Shinigami: Inventory Of The Top Ten Strongest Combat Power!

Chapter 85 Ichigo Is A Piece Of Monk Meat?

"what happened!"

"What did the purebred exterminator mean just now?"

"When did I become a descendant of a purebred Quincy?"

On the roof of the teaching building.

Ichigo's head was a mess.

Staring blankly at himself in the video, because he couldn't accept the sudden news, he yelled out of control!

Dad, is a clinic doctor.

Mom is a housewife.

This is a concept that has been deeply rooted in Ichigo since he could remember, and it has not changed until now.


He even complained about himself: Mom and Dad are just two ordinary people, if you don’t work hard in the future, you will go to the factory to make screws in the future!


Under the premise of this inherent concept.

Now, someone suddenly told him that he was a descendant of a purebred Quincy Master?

What nonsense!

"Ichigo, "180" calm down, maybe he is just fooling around, don't take it seriously!" Seeing his best friend's emotional collapse, Sado Yasutora quickly comforted him.

"Yeah, don't pay attention to what the enemy said, he must have deliberately lied in order to disturb your mentality!" Inoue Orihime comforted distressedly.


I heard the persuasion of two friends.

Ichigo's mood eased a little, nodded and said: "You two are right, why is what he said true! I can't be a descendant of a purebred Quincy Master!"

"It's impossible for me to have anything to do with these evil guys!"

Ichigo clenched his hands into fists.

Roaring with all his might.

In the sonorous and powerful roar, there is contempt for the purebred Quincy!

After watching so many roulettes, even I have no feeling for Shinigami, Arrancar, or any of the forces of the Quincy.

What Ichigo dislikes the most is the purebred Quincy!

Because there is no him.

Just relying on those few odd-shaped and bottomless personal guards.

It formed a strong conflict with what he thought was "hot blood"!

Ichigo doesn't even bother to be such a scoundrel!

And at this time,

In the video, the tragedy faced by the future self is not over yet.

"Ichigo, goodbye..."

Surrounded by Hasward.

The evil figure of Yuhabach slowly disappeared into the rain.

"Soon, I will come to greet you again, patiently waiting for the call of the invisible empire

"Blindfolded by the darkness, my offspring!"

After leaving some thought-provoking words.

The figure of Yuhabach completely disappeared.

And the camera is also aimed at Ichigo, whose eyes are confused and lonely in the heavy rain.


Tensa Zangetsu that broke in half!

Picture, stop here.

Not much has been said about Hasward's first inventory.

It's just a sword that cut off Ichigo's hard blow!


This brief scene.

It still aroused different suspicions from various forces!

"What's the meaning?"

Sparrow Chojiro frowned, and asked in a puzzled way: "According to Yuhabach, that human boy named Ichigo seems to have the power of Shinigami and purebred Quincy in his body at the same time?"


Shinigami and Quincy are two completely opposite races, and they will never die with each other.

There have been two wars of extermination!

Under such a premise, how could that human youth possess two different powers at the same time?


Sparrow Chojiro's face became strange.

Suddenly thought of the word - "hybrid"!

Could it be that this human boy was born from the combination of a Shinigami and a purebred Quincy?

That would be even more outrageous!

"Chojiro, anyway, judging by the scenes that have appeared before and after, I think this boy named "Ichigo" will be a crucial figure in the Millennium Blood War in the future!


There was a pause.

The chief captain solemnly emphasized: "Send people out immediately, preferably led by the captain-level Shinigami himself, find that human boy as soon as possible, and protect him!"

"and also....……"

"Investigate his background and find out who Ichigo's father is! This is also very important!"

Stop being stubborn.

Instead put down the arrogance of the Shinigami.

The captain changed his prejudice against human beings in the past, and decisively issued a protection order!

Now that the future picture, Ichigo's importance has been confirmed.

Then act early!

Fight for all opportunities that can change the future!

"Understood, I will immediately convey your order to each team, and we must find that human boy as soon as possible!" Chojiro bowed and agreed.

Then he hurriedly left the team room.

The captain was left alone to ponder the question silently:

"Humans, Shinigami, Quincy..."

"Can these three different races really blend together perfectly?"


The captain expressed strong doubts.

the other side.

In Xuye Palace, the same scene happened.

"Hey..... Let me tell you, since the whole world is in chaos, why don't we also step in and make the situation even more chaotic!"

Stand up slowly.

Grimmjow put one hand in his pocket and said on a whim.

"Grimmjow, what do you mean... go to the present world to find that human boy named "Ichigo"?" SzayelAporro guessed his thoughts in an instant.

"That's right!"

Grimmjow nodded and said with a sinister smile: "I don't know why, every time I see that guy's face, the cells in my body always roar with fighting spirit, of course, this is not the main reason

"I think everyone can see that that human youth has a pivotal position in the war..."

"He seems to be able to dictate the direction of the future!"

Having said that, the corner of Grimmjow's mouth raised a serious arc:

"Since this man named Ichigo is so important, then we Arrancar imprisoned him in advance, wouldn't we have control of an important bargaining chip that can change the future?"

"Although this method may not necessarily work."

"But! At least it's better than just sitting here and staring blankly?"

The leopard king who likes to kill.

Rarely sane.

And his remarks were quickly agreed by others Qiandao:

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"I think Grimmjow is right!"

"We must act, not 4.5 is just waiting to die!"

Different from the last dispute.

This time, even the Black Wing Demon voted for it.

Ulquiorra also believes that the Arrancar Legion should not be reduced to a role in the future, but should become a powerful neutral force that determines the future direction of the Shinigami world!

It's obvious...

The key to changing the future lies in Ichigo's body!

"Since everyone agrees, then..."

The corners of the mouth were widened to the maximum, exposing sharp hunting fangs.

Grimmjow sneered coldly:

"It's my proposal, so let me do it myself and bring that Ichigo back to Hueco Mundo!"

at this time.

Ichigo who is far away in Karakura Town doesn't know.

Because of Yuhabach's words, he actually became the favorite of the Shinigami world!

And was targeted by Shinigami and Arrancar at the same time!.

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