Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 104 Quincy, The Power Of Shinigami And Menos Grande! 【Please Subscribe】

His whole body was dark, like a shadow, and he had no beard. Although his appearance was indeed different, Qianye could still recognize that this was Youhabach in his youth.

"Is this Ichigo's Zanpakutō Zangetsu?"

Yoruichi saw this scene and muttered to himself.

At this time, the young Youhabach stepped forward, and with his movements, densely packed strange blades appeared under the open space. These blades were all inserted upside down on the ground, appearing in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Come on, Ichigo!"

The young Habach snorted coldly and looked stern.

"Among these Zanpakutō, only one is the real Zangetsu, and the only one who can defeat me is that one!"

"If you want me to be in a [submission] state, then find it before I kill you!"

"Then--knock me down again!"

After saying that, the young Youhabach pulled out a knife and slashed Kurosaki Ichigo directly.

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression changed, and he quickly pulled out the nearest Zanpakutō, blocking the young Aruba's attack.



The Zanpakutō in his hand shattered suddenly, turning into countless fragments like glass.


Kurosaki Ichigo was knocked away from the front and started looking for his Zanpakutō again.

While Kurosaki Ichigo was fighting with Young Youhabach, Qianye and Yoruichi were watching from the sidelines.

"Qianye, the last time you saw Kurosaki Ichigo was in Karakura Town, right?"

Qianye nodded.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"What do you think of his development?"

Hearing this, Qianye was stunned and looked at Yoruichi in surprise.

"As a native of [Soul Society], don't you know more about this kind of thing?"

"His growth rate is quite amazing, but this is limited to combat skills."

Yoruichi spoke.

"His Reiatsu, it doesn't improve much!"

"Isn't this normal?"

Qianye smiled and said, if Reiatsu could rise so easily, Hitsugaya Tushirou wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"However, Kisuke said that his talent far exceeds him."

"With the current method, if we only increase the combat skills and Reiatsu does not change much, we may not be able to learn Bankai in three days!"

Yoruichi explained.

"Originally, the only example of successful Bankai training using [Transformation] was Kisuke, which was not a reference.

"Also, Kurosaki Ichigo's Reiatsu doesn't seem to have Bankai's strength, so I'm worried!"

"I would like to hear your views!"

Hearing this, Qianye glanced at Yoruichi.

"Do you think I will know?"

"Stop pretending, you definitely know more than I do!"

"That guy Urahara Kisuke has hidden a lot of things from me, are you going to hide it from me too?"

Qianye smiled, sighed, took Yoruichi's hand and touched it.

"do not be angry!"

"Actually, Kurosaki Ichigo's situation is very complicated. Urahara Kisuke didn't say anything because he couldn't explain it in a sentence or two!"

"Of course, maybe he doesn't understand the specific situation himself, he just knows a rough idea!"

Hearing this, Yoruichi was shocked and looked at Qianye, a little surprised.

"Kisuke didn't even understand?"

Qianye nodded.

"That's right!"

"There are Shinigami, Quincy and Hollow powers in Kurosaki Ichigo at the same time, right!?"

Yoruichi nodded.

"That's right!"

"So, in fact, Kurosaki Ichigo's qualifications are almost born beyond all souls. It stands to reason that he does not need to do any training at all. As long as he successfully enters this circle, Reiatsu will undoubtedly surpass the limit!"

"The Reiatsu you just said to Kurosaki Ichigo is promotion, right?"

"Actually, this statement is wrong. For him, it should be to liberate the original Reiatsu!"

"Because the soul has a so-called limit, whether it is a Shinigami, a Quincy or a Hollow, it is the same. Kurosaki Ichigo, who has three powers at the same time, perfectly blends them together. In theory, he is a transcendent who can break this kind of soul. The limit!”

"But right now, his Reiatsu is barely able to reach the captain level. Do you know why?"

Yoruichi spoke.

"That's exactly why I want to know!"

"It's because of it!"

As he spoke, Qianye pointed at the young Uhabach who was fighting Kurosaki Ichigo.



Qianye shook his head.

"That's not Kurosaki Ichigo's Zanpakutō Zangetsu!"

"You should know that without sealed state, it is almost impossible for Shinigami to awaken his Zanpakutō power. The power will not disappear. However, it is impossible without the medium of sealed state. At least, looking at the entire [Soul Society] , it’s all like that!”

"Have you ever seen a Shinigami get the Zanpakutō ability without passing the sealed state?"

Yoruichi shook his head.

Not to mention I have seen it, I have never heard of it.

Because of this, Kurosaki Ichigo is a special case right now.

"Then the question is, what is the Zanpakutō that Kurosaki Ichigo usually holds like a kitchen knife?"

"That's just a medium that carries his power. It's actually the empty power in his body!"


Yoruichi couldn't sit still and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is that thing a virtual thing?"

"Then who is that Zangetsu?"

Yoruichi pointed at the young Arihabach.

"That is the power of the Quincy in his body. To be precise, it is the origin of the power of all Quincy!"

Yoruichi was silent, feeling that what Qianye said was too shocking and she could not imagine it. 【

Zangetsu is fake and is the power of the Quincy.

And what Kurosaki Ichigo is holding is Hollow!

"What about its Shinigami power?"

"Suppressed by the Quincy's power! Because the Quincy's power doesn't want him to become a Shinigami!"

"You should know about the feud between Quincy and Shinigami!"

Hearing this, Yoruichi's heart skipped a beat and he felt that what Qianye said made sense.

Quincy and Shinigami are at odds with each other.

Rumor has it that a thousand years ago, Captain Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni killed the King of the Quincy, and two hundred years ago, Shinigami massacred almost all the Quincy.

This grudge is almost a mortal enemy.

"Then why can Ichigo use the power of Hollow!?"

"Because the Hollow's eye for the Quincy is extremely poisonous, and there is restraint in the soul. The Quincy's power cannot suppress it! Therefore, the Hollow has become a medium that carries power, and is presented in the form of a false Zanpakutō!"

Yoruichi's eyes widened, and every word Qianye said gave her a huge impact.

What the hell is this Kurosaki Ichigo?

With so much power in the body, are you still fighting among yourself?

"Qianye, you say that, do you have any evidence?"


"Watch it!"

"I am also a Quincy... In terms of strength, the Quincy's power in me comes from the same lineage as him, just like this!"

Suddenly, Qianye touched the [Holy Text] given by Habach in his body.

The next moment, the surrounding spirits were affected by Qianye, and the holy words glowed with brilliance. At the same time, there was a blue network of veins on the surface of Qianye's skin, which was blood!

This is the mark of a pureblood Quincy!

Then, almost instantly, the young Youhabach who was fighting Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around and looked at Qianye with a look of horror on his face.

At the same time, the surrounding spirits seemed to be drawn and headed towards the young Youhabach.

Yoruichi's expression changed.

"Spirit clustering is the Quincy's ability!"

"It's really the power of a Quincy!"

Yoruichi was shocked.

She felt as if she had been subverted and couldn't help but speak.


"Is it possible to practice Bankai using [Transformation of God Body] like this?"

After all, if Qianye's statement is true, Kurosaki Ichigo's Shinigami power is actually suppressed to death by the Quincy's power, and the sword he is holding now is still weak.

"It can be successful, but it actually has nothing to do with the Quincy's power!"

"Kurosaki Ichigo himself can become stronger as long as he keeps fighting!"

"Leaving aside the fighting skills, in fact, it's not called becoming stronger, but slowly developing the power that originally belonged to him!"

"The Quincy's power cannot always suppress the power of the Shinigami and the power of the Hollow!"

"Under the constant collision of forces, the power of Shinigami will slowly awaken. The same is true for the power of Menos Grande. However, due to the suppression of the Quincy's power, only fragments of Shinigami's power will overflow. Due to the history of siege, It comes out more!"

Yoruichi looked horrified, and suddenly felt that his mind was a little lost.

"Since the Quincy's power is suppressing the Shinigami's power, why does he come out to help Kurosaki Ichigo practice Bankai?"

Qianye was stunned for a moment.

"Didn't you use [Transformation Body] to materialize him?"

Yoruichi thought for a while, yes!

She was the one who brought out the Quincy's power.

"Is the Quincy's power inside Kurosaki Ichigo so strong? Can he suppress the power of Shinigami like this?"

Qianye nodded.

"That's right!"

"That's why... that person is still alive!"

Suddenly, upon hearing this, Yoruichi's heart skipped a beat, feeling that he had heard something extraordinary.

"Who are you talking about---!?"

"Isn't it him?"

Qianye pointed to the young Yuhabach who was fighting Kurosaki Ichigo in the distance!

Yoruichi turned around, stared at Qianye intently, and spoke quickly.

"Qianye, what else do you know!?"

"This... you have to ask to find out!"

Hearing this, the corner of Ye's mouth twitched.

As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs, but she felt that Qianye had no gaps to get through.

"Now what?"

"Keep letting him beat me!"

"If you approach the limit and fight a few more times, the Quincy's power will no longer be suppressed. Won't the fake Bankai come?"

"Of course, I can also give this surly boy some strength!"

With that said, Qianye took a step forward and walked towards Kurosaki Ichigo and Young Uhabach who were fighting.

Yoruichi hesitated for a moment, then couldn't help but speak.

"Is problem?"

"No problem, I have a choice in how I strike, and... I also want to feel his power!

Qianye is very curious about how the three powers of Kurosaki Ichigo are perfectly integrated in his body. It may be a clue to Qianye's successful soul resonance.

The next moment, Qianye stepped on Shunpo, disappeared instantly, and appeared directly in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and Young Uhabach, raising his hand to directly block the Zanpakutō of the two.

.........Please give me flowers 0

Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned and couldn't help but speak.


"What are you doing?"

At the same time, he was shocked to find that Qianye easily blocked both his and his Zanpakutō attacks with his bare hands.

And in Qianye's palm

On it, the veins and patterns of the spirit child emerge.

It's a static blood suit!

Seeing this scene, the young Youhabach narrowed his eyes slightly and was very surprised. He discovered that Qianye also had the power of a Quincy and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"Who are you?"

"You don't need to know, and besides, you are too much in the way!"


Qianye raised his hand and released the ultimate [Spiritual Son Concentration] instantly, forcibly plundering the spirit seeds. Young Habach's expression changed, and his body suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression changed drastically.

"Qianye, what are you doing?"

"What did you do to Uncle Zangetsu?"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's excited look, Qianye smiled and didn't intend to explain.

When angry, his potential abilities can be stimulated even more.

"I killed him!"

"Do you want to avenge him? Then come over!"

Qianye curled his fingers towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo did not rush over in anger and shouting as Qianye expected.

"No, you didn't kill Uncle Zangetsu!"

"I can still feel his power!"

"Besides, you saved my life, so I don't want to fight with you.

Qianye was stunned.

"Oh, you are so calm!"

"If I am impulsive, I can't save anyone!"

Kurosaki Ichigo said with a determined expression.

Hearing this, Qianye smiled.

"You have changed a lot!"

"When I first met you in Karakura Town, you looked dazed and green, but now you look more like a person!"

With that said, Qianye calmly pulled out his sealed state and spoke.

"Attack here!"

"You said Uncle Zangetsu taught you too slowly!"

"Want to learn Bankai? Let me help you!"

"However, my intensity is completely different from just now!"

"You'd better be prepared to fight tooth and nail and push yourself to the limit!"

After saying that, Qianye walked towards Kurosaki Ichigo calmly with the sealed state in hand.

Kurosaki Ichigo's face hardened. Hearing that Qianye wanted to help him practice Bankai, he stopped asking any more questions. Instead, he held his Zanpakutō tightly and faced Qianye who was walking slowly.

However, at this moment, he was stunned.

The Qianye in front of him did not release Reiatsu or Zanpakutō, but just walked quietly.

However, a moment is really only a moment!

Kurosaki Ichigo felt a chill in his chest, as if he had been stabbed, and had a strong sense of suffocation.

This feeling of suffocation was exactly the same as when he first faced Zaraki Kenpachi.

No, it’s even stronger than that time!

"What? Can't you breathe?"

"You must be feeling the pressure...I haven't taken any action yet.

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression changed drastically. At this moment, he felt as if he was being fatally threatened, and instinctively slashed out.

The powerful spiritual power is directly released at this moment.

"Crescent Moon Clashes!"

The huge blue crescent moon turned into a terrifying slash and flew directly towards Qianye.

Qianye didn't dodge or dodge, he just raised his hand and struck out with a knife.

With a flash of cold light, the blue crescent slash in front of him was directly divided into two.

Seeing this scene, Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils shrank suddenly, extremely shocked.

"How can it be?"

This is the Crescent Moon Chong that he is unleashing with all his strength at this stage!

Abarai Renji, the vice-captain of the Sixth Division, was instantly killed by this move, and Zaraki Kenpachi, the captain of the Eleventh Division, also saw blood when faced with this move.

However, Qianye in front of him raised his hand and chopped it off, as relaxed and carefree as breathing, so relaxed that it made him doubt his life.

"Don't be surprised!"

"I said, my intensity is completely different from before!"

After saying that, Qianye took a step forward and disappeared in an instant.

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression changed.

"So fast!"

"Faster than that Byakuya Kuchiki!"

Previously, after being trained by Urahara Kisuke, Shunpo could barely keep up with Byakuya's rhythm, but the Qianye in front of him was on another level.

"Are you still surprised?"

Suddenly, Qianye's voice appeared in front of him, and he raised his hand and chopped it off with a knife.

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression changed, and he quickly slashed to resist.


The Zanpakutō in his hand shattered.

The slash fell, and the blood instantly stained the black chess Ichigo's body red. He quickly retreated and distanced himself from Qianye.

Qianye smiled.

"Are you getting used to it now?"


When Kurosaki Ichigo fell to the ground and could no longer stand up, Qianye calmly took back his Zanpakutō.

At this time, Yoruichi came over and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo lying unconscious on the ground covered in blood, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.


"Is it really okay?"

PS: Please give me flowers, please give me votes!! Ten!.

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