Shinigami: Inventory Of The Top Ten Strongest Combat Power!

Chapter 72 Infinite Reversal! Who Is The Real Monster!

"Swallow the left hand and evolve into a new spirit king!"

While speaking arrogant and boundless words.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri grabbed Zanpakutō with an imposing backhand.

When his Reiatsu reached its peak, Bankai's liberation words came out of his mouth suddenly:


"Golden Killing Ksitigarbha - Demon Embryo Fu Yin Syndrome!"

this moment,

The lens of the inventory video shakes violently.

The eruption of Reiatsu was like a magnitude 10 earthquake, which further destroyed and shattered the already desolate ground.

"What a terrifying aura!"

"When did Captain Mayuri's Bankai become so strong?"

"I don't know if I heard it wrong, Bankai's name seems to be very long!"

"Oops, everyone run away!"

The air wave blasted from the light curtain.

The staff of the Technology Development Bureau who were too late to disperse were blown away.

Goggles, research uniforms, and broken monitoring screens were all scattered on the ground.

The originally orderly hall has become a mess!

"Captain, it seems that in addition to mastering the skills of the Quincy, you in the future have also evolved Bankai again..." Ah Jin was very excited.

The emotions that had been wiped out once again became high again.


Reverse, then reverse again!

This "technology and myth" battle is full of twists and turns, and the final result will never be guessed!

"Ha ha......"

"I don't need you to remind me of such obvious things...

Kurotsuchi Mayuri was not overwhelmed by the news of the comeback.

Instead, he calmly analyzed:

"As the biological Zanpakutō, the shape of the golden Zanpakutō is not static. This is also one of the research directions I have been carrying out!"

"If you don't guess..."

"Perhaps before this battle took place, the golden killing Jizo had already been transformed more than once!"

Kurotsuchi Mayuri speculated with confidence.

at this time,

Bankai's prelude has come to an end.

As the huge white air waves gradually dissipated, the second evolution of the golden Jizo, and the appearance of the magic fetus slowly appeared in front of the audience!

Dark skin all over!

The ears are replaced by two hanging lanterns!

On the belly that rises and falls like a hill, there is a huge and conspicuous "Fu" engraved on it, and the pale eyes without any emotional fluctuations seem to be able to lure away the soul!

Brand new form.

Instead of an angel, become a demon!

The Wraith Ghost Baby who really fell into the Infernal Hell!


Once born, go berserk immediately!

Waiting for Kurotsuchi Mayuri to issue an order.

The devil's embryo golden killing Jizo roared and roared with a devil sound.

The ear-piercing screams whizzed past like sound waves, crushing everything along the way!

"Damn! What kind of monster is this? My eardrums are about to be pierced!" The first to be persecuted was the Zaraki trio who hid on the edge of the battle.

Enduring the severe pain that the eardrum is about to tear.

Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa covered their ears in pain.

The continuous torment of the noise made their heads almost explode!

And poor Zaraki Kenpachi.

Because of general anesthesia, he was lying on the ground unable to move.

After finally regaining consciousness a little bit, I was immediately stunned by the sharp sound wave again!

Really bad luck!


"Penida Pakaja, as the left hand of the Spirit King, you should be able to feel the madness and excitement contained in this howl?"

He calmly took out the earplugs from his pocket and put them on.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri raised his hands outwards, and the sharp arc of the corner of his mouth suddenly deepened: "That's because...the devil's fetus is golden and killing Jizo, I can't wait to swallow you in my stomach!"


An eerie smile.

Coupled with the huge and incomparably golden devil-embedded Jizo behind him.

It seems that Kurotsuchi Mayuri seems to be more pervert than Lingwang's left hand!

Silver Frame City.

"What kind of ghost is this!"

"Shinigami's Bankai, can he transform to this extent?!"

Everyone covered their ears.

Staring at the transparent light curtain with shame.

For the first time, the Knights of the Star Cross felt that their three views were shattered!

in the past,

In their impression, Shinigami's fighting style is very pure—supplemented by Kidō, powered by Shunpo [relying on the swing of the sword to kill the enemy!


Kurotsuchi Mayuri is playing a different routine!

Doesn't wield a sword, doesn't use Kidō, not even Shinigami's Shunpo.

All kinds of black technology continue throughout the process!

Now even the creatures summoned by Bankai look far more terrifying than the two arms of the Spirit King's left hand!

What is he...

Did you mistake your identity?!

Is this masked man really a Shinigami?

"If you want me to say, Penida Pakaja is really unlucky! With all the powerful abilities he has shown, other opponents would have easily crushed him, but he met the whole scientific monster!"

Watching Kurotsuchi Mayuri's arrogant face in the video, Valkyrie stomped his feet angrily.

damn it!

Why is the opponent not me?

If I were there, it wouldn't be his turn to talk nonsense!

"Valkyrie, calm down, Penida Pakaja may not lose..." Calmly walked down from the high platform, Hasward waved his hand to signal him not to be impulsive.

"That's right, no matter how weird the magic tire he summoned is, don't forget that the battlefield has been completely occupied by nerve endings!"

Lijie Baron reminded.

And his words instantly soothed everyone's mood.


No matter how big the opponent's Bankai is.

Once you touch the nerves in the left hand of the Spirit King, you will immediately be dominated by the power of "compulsory execution".

In this case, the huge size will become a burden instead!

Face endless nerve endings.

Will be completely reduced to a target!


Just in between conversations.

On the battlefield, Ling Wang's left hand couldn't bear it anymore, and furiously gave him a blow with all his strength!


There was a sound like ocean waves.

Densely packed, tens of thousands of red nerves blasted towards the devil's embryo golden killing Jizo overwhelmingly.

Just less than three seconds.

The entire screen quickly turned into a sea of ​​blood!

I can no longer see the huge body of the magic tire!

"Is Captain Mayuri's Bankai about to be destroyed?"

The Shinigami of Gotei 13 held their breaths.

Everyone's heart is hanging.

or destroy...

or devour...

Now, it's time to decide the winner!



A sigh.

Not out of desperation.

On the contrary, I feel that I hate iron but can't make steel.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri shook his head slightly, and said in a disappointed tone: "Spirit King's left hand, it seems that you don't quite understand the meaning of the word "evolution"..."

"I just said it!"

"Thanks to all kinds of information collected from you, the golden killing Jizo can smoothly evolve into the devil's embryo form, so open your eyes and take a good look!"

"See clearly how many layers of epidermal nerves are attached to its body!"

"The answer is... 70,000 floors!!!"

Kurotsuchi Mayuri just told everything.

What followed was the sound jar with the skin flakes off!


The second roar of the devil's golden slaying Jizo!


The powerful sound waves soared into the sky.

Not only shattered the clouds in the sky.

At the same time, all the red nerves wrapped around the body were broken.


Under the horrified eyes of countless spectators,

The golden Jizo stood up, raised his baby-like plump arms, and grabbed Penida Pakaja's two arms brutally with one hand.

Then... smother it in one gulp!

this moment,

Time seemed to stand still.

The sky, the white clouds, the earth...

Anything that exists in the real world city seems to gradually disappear with the roaring sound waves.

In the whole world, there is only the ferocious figure of the golden killing Jizo left.

as well as.....…

The sound of chewing food!


Regardless of reality, or Hueco Mundo, or a ghoul.

Wherever there is a transparent light curtain, there will only be the sound of chewing food and gasping for air.

no matter who,

Just see this scene happening in the video.

The mouth will be opened to the maximum extent in astonishment.

The strong visual impact can no longer be described in any words.

Straight to the depths of the soul!


"`"Captain Mayuri... really fulfilled the rhetoric just now, and actually ate the left hand of the soul king!" Holding his chin that was about to dislocate, Chojiro was struggling to regain his senses .

Said in horror.

This is too cruel!

Not tearing, not breaking.

Instead, he stuffed it into his mouth abruptly, biting and chewing.

Even Hueco Mundo's Menos Grande can't be more brutal than that!

Not to mention the food that the golden slaying Jizo eats.

It is still the left hand of the legendary Spirit King!

The captain did not respond immediately.

Instead, calm down and ease your mood.

To be honest, even as old as him, he was also frightened by the scene just now.

The captain thought,

"Eat the left hand of the Soul King" is just a cruel word that Kurotsuchi Mayuri clamored in the battle.

I didn't expect...

He actually did what he said, and even ate two in one bite!

It's downright brutal!

"Now, with the Ling King's left hand being eaten, the battle should be over, right?"

Looking at the empty ground.

The arm wreckage that didn't even have bones left.

Sparrow Chojiro sweated a little and breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, can we finally open the champagne?

"It should be. The old man can't feel the Reiatsu in the left hand of the Spirit King. It must be being gradually digested in the stomach of the magic fetus, right?" The captain nodded and said.


"Later, apply to Central 46 and allocate more funds to the Technology Development Bureau. I used to underestimate the power of scientific research......"

Although the character is stubborn and conservative.

But after watching this subversive battle.

The old man finally changed his mind and no longer insisted that only "Zanpakutō" is the truth!


The power of technology and R&D should not be underestimated either!

"(The money is good) Received!"

"With his own strength, he killed the left hand of the Soul King alone, and Kurotsuchi Mayuri also deserves such treatment..."

Sparrow Chojiro Christine

Respectfully responded.


His voice was just coming out of his throat.

The original silent video, but once again there was a riot:




First came the sound of abdominal pain.

Then, there was a howl of resentful ghosts, screaming in pain!

without warning,

The golden devil's tire that was chewing originally.

The ferocious face suddenly froze.

Then, the head swelled rapidly, and the huge body swelled rapidly like boiling.

Different parts are twisted and torn apart like bubbles!

"What... what's going on?!"

The triumphant smile froze instantly.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri turned around and looked at the constantly collapsing magic tire with a blank expression on his face.

what happened!

Hasn't King Ling's left hand been eaten and wiped clean?

Then why did the golden killing Jizo explode out of thin air!

Could it be that......

When uneasy thoughts arise,


Like a fireworks explosion.

The huge body of the golden Ksitigarbha completely melted into a big pile of blood foam that soared to the sky.

The blue sky was instantly dyed red.

In the real world city, it seems that a bloody downpour has fallen!

And Kurotsuchi Mayuri, who is in it.

The sunflower mask was stained with the remaining flesh and blood of the magic fetus.

And his eyes.

It also reflects the reappearance of the left hand of the Soul King!.

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