Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 9 Research on Blood Letters (4)

"Actually, it's quite simple to deduce these." He walked to the body again and pulled up one of the female corpse's arms: "Look, the whole arm is as hard as a wooden stick, and it is slightly bent outward. This is not rigor mortis. , but it shows that the tendons under the armpits have been severed, which can completely make the corpse’s arms lose their ability to move.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the legs of the corpse as if nothing had happened: "The inner muscles of the lower limbs were also cut off using the same method. As a result, the deceased was completely paralyzed on the ground, and even if the murderer slowly dissected him, he could not struggle, or even It was impossible to scream because the murderer used a hook through the throat to destroy the deceased's vocal cords and glottis."

His tone was the same as that of Najia Chang, but every line of his words could express a kind of extreme despair and pain.

"And this method is a long-standing way of eating beef in the town of Rochester."

"How to eat beef?" Catherine couldn't help but wonder again.

"Yes, in order to ensure the freshness of the meat, this is how their people treat live cows. While cutting the meat, they use squid juice to stop the bleeding. The cow's body is still twitching during the process. It is very interesting, but it has been more than 20 years. Before, it was banned by the local councilman for animal cruelty. It’s really nosy. But if you want to try it, I can introduce you to a few good underground restaurants, but they are a bit expensive.” Sherlock smiled at Catherine said.

"Focus on your case!"

"Okay." Sherlock continued: "In short, the murderer's skillful skills cannot be practiced in a day or two. If the arteries under the brachial plexus are damaged, the victim will soon bleed to death. , the murderer has the experience of being extremely patient about this, and probably takes pleasure in it;

However, those underground restaurants in London cannot provide the necessary environment for this kind of training. The murderer should have his own way, or simply raise large livestock by himself. I prefer the latter because it is more secretive. The juice of 鉉子花It can stop bleeding very well, but long-term contact will cause itching and hair loss on the skin. A close-fitting cotton shirt can effectively relieve this itching.

There is also the mouth of the deceased. As I said just now, the murderer destroyed the glottis because there was an obvious tear mark in the mouth. You should know that when destroying the glottis, the hook needs to be pressed down, right? , it’s difficult to reach that angle without opening your mouth. "

No one responded to him, maybe because they didn't keep up with the speaking speed, or who would know such a thing.

Sherlock didn't care and spoke faster: "Anyway, during the autopsy process, the deceased's face became extremely distorted due to pain and tearing of the mouth, but the murderer took the trouble to cut it bit by bit after that. The facial muscles return to their normal appearance.

As I said, it was about five or six o'clock in the morning. At this time, the murderer still insisted on finishing the job. It is probably because he had some obsession with the faces of beautiful women, similar to "unattractive women are not worthy of me" Kill this kind of person, even leaving witnesses for it.

No matter how well-off a person like this is, he would either often invite beautiful women to his home to have fun. This is a more vulgar solution. A more elegant solution would be to collect portraits of beautiful women. I even think that he himself may be very good at painting. , anyway, it can satisfy this hobby and can be put on the table. These two methods are the most common. "

"But what you said has no evidence at all. It's just wishful thinking." Catherine seemed to want to refute the other party.

"I didn't say I had evidence." Sherlock smiled: "This is just the most reasonable speculation at this stage. You might as well try your best in this direction. I think you are not the kind who must have solid evidence. Just start arresting people.

Oh, by the way, the murderer's right ribs were injured. I can be sure of this because there are obvious contusion marks on the sternum incision of the corpse. His arms would shake a little when he made fine movements laterally, and the muscles were adhesions. "

Sherlock made a gesture of holding a knife to cut something.

This long explanation actually contains a lot of content, but the time it takes to say it is very short, only about one minute.

Sherlock used a clear tone, but sped up three times, and poured it out in one breath without caring about other people's feelings; it was as if he didn't want people to follow his train of thought and sigh for it, but just This kind of reasoning and analysis ability is regarded as a very rare and common thing.

That's right, as a detective, it's reasonable to have some reasoning abilities. He just stayed at the crime scene for a while and took in all the information that could be guessed. This ability is not worth showing off or praising at all.

But the crowd around him didn't seem to think so.

Just like Catherine, her expression changed from indifferent and cold at the beginning, to contemplation little by little, and finally became very wonderful;

Deacon Bader, who had been standing silently, his expression also changed back and forth between frowning and relaxing.

To be honest, this was a bit beyond Sherlock's expectations.

Because according to his inherent impression of the people in the Judgment Division, he thought they were the kind of bloody combatants who only needed to know the name of the murderer to directly carry out a brutal pursuit. Unexpectedly, they would listen carefully to his own reasoning.

Even at the end, he nodded slightly, which showed that he kept up with his own thinking and gave a positive statement after digesting a lot of information.

On the contrary, it was the young sheriff wrapped in steam armor outside the alley, with a blank expression on his face and his mouth wide open.

"Judging from the scene, we can only speculate to this extent, so I said that I am no longer needed here." Sherlock finally brought the topic back to the beginning: "Then I will bring some Taking the solved questions home and thinking about them slowly is the behavior that is most helpful to the case at this moment."

Catherine hesitated for a moment, her eyes exchanged back and forth between the corpse on the ground and Sherlock several times, and finally landed on Deacon Bader's face. She paused like this for a few seconds, seeming to read the story of the man who lost his wife. human mind.

After a while, she slowly said:

"Remember, you still have less than 20 hours. If you succeed, you will naturally be thanked by the church, but if you fail, you will also be punished accordingly."

"Punishment?" Sherlock's tone actually didn't contain much doubt: "With all due respect, you have given such harsh conditions for solving the case. In fact, it is only reasonable to find the murderer, right? Why is there still punishment?"

"Pressure will make people focus more on work." Catherine said this calmly.

This shows that she knows that these demands are unreasonable, but she doesn't care. There is no need for any reason to punish a civilian. In fact, Sherlock feels that if he gives himself a knife at this moment, the murderer will show up. , then the people here will chop themselves to death without hesitation.

However, such unreasonable behavior, even close to disregarding human life, seems so reasonable to everyone.

Because this is a crushing gap in the social structure that completely transcends other factors such as ethics and morality; no one will question why the church clergy would kill an innocent person with a knife, just like when he was walking If you step on a weed, no one will care whether that weed is sentenced to death.

Of course, Sherlock must be too lazy to judge the pros and cons of this social level. He is just an ordinary detective, so he smiled politely:

"Can you please ask for a carriage to take me home? Lower Town, Baker Street is quite far away."

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