076. Ten Heroes Who Appeared in the Classroom [Ask for Subscription!]

The next morning, it was again Lecturer Chapelle's class.

This time, Shiraki still didn't get a classroom with Megumi Tanaka, but he, Kohei Soma, and the Takmi brothers were assigned to a classroom.

The curriculum of the Far Moon School Park adopts a university-style free course selection model,Except for a few assigned'compulsory',Most courses allow students to choose freely... Unfortunately, this lesson by Lecturer Chapelle is one of the few 'compulsory courses'.

I don't know if it's his delusion, as soon as he entered the classroom, he felt the burning gaze of these two people, Kohei Chuangzhen looked at Bai Mu from time to time, and looked at Takmi from time to time, as if he was thinking about finding an opportunity to challenge these two people, and Takmi completely ignored Kohei Chuangzhen, after all, even if Kohei Chuangzhen behaved arrogantly, his performance in the first class was only E-class, as for the follow-up results, Takmi didn't bother to care at all, he just wanted to trample another more powerful transfer student now, that is, Shiraki。

These two people are the ones in the classroom who are more friendly to Shiraki... The rest of the people, after hearing the rumors of Shiraki and Erina's 'friendly relationship' yesterday, the anger at the arrogant attitude of the transfer students and the anger that Shiraki actually dared to get involved in the first grade recognized as the strongest superimposed, and now the atmosphere in the classroom is even more dull than in the first class, and everyone has a sharpening expression, as if waiting for Shiraki to accept his halberd challenge.

...... You know, Erina is not only really popular among boys, but also among girls, which can be referred to Nao Sadazuka, a girl who wants to squeeze Scarlet Sand from Erina's exclusive secretary position, and there are many people in the entire first grade.

By the way, the Halberd Challenge Box in Polestar Liao was stuffed last night, and it took a lot of effort for Mrs. Wenxu to bring these challenge books to Bai Mu, but after Mrs. Wen Xu left, Bai Mu threw all these challenge books into the stove without hesitation.

"Tsk, was you actually assigned to a group with this transfer student, it's really lucky. "

A boy with a slick head walked up to Bai Mu with an unhappy face, muttered to himself in a weird way, and glanced at Bai Mu next to him, "Hey, transfer student, don't get in my way." "

Bai Mu glanced at this guy who not only spoke in a tone, but also looked like a yin and yang weird guy, and there was an expression on his face that seemed to be smiling.

"Hey, what do you mean by that expression?!"

The other party was immediately enraged, but just as he was about to 'reason' with Shiraki, there was a sudden commotion in the entire classroom.

Ban Cuntou raised his head suspiciously, and saw that at the door of the third cooking room, a guy with yellow bangs on his forehead and black hair on the back of his back slowly walked in from outside the door.

"Yes、It's the second-year Hisame Teruji senior!"

"Really?10 masters?!"

"Why are the Ten Heroes here?"

The students in the classroom can basically recognize Jiu Ji at a glance, after all, the identity of the eighth seat of the Ten Masters of the Far Moon is too eye-catching, and it is an unattainable existence for the vast majority of the students in the current first grade, although few of these people can actually see these Ten Masters at close range, but the name has long been like thunder for everyone.

I saw that I stayed at the door for a while, raised my head and looked at the number on the top of the classroom, and then walked in slowly with a leisurely face, and on the way to my destination, I happened to pass by the cooking table where Kohei Soma was.

"Hey, I heard that you are also a top ten master, are you interested in having a halberd with me?"

Kohei Sojin didn't seem to have learned the lesson of yesterday at all, and when he heard that someone recognized the identity of Kuga Teruki, he immediately invited him to fight with great interest.

"Bored, fuck off. "

I didn't even look at Kohei Chuangzhen for a long time, and walked straight past him, if it was before, he might have kindly explained to Kohei Chuangzhen who made such a foolish request what the Ten Masters were, but now he obviously doesn't have that mood.

After Kuga Teruki left, Takmi, who happened to be at Kohei Soma's table, looked at him like a fool.

"Are you an idiot?

He didn't need to ask him to guess that Kohei Chuangzhen didn't have the same chips as the ten jies agreed to challenge, this guy... It's just a casual question.

"Hey... Sure enough, it still doesn't work?" Kohei Sojin shrugged his shoulders, "Yesterday, the senior of Isshiki also rejected me without hesitation, and it is really difficult to compete with the Ten Masters..."

"Did you listen to me?"

Regardless of Kohei Soma and Takmi, who were still arguing in front of them, under the close attention of the entire classroom, Kuga Teruki slowly stopped in front of a cooking table.

"The head of the board over there, yes, that's right, it's you, you take my place. "


The boy who was named by Jiu I Zhaoji first glanced around in a panic, and found that there was a board inch around him, and immediately ran out of the left side of the cooking table with a rapid movement, of course, this was just a subconscious move of the body, and even he didn't understand what Jiu I Zhao Ji just said meant, what did he mean by taking his place? This class should not have anything to do with Jiu Jia Zhao Ji, right!

Under Itachi's dull gaze, Hisaga Teruki walked directly to the place where he was standing just now, and stood behind a cooking table with Shiraki.

"Wait, wait, my senior, you're not a first-year student, are you?" Ban Cuntou suddenly reacted, if Jiu I took my place according to discipline, then who would I team up with?

Lecturer Chapel's strictness is well-known throughout the first grade, and on the first day of school, almost the entire class of students received an E-class evaluation, and if you can't find a partner in such a high-pressure class, it's almost an ironclad E-class ending, although the partner is the transfer student makes him a little unhappy, but it's better than nothing!

"Well... I occasionally come to review the first-year curriculum, are there any questions?" said Teruki Kuga, looking at the board with an impatient expression.

"But, but then I won't be able to find a partner," said the boy who wanted to cry without tears.

"Hmm, what does that have to do with me?" After a long time, Zhao Ji's face suddenly sank, glanced at Ban Cun, who was almost crying on the spot, stretched out a finger and said, "If you waste my time again, you will drop out of school immediately, now please get out of school immediately, now please get out of the place where I can't see, get out of now, get out of me immediately, I'll count 3, 2, 1..."

"yes, I'm sorry!

Under the pressure of dropping out, this board was in chaos for a while, and the words of begging for mercy were shouted out almost without thinking about it, but it was too late to regret it, and he had no shame to stay in this classroom after shouting this sentence.

Bai Mu looked at the back of the student who was still provoking him just now and fled away, and he was almost used to this kind of spineless student, on the day of the transfer exam, when he learned that the examiner was Erina, those candidates with superior family backgrounds ran much faster than this board inch, or that sentence, the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, and the Far Moon School has never lacked those who are strong, talented, and arrogant students, but at the same time, there will definitely be no shortage of such spineless guys.

Such a guy can't even raise the interest in making a move on him.


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