171.The Spice Messenger and the Medicinal Diet Messenger

Immediately after the end of the contest by Ryokaba Ryoka and Megumi Tano, the third round began.

After a peaceful night in the dormitory, everyone rushed to the 'Moon Sky Room' as they did yesterday.

The difference from yesterday is that this time Alice and Kurokiba Ryo sat next to the Polestar Liao, as soon as these two people appeared, it caused a commotion among the Polestar Liao, among which Alice looked like she was coming to 'hang out', and Kurokiba Ryo Although he was simply following Alice, but under his aura, Megumi Tasoko seemed to think of the pressure he felt on the field yesterday, so he was in a state of nervous tension from beginning to end.

"The third game was played by the little secretary. "

Alice looked at Ryo Hayama and Scarlet Sako, who had already appeared in the stands, and said with interest, "This is a good opportunity to understand the strength of the two, Bai Mujun, which side do you think will win?"

"Hey, don't talk to Bai Mu-kun without permission, why are you two sitting next to us?"

Yoshino Yuhime immediately came over to warn, but was stopped by Kohei halfway through.

"Well, isn't that good, I also want to hear which side Shiraki is more optimistic about. "

"Why don't you even get lucky..."

Yoshino Yuki returned to his seat, this game for everyone in Polestar Liao, the only focus is that the winning side may be against Shiraki in the future, whether it is Ryo Hayama, who is good at spices, or Shinto Scarlet, who is good at medicinal food, the strength of these two is undoubted, on the one hand, Erina's secretary, and on the other hand, Professor Shiomi's assistant teacher, the duel between the two is basically compared to the afternoon one, as long as it is a person, I feel that there is a certain self-interest||The students of DA|Leigh are completely hopeless, and the competition is obviously much more interesting.

"My words are more optimistic about Ryo Hayama. In response to Alice and Kohei's question, Shiraki replied without thinking.

"Oh, that's what I thought. Kohei Sojin nodded, "But I haven't seen the dishes of the little secretary either, and it's too early to say this... Anyway, Shiraki, don't you have to go backstage to prepare? You didn't try cooking last night, did you?"

"It's okay, the third game hasn't started yet, there's still some time before the afternoon game, just go down ten minutes before the start. Shiraki shrugged his shoulders, for him now that he went backstage, he could only stare dryly at a pile of ingredients, in that case, it was better to stay here and watch the game.

“...... I'm still so confident. Zenji Marui in the back held his glasses in a cold sweat, daring to do no cooking trials in the autumn selection of this level of competition, not even making any pre-match preparations, and thinking about the players who entered ten minutes before the start of the game, looking at the entire far moon, it is estimated that Bai Mu can be found alone.

"In the third fight of the first round, the theme of the duel is 'hamburger', so please start cooking!"

The host's voice fell, and Shinto Scarlet and Hayama Ryo came to their cooking table and began to make their own dishes.

First of all, Ryo Hayama wrapped a large number of thin slices of meat together, and skewered long slices of meat with thick sticks, and slowly heated them while spinning them, so that the fat and spices were completely fused together, and soon the aroma of fat and spices mixed together and wafted over the venue.

On the side of Nito Scarlet, he took out the soft-shelled turtle, cut off its neck without changing its face, and then began to bleed, and then cut the whole soft-shelled turtle smoothly, and then stewed the medicinal herbs such as schisandra and golden needle flower with ginger and wine, together with the cut soft-shelled turtle and soft-shelled turtle, there is no doubt that compared to Ryo Hayama's 'Tu Eqi barbecue burger', what Shinto Scarlet Sand has to do is 'soft-shelled turtle burger', this unheard of combination can only be made by the students of Engetsu Academy.

Time passed minute by minute in the cooking of the two, whether it was the fragrance of Ryo Hayama's cooking, or the shocking soft-shelled turtle hamburger cooking process of Shinto Scarlet, they all won the attention of the audience during this period, and finally, with the deadline of time, all the dishes of the two have been baked.

The first to be served was Shinto Scarlet, whose soft-shelled turtle burger attracted a whispering discussion as soon as it was presented to the judges.

"This shape... It's even more ordinary than you imagined. "

"yes, because the cooking scene was so impactful. "

Several judges commented on the appearance of the 'soft-shelled turtle burger' served by Scarlet Sand, and their faces invariably showed some disappointment.

"Anyway, let's taste it first. "

One of the judges with glasses picked up the burger on his plate, and the elastic and soft touch of it made his eyes shine when he took a bite, and then the faint sweetness of the bread and the elasticity that seemed to push his mouth back, combined with the thick cutlet that melted in his mouth, made him feel warm.

"This sauce... Not only that, but it only wraps the whole piece of soft-shelled turtle, thus bringing out the mellow taste of the meat steak!"

The judges munched on the burgers with satisfied expressions on their faces.

Scarlet Shazi nodded, "That's right, in addition, I also added the powder of the turtle shell to the meat steak, and the 'turtle shell' is the dried soft-shelled turtle, which is used as an energy agent in traditional Chinese medicine." "

Just listening to her description, the audience felt their saliva flowing uncontrollably, and not only that, but Nagi Senzaemon then pointed out the essence of this dish - that is, the 'gum' of soft-shelled turtle, that is, the 'stickiness' of this hamburger.

With each chew, the sticky steak and sauce cause irritation to the soft palate, which is a delicacy that can only be felt in the mouth.

So far, all the judges have given high praise to the soft-shelled turtle burger of Shinto's scarlet sand, and Ryo Hayama seems to have fallen into a crisis, but at this moment, a burst of fragrance that swept the audience wafted from Ryo Hayama's cooking table.

This scene seems to have appeared a few days ago, and many people present directly thought of the dishes made by Shiraki on the day of the qualifiers, compared to the battle at that time, the aroma that Hayama Ryo made was completely insignificant, so that these students who had experienced the comfortable aroma that seemed to be soaked in hot water at the beginning were not very optimistic about Hayama Ryo's dish.

The cooking of the scarlet sand of the new household just now can still give them a little room for imagination, but now the spice smell of Ryo Hayama's cuisine can only make a small part of the audience feel appetizing.


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