189. Candidates for the decisive battle

"The dishes of both contestants have been completed, and the first to serve the dishes is Alice-sama!"

At the judges' seat, the five graduates looked at the dish in front of them, which was very modern and basically could not tell what the ingredients were, and made timely comments.

"It's really a molecular cuisine, and it looks like a work of art. "

“...... You'll have to wait until you've tasted the taste to be sure. "

"The smell of meat... Is it a steak? It seems to have some fruity flavor mixed in?"

"Alright, let's start tasting. "

Dojima looked at the other people who were observing the dish, and took the lead in forking a piece of extremely elastic meat into his mouth, and suddenly, the flavor of the beef and the taste of the sauce that was adjusted very refreshingly burst into his mouth, and the taste of this dish, just like its appearance, was a very fine polished taste with every bite of chewing.

If it had been two days ago, such a dish would have made the judges unanimously praise, and even several female judges burst their clothes on the spot, but now... Alice only received a few words of praise or advice from the judges.

"There seems to be a little sour in the sauce of the steak?"

Hinata opened her eyes suspiciously, and noticed the taste that was used to enhance the taste buds.

"Yes. Alice nodded, "I added tomato juice." "

"Tomato juice?" "Dry Hinata first looked at the dishes on the plate suspiciously, in the plate, she didn't find any trace of tomatoes at all, but soon, thinking that the other party was making molecular dishes, Dry Hinata immediately reacted, "It's a centrifuge?"

"That's right, it's worthy of Hyugako-senpai. Alice immediately nodded in affirmation.

"I see, it seems that your culinary knowledge is quite extensive. Dojima nodded secretly, the use of these cutting-edge technologies, even those who are not specialized in the field of molecular cuisine, even those who are not specialized in the field of molecular cuisine only know a little, can completely hide the appearance of food, so as to combine visually striking dishes, Alice's achievements in the field of molecular cuisine are self-evident.

This time, the judges did not show surprise or shock as they did when they saw Ryo Kurokiba's cooking techniques two days ago, and after saying a few pertinent comments to Alice's dishes like food critics, they asked Ryo Hayama in the back to present the dishes.

"Apicius-style duck meat, please enjoy. "

What Hayama Ryo served was a dish of duck meat brushed with a layer of caramel, caramel made of honey, the color looks very beautiful, although it is not as good as Alice's 'artwork' in appearance, but under the layer of golden and transparent caramel, the duck meat looks tender and juicy, which makes people very appetizing.

"It doesn't smell like anything... It's strange, I put a lot of spices just now. "

"The color of the caramel is very beautiful, and it is boiled just right, and it makes people very appetizing just by looking at it..."

"Anyway, let's start tasting. "

At the same time, the five judges took out their knives and forks, forked a piece of duck meat and put it in their mouths.

"What does it smell like...?"

The moment the duck meat was entered, a fragrance that had no warning before suddenly spread in the throat, it was the taste of spices, Ye Shan Liang actually completely fused the spices with the duck meat, and it was not until the moment of swallowing that people noticed that the warm fragrance and mellow spicy taste kept spreading in the nasal cavity and mouth, and people couldn't find defects at all!

Dojima closed his eyes and counted the types of spices in his mouth, only to find that he could barely count them, and countless spices such as numbness, slight sweetness, and refreshing coolness have seasoned this duck dish, which is a dish that must rely on the sense of smell to complete, and it is also a great 'technical difficulty' to completely seal the flavor of these spices in the duck meat.

"It's also an excellent dish..."

After tasting the food of both sides, the five judges fell silent at the same time.

Alice and Ryo Hayama glanced at each other, and both saw in each other's eyes the determination to win.

At this time, the host had already seen the deadline of the time, and stood up and said, "This review has ended, and then please make a verdict!"

The audience is also focused on the judges on the stage at this time, this game will determine the final person who will be promoted, and the person who will advance will undoubtedly face the opponent who makes all the first-year students desperate, whether it is Nagi Alice or Hayama Ryo The final battle must be very interesting.

Alice often comes up with dishes that can surprise people, and Hayama Ryo is a guy who has been hiding his strength until now, and he hasn't shown his true face until now, these two people, no matter who is against Shiraki, can probably test the true strength of that guy... Right?

"It's finally time to decide who will advance!" Daigo Aoki stared nervously at the seat of the judges' seat, as if he was the one who was on the playing field right now.

"Shiraki, who do you think will be your opponent in the final?" asked Kohei Sozane, holding his head and leaning back on the seat in the audience.

"The strength of the two of them is about the same... I can't say it well. "

Shiraki replied directly.

"In this way, Alice has a greater advantage..."Yoshino Yuki turned his head and looked in the direction of Shiraki, and then suddenly found that there was a guy sitting next to him who looked decadent at first glance and was so unmotivated that people didn't want to talk, and a tic-tac-toe symbol suddenly appeared on his head, pointing to Kurokiba next to Shiraki and said coolly, "Anyway, I wanted to ask from the beginning, why do you want to sit with us?"

Obviously that seat is what she wants to sit! Finally, Alice is going to play today, and this position is vacant, but I didn't expect it to be occupied by Kurokiba Ryo again.

"Huh?" Kurokiba glanced at Yoshino Yuhime in confusion, "Miss let me sit here, is there a problem?"

"Of course there is..."

Yoshino Yuhime looked at Alice on the stage with a bitter and hateful face, but she didn't expect that even if she was on the field, she didn't give herself the opportunity to covet the seat next to Shiraki, but when she looked at Kurokiba's big guy again, Yoshino Yuhime didn't want to talk anymore, so she had to change the topic and said, "By the way... So you know so much about Alice's strength, which side do you think will win?"

"Is this..."Kurokiba glanced listlessly at the game in the audience, "I don't know..."

"What kind of answer are you?" Sure enough, Kurokiba's answer made Yoshino Yuhime go crazy again.

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