116.Automatic running water somen [three more]

The preparation time passed quickly, and after all the students had all the ingredients and kitchen utensils in place, the clock finally rang at 6 o'clock.

"Good morning, students. "

Dojima Silver took the microphone and stood on time on the stage in the central area, "The preparation time of the night has passed, and I believe everyone has already prepared, so the next step is to enter the review link... First of all, I would like to introduce the judges of this year!"

As the voice fell, the doors of all the halls opened, and a group of people waiting outside the door walked in directly, including men and women, old people and children, who seemed to have come for a vacation.

The last to enter were three strange-looking old men, and Dojima Ginya introduced in a timely manner, "Everyone, these are the ingredient suppliers who cooperate with the Far Moon Resort, and in front of them are their families... They come every year to serve as the judges for this training camp, and I have already told them that the subject is 'egg dishes with surprises', and their censorship is very strict!"

"Hahaha, the old man is looking forward to it!"

“...... That's it, we can't be caught with a failed dish. "

After Dojima Gin's introduction, the three old men all went up to say hello to all the students, but that expression, no matter how you look at it, looks like a dismount.

At the same time, Far Moon Resort will also send colleagues from the culinary department and service department to join the review. "

Before the students present came to their senses, another group of people walked into the assessment venue, the foreman of Yuanyue Resort, and the deputy chef of Dojima Gin... All of them are characters whose names can be called by Far Moon Resort, which caused a cold sweat among the students below.

"There are two conditions for this subject. Dojima Ginmi was almost inside, and stretched out two fingers and said, "The first condition is for the ingredient suppliers and the experts on the front line to evaluate whether your dish creativity can be approved by them, and the other is... From now on, we will reach the goal of 200 servings within 2 hours!"

"Those who meet the above two conditions will be considered to pass!"

"So, everyone, please take your time for breakfast!"

"Review begins!"

As Dojima's words fell, the students in the venue suddenly became busy.

At this time, Shiraki was still assembling the machine.

...... To be precise, it is to link the machines together by some physical means, and then make them 'fully automated'.

For example, the bottles of spices on the table were all packed into a square container by him at this time, presenting an S-shaped domino array, and the entrance of the seasoning was the starting point of the flowing water noodles.

Because of this, the water flowing in his bamboo tube is not water, but water mixed with various spices, mixed with different colors of pigments, and looks like a layered cocktail.

"It smells so good... What kind of cuisine is this?"

Such a unique shape and the amplified smell of spices immediately attracted the first customers, and at this time, Shiraki was assembling the automatic kneading machine and the dough sheeter, and the pressed noodles would go directly into the huge boiling pot, and the top of the boiling pot was violently broken by Shiraki with physical means, and the cold water on the other side was connected, and automatically flowed into the flowing water somen device.

In this way, such a set of 'fully automatic running water somen device' can be considered assembled.

As long as other seasonings are added when the flour is added, such as eggs, and then the flour will automatically mix with the water, of course, the water here will also be mixed with various 'domino spices', and then the cut noodles will fall into the pot below, and after the noodles are put into the pot, they will be automatically washed away by the water gushing out at any time, and flow into the entrance of the flowing somen noodles, so that the 'cycle' is completed.

With this thing, it's not impossible to complete 200 copies in two hours, even 2,000 copies.

Everyone else is sweating profusely making food on their own booth, only Bai Mu and play the same casually assembled, an automated all-in-one machine is completed, I have to say, in terms of laziness, Bai Mu is definitely a genius.

The temperature of the boiling water brings out the flavors of the sauces and spices, and Shiraki stands on the cooking table and puts the various vegetables and fruits he has just brought into the wall breaker in front of him, and then pours the finished products that have been crushed into crumbles into the automatic kneading machine next to him to increase the 'texture' of the noodles.

It was because of this that there were many diners standing in front of his booth almost before his first batch of 'finished products' was completed.

Dry Hinata bore the brunt of it, looking at Bai Mu's series of operations with curiosity on his face, and he had already taken the self-service dishes and chopsticks placed on the booth in his hand.

More than a dozen guests were divided into left and right sides, standing in line around the bamboo tubes, and of course, the dipping sauce provided by Shiraki was indispensable.

As we all know, the dipping sauce of flowing water somen is its soul.

Although there are some people who like to eat without any dipping sauce, but since such a unique dish appeared in the assessment of the Far Moon School Park, everyone doesn't mind trying it.

Shiraki knew the importance of dipping sauce, so he went to the kitchen in advance and got a large bag of wasabi, which was relatively cheap and specially selected... That kind of mustard tastes even more nasal and sharp, and the spicy taste that is less spicy when you grind it out with wasabi.

In addition to mustard, he also exchanged a liter of old Beijing bean juice in the system, this thing, people who are used to drinking it think it is delicious, and those who are not used to drinking it will even feel that they are drinking swill, in order to prevent such a combination and some people think it is delicious, Bai Mu also added some sweet whole fruits for flavor enhancement at the end.

In short, this dipping sauce, who uses who knows.

In the first batch of flour, Shiraki threw in 5 eggs, along with the bitter gourd, tomatoes and peppers that were juiced into the kneading machine.

Dojima Gin's eyelids jumped as he watched Shiraki's operation.

Although his cooking techniques are not the most terrifying among the students (there is also a student performing nai pancakes next door), his idea of a 'fully automatic all-in-one buffet' is definitely the most amazing in the entire exhibition hall.

It's just that peppers, tomatoes... And the green unidentified juice, what the hell does he want to do when he puts these things in the kneader?


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