer's home and started smashing it!

Moreover, there were obvious signs of struggle and dragging at the entrance. It is conceivable that my landlady came back at that time, and was taken away by these people in a violent way. Although it did not reach the level of a fight. , but it is by no means polite. In less than a month, this company's attitude towards debt suddenly became so extreme. Something must have happened during this period.

Of course, Sherlock doesn't care about what happened to these guys right now. He only cares about his landlord, and there is one thing he hasn't found yet.


The smell of blood that I just smelled.

He didn't see anything related to blood in this room, not even the kitchen or bedroom.

In other words, the smell of blood does not come from the house!

Sherlock's eyes became more and more solemn. He must have thought of something, or had thought of it a long time ago, but he still didn't want to believe it because he was lucky.

But in the end, he walked out of the room with heavy steps and walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

The wind on the long street blew through the porch, carrying the unique coldness of snow. Sherlock did not go upstairs, but walked to the back of the stairs.

It is hollow and can be used to store some unused furniture or items.

But Mrs. Hudson didn't stuff anything into that corner, and neither did Sherlock, because there lived a kitten, less than half a year old, with three colors of black, white and yellow, which meant that it didn't belong to any precious breed, and its parents might leave. It's scattered, maybe dead. In short, this corner behind the stairs is its home.

A few days ago, Sherlock also bought a cat nest for it, otherwise, it might not survive this winter.

At this time, the cat nest is still there.

It's just a little flat and seems to have been stepped on.

Sherlock was silent for a second, then leaned down and opened the door curtain of the cat's nest.


He meowed like a kitten.

However, he didn't get that milky, milky, but ferocious response.

But the smell of blood finally became clear.

In his sight, there was a weak body that was almost folded in the opposite direction, lying quietly in the cat's nest. Sherlock knew that its spine was broken, its ribs were poked out of the body, and the blood that oozed dyed its hair. Red has lost the protection of fresh body temperature and has become frozen in the cold.

Sherlock watched quietly for a while, then got up and walked to his room.

Opening the door, he walked in. Several tentacles wanted to come over and help their master take off his clothes and hat, but as soon as he moved forward, they suddenly froze.

The tentacles in the surrounding shadows froze, all curled up, not daring to move, and even seemed to be trembling.

Sherlock remained silent. He came to the tea table next to the sofa and picked up a small card on it.

This was given to him by the person from the debt company some time ago. He just threw it here casually. Fortunately, he was not in the habit of cleaning up the house.

【Crawford Capital Turnover Company】

There is a series of phone numbers on it.

"Hello, this is Crawford Capital Circulation Company. How can I help you?"

A nice lady's voice came from the phone.

Sherlock sat in Mrs. Hudson's living room and said in a very calm tone: "I have a very huge debt that I need to talk to you about."

"Huge?" The voice on the phone hesitated because the word "huge" is rarely used to describe debt: "Excuse me, is your debt repaid or borrowed?"

"It's not important, beautiful lady, please tell me the address of your company. Oh, please ask your company's boss, debtor, and debt collection staff to all be present. Believe me, this may be the best time since the establishment of your company. It’s an expensive business.”

Sherlock said calmly.

After getting a positive answer, he hung up the phone and walked out of the room.

The sunset has gradually lost its color, and darkness is eroding everything around it bit by bit.

He turned around and glanced at the slightly raised little bump under a tree on the edge of the long street.

Just one look.

Immediately afterwards, he wrapped his windbreaker tightly and disappeared into the night.

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