Shinigami: Inventory Of The Top Ten Strongest Combat Power!

Chapter 79 Xiaobai's Second Highlight!

The cold air of Baimang suddenly descended from the sky.

It's like winter is coming!


Gotei 13 Shinigami, something that rekindled hope~happened——


The temperature plummeted below freezing.

Affected by the cold, the spirit particles and moisture in the air freeze quickly.

Since the real world city is remodeled on the basis of the original Lingwang Palace, it also retains the original exaggerated spirit particle-concentration of this space.

When the spiritual seeds are continuously frozen.

Valkyrie's huge body became a moving target instead, and was completely frozen between the fire and light stones!

And this scene.

And of course it caused a stir!

"This is... Captain Tōshirō!"

He stared fixedly at the screen.

After seeing the childish figure standing on the ice crystal, Seireitei burst into cheers!


The future Xiaobai has already shown his face once before.

But this time it's totally different!

After experiencing the process of being violently killed by Valkyrie, coupled with the blows of the previous three rounds of inventory, the emotions of most Shinigami have fallen to the bottom!

And the appearance of Tōshirō.

Not only a ray of light in the darkness.

Even more like a savior, he was placed high hopes by everyone in an instant!

"team leader......"

"After all, the timeline is connected. It seems that before Captain Zaraki appears, it's up to you and Captain Kuchiki to hold back this Giant Quench..."

Matsumoto Rangiku has a complicated expression.

Looking at the mature face of Tōshirō in the camera, she couldn't recognize it for a while!


In the future, Tōshirō has grown up completely!

And also became one of the saviors in the final battle!

It's just embarrassing!


"In the future, I finally fulfilled my talent! I did not disappoint the captain and their expectations! I don't know how far Hyōrinmaru will develop..." Tōshirō clenched his fists excitedly, his green pupils filled with expect.


In the battle with Harri Belle.

The big move, Bingtian Baihua Burial, has already amazed the audience.

Well this time.

Hyōrinmaru must have stronger moves, even the ultimate secret of freezing ability?

The answer will be revealed soon!

"Captain Hitsugaya...."

"Are those ice flowers behind you enough to support this battle?" Byakuya Kuchiki asked with a serious expression, looking at the gradually withering purple cross carvings behind Tōshirō.


Only the two of them were left to act.

Relying on the improved Senbonzakura, and the more refined Shunpo under the guidance of Team Zero, Byakuya Kuchiki is confident that he can continue to play in a short time.


Based on his knowledge of Daiguren Hyōrinmaru.

Once the ice flower withers, it means that the time limit is up, and Tōshirō will lose the power of Bankai, which has been widely known for a long time.


The situation is very bad!


Hitsugaya Tōshirō's next response took Byakuya Kuchiki by surprise:

"No, you misunderstood..."

"In fact, the withering of the ice flowers does not mean that Bankai is over, but it means that Hyōrinmaru's power has fully matured!" Tōshirō's eyes were firm, and the remaining ice flowers behind him seemed to be withering at an accelerated rate along with his will.


"What do you mean? There's still such a thing!" Tōshirō was dumbfounded when he heard his future self say this in the 10th squad.

"When the ice flower withers, it means the end."

The source of this sentence.

It was passed down from myself.

And the results of every Bankai in the past also proved that my understanding is correct.

so why...

Will my future self slap myself in the face?

There must be something wrong somewhere!

And at the moment when Tōshirō frowned and racked his brains to think, Matsumoto Rangiku exclaimed:

"Captain...look! You seem to...become an adult!"

Pupil earthquake.

Matsumoto Rangiku's jaw almost dropped.

At this time, in the screen, when the cold air covering his body slowly dissipated, the figure of Hitsugaya Tōshirō completely transformed into another appearance!

No longer immature.

He is no longer short.

He has deep facial features, firm eyes, and holds a long ice crystal blade in his hand.

The snow-white holster on his body was rattling in the howling cold wind.! In the blink of an eye!

Tōshirō seems to have crossed the barrier of time, overdrawn his youth in advance, and turned the former genius boy into a unique ice hunter!

Not only that,

In addition to the earth-shaking changes in appearance.

Tōshirō's aura is also several times stronger than before, and even the fit with Hyōrinmaru has reached perfection!

him at this time.

Just a slight breath can freeze the air.

0......seeking flowers......

No need to rely on Zanpakutō's slash anymore to manipulate absolute zero however you want!

"Okay.......that's amazing!"

"It turns out that this is Captain Tōshirō's final form, so cool!"

"Hyōrinmaru, it's no wonder that Zanpakutō is called the strongest ice element, and it really lives up to its reputation!"

"I'm looking forward to the full-fledged power of Bankai!"

Emotions that had almost hit rock bottom.

Because of Tōshirō's self-sublimation, the Shinigami's blood was rekindled.

Either cheer up, or have high hopes.

At this time, no one felt that the Giant Quincy could not be defeated!

"Huh? It's changed so much? Aren't you already in Bankai state?"

Watching Tōshirō transforming himself.

Valkyrie frowned, re-examining Tōshirō with wary eyes.


Just explored for a while.

The fear in his eyes quickly disappeared.

The immortality endowed by the "dimension of God" and the power to become infinitely stronger due to injuries give Valkyrie enough capital to be arrogant!


"Go to hell, Ice Crystal Boy!"

"No matter how eccentric you become, you will end up like your companions!"

The gigantic Victory Sword slashed violently from a height of hundreds of meters in the air, intending to chop Tōshirō directly into a pile of ice slag.



The cold air surged.

Tōshirō dodges easily.

"Hmph, did you avoid it? Then strike again!" Valkyrie shuddered after failing to hit the target once, and then slashed out another sword of destruction.

The result, still the same:

Relying on the perfect fusion with the cold, Tōshirō dodged again.

"Laozi doesn't believe he can't hit you!"

Swing the sword again!

Still dodged!

And when the slash was dodged for the fourth time, Tōshirō finally spoke:

"It's over, purebred exterminator!"

"The fully liberated Daiguren Hyōrinmaru can completely freeze all elements in a certain space within four steps!"

"You may not have noticed, just now... I have moved the fourth step!"

finished speaking,


The sound of the frozen seal suddenly sounded.

In the next moment, the entire video was occupied by endless ice bursts.

The constant climbing and spreading zero-degree cold air instantly frozen Valkyrie's huge body inside!

Thousands of miles are frozen, life is withered! .

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