Bai Ye and Shihouin Yoruichi searched around and found no black organization.

It was getting late at this time, and I was afraid of missing something if I went back.

So after Bai Ye proposed camping, Shihouin Yoruichi readily agreed.

After all, in the Second Division, it is normal to go out on missions and sleep in the wild.

In this aspect, Shihouin Yoruichi is much better than Bai Ye.

In a short time, Shihouin Yoruichi found a suitable camping place and set up the camping equipment he brought with him.

But after seeing the camping tent set up, Bai Ye felt helpless.

"What's wrong? Is the tent I set up bad?"

Seeing Bai Ye standing motionless, Shihouin Yoruichi felt confused, and then looked at his tent again.

Is there any problem with my ride?

"No, isn't this tent a bit small?"

Only then did Bai Ye realize that because he was leaving in a hurry, he didn't bring much equipment with him.

After seeing the camping tent of Shihouin Yoruichi24, I realized that the tent of Shihouin Yoruichi is a bit small and seems to only be able to accommodate one person.

"What's the point? Didn't we just sleep together last night?"

Shihouin Yoruichi was about to say, just squeeze in, it's no big deal, but when he thought about what happened this morning, his face suddenly turned red.

“I’d better keep vigil outside.

Bai Ye thought about it and decided not to squeeze in with Shihouin Yoruichi.

We are on a mission now, and it would be bad if something happened and we missed important clues.

"No, no, no, you can sleep inside, I'll keep watch outside."

Shihouin Ye——Listen, of course he didn’t want Bai Ye to do this, so the two of them pushed back.

at this time.

A sound of wind blew from above the two of them, causing them to pause and look upward in unison.

"Is it the man in black robe?"

The two of them immediately thought of the man in black who had been committing crimes frequently recently, and they felt happy.

I thought I might have to waste another night, but unexpectedly the other party suddenly appeared.

The two looked at each other and turned on Shunpo without hesitation and chased after him.

The two figures quickly approached the speeding figure. Just when they were about to catch up, the figure in front of them disappeared.

"Where are the people?"

The figure disappeared, Shihouin Yoruichi and Bai Ye immediately stopped and looked around cautiously.


A sound broke through the air, and Bai Ye sharpened his eyes and saw a black thing flying in the direction of Shihouin Yoruichi.

One of Hadō‧Chong!

Bai Ye directly knocked out the black thing with a technique, and then leaned next to Shihouin Yoruichi.

When the two of them were chasing each other just now, they did not cover up their tracks and deliberately let the other party discover them.

The other party suddenly disappeared now, probably bringing the two of them into his ambush circle.

"Captain Yoruichi, be careful, we don't know if the other party is alone."

According to what the Kyoryaku family said, the other party is a black organization.

Maybe, this is the base camp of the black organization, and people are surrounding them, ambushing them.

"Don't be afraid. I have already sent a message to the second team in advance. Reinforcements will be here in a while."

Shihouin Yoruichi pulled out his Zanpakutō and looked around vigilantly, trying to find out where the other party was hiding.

In an instant.

In the originally dark woods, streaks of fire lit up.

People in black clothes appeared in the sights of Shihouin Yoruichi and Bai Ye, and each of them looked at them with hostility in their eyes.

"Who are you?"

"If you dare to come to our Black God Army organization, you are seeking death!"

"Captain, execute them!"

Facing Shihouin Yoruichi and Bai Ye, members of this organization that calls itself the Black God Army clamored to execute Bai Ye and Shihouin Yoruichi.

"These guys don't seem to be the people we are looking for."

Bai Ye looked at the people of the Black God Army. The Reiatsu of these people were not strong, and they did not look like the man in black who could destroy the family overnight.

"I also think that maybe that person is hiding among these people."

Shihouin Yoruichi nodded and observed these men in black carefully, trying to find the real man in black.

This organization that calls itself the Black God Army may have been created by the man in black. It may have brought the two of them here to confuse their sight and kill them in the chaos.

Otherwise, the man in black used this Black God Army organization to avoid their pursuit, and he might have fled here long ago.

No matter which guess it is, it is not what Shihouin Yoruichi and Bai Ye want.

"Hahahaha, are they two stunned?"

"Humph, we are an organization founded by the great Black God as our leader. Who is not afraid of us?"

"Of course, everyone in the tribe is afraid of this guy. Who wouldn't be afraid of him?"

Seeing Shihouin Yoruichi and Bai Ye motionless, the Black God Army thought they were too scared to speak.

However, the conversation between the Black God Army made Shihouin Yoruichi and Bai Ye think. Is this organization really related to the man in black?

"You said your leader is the man in black?"

Bai Ye looked at one of them and asked.

"You guys can talk."

One of the men in black was startled, came to his senses and shouted: "Yes, you can call the man in black, that is the Black God!"

"Okay, okay, Black God."

633 Bai Ye followed the other party's words and continued to ask: "Can you please take us to see your black god?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You can see the Black God whenever you want?"

"Bold, no matter who you are, you dare to meet the Black God!"

"Captain, stop nagging them and arrest them directly. I think they might be members of the nobility!"

Faced with Bai Ye's request, the Black God Army taunted Bai Ye one after another and wanted to arrest Bai Ye.

Then, a slightly stronger man in black stood up and unleashed his maximum Reiatsu.

"Captain is awesome!"

"This is Reiatsu at the vice-captain level, he's really awesome!"

"I think the captain's strength is only inferior to that of the Black God. No wonder he can be the captain."

Facing the vice-captain-level Reiatsu unleashed by the slightly stronger man in black, many of the surrounding Black God Army were envious.

"Boy, Black God is not something you can discuss casually. You should die!"

The man in black named Captain twisted his neck and looked at Bai Ye and Shihouin Yoruichi with a slight chill in his eyes.

In his opinion, he could subdue these two people in less than two seconds.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

I don’t know why, but when the captain looked at Bai Ye revealing two rows of big white wings, he always felt very perceptive.

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