078. What a coincidence, you also came here to grab land?

"Then let's go check it out. Bai Mu motioned for Kuga Teruki to lead the way in front, thought for a while, and suddenly asked, "By the way, do you have that kind of map that shows all the research associations in the Far Moon Academy? It's better to be a little more detailed." "

"If it's a map, I'll have someone send it right away. "I waved my hand for a long time, this kind of trivial matter was just a matter of his words, but he was a little strange why Bai Mu suddenly wanted such a thing, could it be...

I don't know what my brain has made up.,After a long time, I suddenly became interested.,Change the sleepy-eyed boring expression before.,Excitedly took Shiragi to a huge building that was extraordinary from the outside.。


For a long time, I Zhaoji introduced this building to Bai Mu with great interest, and said with an expression that it was more than enough to be used as a hotel alone.

"You get rid of that disgusting suffix for me first. "

"It's all said, it's not a disgusting suffix!Bai Muzai, why are you the same as Erina?!"

Ignoring the Kuga Teruki, who was jumping on the side, Shiraki began to take a closer look at the building in front of him.

In terms of floor space, this 'ZHONG||The building of the Cooking Society is more than hundreds of times the size of the normal workshop activity classroom, and it can be regarded as a big hotel on the outside, and the decoration style of the whole building is still in a more traditional Chinese style, although it can be seen in some places that it is obviously combined with Japanese style, but on the whole, this is indeed a magnificent cooking building.

AND ZHONG||HUA||In addition to the main building, there are also other farms, vegetable plots, warehouses, and so on, and the area is quite impressive, and to double the territory of this research society, Shiraki can only hope to find some 'fat sheep'.

Soon,He's already got the map he just made from Kuga Teruki.,It's said to be a map marked with the addresses of the various research societies in the Far Moon School Park.。

After a cursory glance, the area of the Far Moon School Park is really amazing, and in this vast land, the number of various cooking workshops has also reached more than double digits, and many of them are amazing.

After comparing the map with the list attached below, Shiraki suddenly found a somewhat familiar name.

- Sumo hot pot workshop!

If I'm not mistaken.,Erina in the original book seems to have set her sights on this research society.,Duel with the main general of the other party with a halberd.,And finally won.,And now because of the oolong he made at the opening ceremony.,This research society escaped with such good luck.。

Comparing the location of the sumo hot pot workshop on the map, a light suddenly flashed in Shiraki's eyes.

The territory of this workshop is simply—it's a little unreasonable.

It stands to reason that this 'Sumo Hot Pot Society' should be just a soy sauce passerby research group in the original book.,It was defeated by Erina three or two times.,But the size of this research society's territory is not to be underestimated.,From the research association building to the backyard,Plus some odd and bottom activity rooms,The total area is actually a quarter of the size of a Chinese cuisine research society?!

It's no wonder that Erina is eyeing this workshop, it's so fat that even Shiraki has a heart-warming feeling when he looks at the map in front of him.

As for the donburi workshop in the original book, Shiraki searched the map carefully, and finally found an activity classroom that was only a quarter the size of a fingernail in a slightly better location...

- This Nima's is too shabby.

It's no wonder that Erina would send Mito Yumei to appear, such a small research group, if she plays in person, she will be self-defeating.

After a little questioning of Kuga Teru beside him, Shiraki understood why the territory of the Sumo Hot Pot Research Association was so big, and it turned out that it was because this research society had ten masters in charge three years ago.

At that time, it was the golden age of the Sumo Nabe Society, and under the leadership of Shijie, the territory of the Society continued to expand, and there were three gardens dedicated to cultivating ingredients.

Now the sumo hot pot research society that Shiraki sees is actually a shrunken appearance, and their territory in their heyday is three times that of now, but in recent years, there have been no powerful people, so they have been eaten away by the surrounding research associations.

"So, the first target to decide to start with is the Sumo Hot Pot Research Association~"

Seeing that Bai Mu finally put down the map, Jiu I Teruki on the side immediately instigated for fear that the world would not be chaotic, Bai Mu raised his head speechlessly, only to find that this guy didn't know when he actually called the demolition team over, and a group of people dressed as decorators jumped down on the container truck not far away, and now they are coming in the right direction.

HAKUKI IS SURE THAT THE REASON WHY HE IS SO POSITIVE IS DEFINITELY NOT BECAUSE HE WANTS TO TAKE ZHONG||HUA Cooking Research Association will carry forward the reason, this guy definitely wants to see the excitement, after all, according to his original plan, he should stay in ZHONG||The HUA Cooking Institute trained those bald men, but now that Shiraki's obscenity can only run around behind others, it's normal to want to have some fun.

It's decided, and the halberd will be handed over to this guy in a while.

Bai Mu put away the map in his hand, and quietly put Kuga Zhaoji into it.

The two of them took the renovation team, and the group began to set off in the direction of the sumo hot pot workshop, and arrived at the destination in about 20 minutes.

However, after getting out of the car, Shiraki and Kuga Teru were a little dumbfounded.

I saw that opposite them, there were also three or five large decoration cars parked, just looking at the formation and their side, and in front of these decorations, there was also a very familiar luxury car parked, Shiraki walked over and looked, and the car was really looking at his Erina and Scarlet Sand with the same stunned expression.

Feelings: It's... Bumped into a colleague?

Bai Mu reached out and scratched the back of his head with some embarrassment, and said to Erina's rolled down car window, "Yo, it's been a long time, Erina, Scarlet Sand, you also came here to grab land?"


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