Shinigami: Binding Aizen At The Beginning, Sister Hua Is Numb

Chapter 44: What Setting! 100% Chance Of Running Into Yoruichi When You Go Out In The Middle Of The

Go back to dorms.

Aizen and Bai Ye both washed up quickly and went to bed to rest together.

As soon as he got into bed, Bai Ye realized that he seemed to have forgotten what he said, but when he saw that Aizen had covered himself with a quilt, and there were two roommates sleeping soundly, he had no choice but to give up.

Now that he calmed down and thought about it, Bai Ye suddenly felt that his idea just now seemed a bit too impulsive.

He was already aware of Aizen's changes, but he could not guarantee that after telling Aizen about graduating early, Aizen would graduate early with him.

After all, Aizen has always been a clumsy person in the academy. If he wants to graduate early, it is destined that Aizen must also show amazing strength in order to graduate.

This pressure king has always been secretly stirring things up. Unless he fully grasps the situation, he probably won't reveal his purpose in advance.

"Hey, it's a little tricky."

After thinking about it, Bai Ye tossed and turned in bed and realized how difficult this matter was.

Bai Ye, who couldn't think of a solution, became entangled for a while and couldn't sleep at all. He decided to get out of bed and go for a walk to relax and see if he could come up with any solution.

Walking aimlessly outside the college, Bai Ye kept thinking, but the more he thought about it, the less he could think of a good solution.

After thinking about it, Bai Ye felt that it was better not to think about it so much. First, tell Aizen about graduating early, and then see what kind of reaction Aizen would have. There is no result in thinking about it here.

After making up his mind, Bai Ye felt a lot more relaxed and his mood became happier. It seemed that it was good to go out and relax.

After feeling much better, Bai Ye was about to go back to the dormitory when he realized that he had wandered into a small forest.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of collision sounds came, causing Bai Ye to be stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction of the sound.

No, if I go out in the middle of the night for the second time, something will happen again. If I go to play the lottery with this probability, I will definitely win the first prize.

But it was the same this time. Bai Ye didn't want to meddle in other people's business and prepared to retreat secretly to avoid accidentally affecting the battlefield.


Bai Ye's footsteps suddenly stopped when he heard a muffled sound coming from the woods. The sound seemed familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Bai Ye usually doesn't come into contact with many people. If he has come into contact with someone several times, Bai Ye can still distinguish the other person's voice.

But before Bai Ye could guess who the owner of the voice was, someone had already given him the answer.

"Is it you again, Captain Yoruichi?"

Seeing a familiar figure appear from the woods not far away and jumping next to him, Bai Ye couldn't help but be speechless, why is it Yoruichi again?

Is there something bound to him and Yoruichi? As long as he comes out in the middle of the night, he can meet Yoruichi?

"Huh? Classmate Bai Ye?"

Yoruichi was also surprised when he saw it was Bai Ye. Unexpectedly, he met Bai Ye again in the middle of the night while performing a mission. This fate was wonderful.

"Captain Yoruichi, you didn't meet someone again, did you?"

"Sorry, I seem to have involved you again. Let's go quickly."

Now is not the time to chat. Shihouin Yoruichi is preparing to escape with Bai Ye. The enemies she faces this time are not comparable to the gang last time.

"Captain Yoruichi, do you think we can still leave now?"

Bai Ye saw a dozen black figures appearing on their retreat route early, staring at them with a helpless smile.

"There is someone here who is difficult to deal with."

Yoruichi also realized that his escape route had been blocked by the other party, and felt dizzy.

She had seen Bai Ye's strength last time with Captain Yamamoto. Although his strength was very strong, and Reiatsu had also reached the captain level, he had no actual combat experience after all.

But among the rebels they faced this time, there was a person with long-term captain-level strength. Even she, the captain of the second team, was not sure that she could kill them.

"Yoruichi, you should just follow us obediently. Why waste unnecessary time here?"

Among the rebels fighting Yoruichi, a man in black with his face covered and only his eyes exposed stood on a tree not far away, looking at Yoruichi with a sneer.

In his opinion, Yoruichi cannot escape tonight. As for the little boy next to Yoruichi, he doesn't even have a Shinigami robe. He only has a sealed state. He is probably a student, so there is no threat.

So the man in black was not in a hurry, and just looked at Yoruichi and Bai Ye, wanting to see how they could still struggle.

"Bai Ye, I know you are very strong, but these people are definitely not something you can deal with."

Yoruichi observed the people in black around him as he spoke, and said: "You will work with me later to create a gap, and then run away first. Those chasing soldiers should not be a threat to you."

After thinking about it, Yoruichi immediately came up with a solution, which was to take Bai Ye out of the encirclement.

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