Shinigami: Inventory Of The Top Ten Strongest Combat Power!

Chapter 07 HōGyoku Aizen's Sense Of Oppression!

The same thing.

Happened in all corners of the Shinigami world.

A team, team affairs room.

Inside the antique house, there is a dignified atmosphere.

In front of the transparent light curtain, Chōjirō Sasakibe was sweating profusely. With awe and worried eyes, he looked at the silent captain in front of the wooden case.

Since the video screen reappeared.

The captain's face became gloomy like a pool of stagnant water!

"Urahara Kisuke..."

"Shiba Isshin..."

"Shihouin Yoruichi..."

When each name is mentioned separately.

The captain's attitude is obviously not very friendly.

Among them, apart from a hint of hostility, there are more disappointments and regrets!

after all……

The trio in the picture.

At the beginning, without exception, they were his promising talents.

It's a pity that in the end all of them are traitors to Soul Society!

The white brows drooped down like wicker.

The captain raised his eyes and asked meticulously and seriously: "Chojiro, do you think the picture presented by the light curtain from just now to now is real?"

First Urahara Kisuke fights Arrancar alone.

Now it's the trio coming together, facing an unknown and powerful enemy together.

Taking stock of the pictures in the video, it reveals weirdness everywhere!

"'s hard to say!"

Chōjirō Sasakibe shook his head, hesitantly said: "Although I subconsciously believe that the pictures in the video are all edited and fabricated."


"Reiatsu perception can't lie! Especially the immersive feeling, it's hard to fake! There are indications that these battle scenes should all be real!"

Sparrow Chojiro was sweating profusely.

Every syllable reveals deep anxiety.

In the inventory video, when the screen is switched twice, the background is all high-rise buildings without exception.

This means that the place where the battle takes place is likely to be in this world!


Sparrow Chojiro never remembers,

In recent years, there have been Menos Grande invasions in this world, not to mention the Menos Grande of the "Adjuchas" level, and it is also a rare Arrancar!

Take a step back.

In case the whole inventory video is really a masterpiece of Urahara Kisuke.

So what is the purpose of his painstakingly editing the video?

And the real Reiatsu perception brought in the picture.

That realistic Reiatsu oppression!

How to explain it?

for a while,

There are too many doubts in the mind of the Western old man.

My head is almost a mess!

Rubbing his chin, the captain nodded slowly, agreeing: "Chojiro, you are right, the old man's first reaction is similar to your thoughts..."

"Vision, hearing, and touch can all be deceived."

"Only Reiatsu perception, there is no falsehood!"

The captain's torch-like gaze was firmly fixed on the top of the light curtain, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that Urahara Kisuke and the others seem to have encountered a strong enemy before, and the battle in the picture should also be real!"

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Sparrow step Chojiro asked in disbelief.

This was the first time he encountered such a strange situation, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Let's continue reading while contacting the Technology Development Bureau!"

The captain replied without hesitation.

If we say that at the beginning, he scoffed at the so-called "ranking of the strong", and even planned to smash the light curtain at one point.

So now...

The old man's curiosity was completely aroused.

On the one hand, he wanted to figure out the origin of the inventory video.

And on the other hand.

What the captain is more concerned about is the enemy that Urahara Kisuke and the others face—that unknown strong man who exudes powerful oppression, who is the sacred one?

"Yes! I'll contact Captain Mayuri immediately!"

Sparrow Chojiro responded.

Hastily walked out of the team room.

Leave the captain alone to watch the inventory video alone.

The atmosphere in the house.

It also became boring!


The screen shifts.

The inner hall of Xuye Palace.

"What's the matter! Is that the end of the battle just now? It's so annoying that there is no beginning and no end!" Grimmjow sat straddling the steps, with an unhappy expression on his face.

Act one screen.

The battle between Yammy and Urahara Kisuke is finally scheduled to explode with Hongji's sword pressure.

The Espadas thought there was a follow-up.

Unexpectedly, it switched directly to another scene!

"Look out, this Shinigami wearing a bucket hat has appeared again!" Espada, ranked seventh, Zommari Rureaux deliberately reminded.

"He should be Urahara Kisuke, right?" Nnoitra, the fifth child, said coldly with disdain: "How can a weak chicken like him rank in the top fifteen?"

The Holy Weeping Mantis is very upset!

Look down on Urahara Kisuke from the bottom of my heart!

To know,

Nnoitra's character is megalomaniac.

From the bottom of my heart, I think that I am the strongest in Espada.

Although in the previous scene, Urahara Kisuke strongly suppressed Yammy. But in Nnoitra's view, this is not enough to prove the strength of the store manager, it is purely because Yammy is too good!

"I also think..." Grimmjow echoed: "Shinigami, they are a bunch of rubbish. Even if they can make the list, then Laozi should be in the top ten, right?"

The Leopard King grinned ferociously.

A confident smile appeared.

As a battle madman, compared to Nnoitra, his arrogance is even worse.

Grimmjow confidently believes that,

I can definitely rank in the top ten of the inventory list!

Just then.

The video screen is playing again!


The sword opened the way.

Opposite the store manager trio.

That unknown enemy who exudes mighty Reiatsu.

Finally, it slowly emerged from the thick fog in midair.

The white bony skin tightly wraps the whole body, looks like a cicada pupa in the cradle, leaving only a pair of azure blue eyes!

This strange shape that is neither human nor ghost.

Immediately, every Arrancar present looked sideways at him!


Looking at the mysterious person like a cicada pupa.

Espada, who had always been rebellious, was unusually quiet at the same time.

Do not know why,

When staring at the pair of eye slits exuding azure blue light.

The mighty Espada, almost at the same time, had an urge to worship!

"What's going on! Who is this guy!"

After a short silence.

There was an uproar.

The faces of Espada and the subordinate officers changed again and again.

The longer the gaze, the stronger the feeling of worship.

That is a coercion that originates from the soul, even the level of life!

"It's scary! I feel like my blood is about to stagnate!" Hurley Bell's subordinate officer, Sun Sun shivered all over his body, curled up into a ball with a bloodless face.

"What a terrifying oppression! The strength of this monster has surpassed Vasto Lorde, right?" Another subordinate officer said tremblingly.

To know,

There are currently four Vasto Lordes in the cella, namely the top four Espadas!


The aura emanating from them, even the full power behind the blade, will only make people feel suffocated at best, and will not produce the feeling that the soul is about to be shattered.

But now?

The cicada chrysalis that appeared in the video.

Just standing there.

not moving at all.

Then exuded a terrifying coercion that crushed the sky.

His Reiatsu intensity seems to be entering another dimension!

in the crowd.

To the amazement of the subordinate officers.

Even Baraggan, the most arrogant Skeleton Emperor, has a preoccupied expression at the moment.

He twisted his eyes.

Baraggan looked serious.

Not to mention subordinate officials.

Stronger than him, at this moment, he also felt the fatal oppression!

This feeling,

It was as if he was facing a powerful enemy that was impossible to defeat.

Full of despair and powerlessness!

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