Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 117 Captain Of The Fifth Division, Shihouin Qianye! 【Please Subscribe】

The huge noise coming from the depths of the palace stopped the originally chaotic situation.

Qianye stopped attacking, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the depths of the palace.

Habach is restoring strength!

At this moment, he even felt that his [Perfect Holy Body] was being pulled, and there was a feeling that it was about to be absorbed.

"Is there a warning from Harbach?"

"Or is it simply that as the father of the Quincy, he guides the return of souls?"

After all, the [Complete Holy Body] also contains the soul fragments separated from Habach, which are together with the holy text.

At this moment, when he guides the soul to return, he will inevitably pull the [All Saints Body] that is using the pulling method!

However, no matter what the outcome is, Qianye has no plans to continue at this moment.

If the fight continues, there is a possibility of disturbing Habach.

If he wakes up early then, I'm afraid other troubles will inevitably occur.

At the moment, he has no way to go to Hueco Mundo and needs to stay in the [Invisible Empire] for a while.

Thinking like this, Qianye waved with one hand.

The [Perfect Holy Body] on his body immediately turned into little bits of spirit, dissipating in the air.

"It seems that continuing to fight will disturb His Majesty Habach!"

"In this case, this matter is now settled!"

"Captain, it is not a good habit to doubt your companions casually!"

“That’s it!”

After saying that, Qianye turned around and left.

In the distance, Yaskin, who saw this scene, quickly moved out of the way, touched his chin, and couldn't help but speak.

"Haha, I knew it would be like this!"

"Fortunately, His Majesty Habach is guiding the soul back, otherwise I don't know how it would have ended!"

Saying this, he immediately came to Qianye's side and smiled.

"Qianye, you are really getting stronger and stronger..."

"You are actually able to fight against Captain Hasward and Captain Lijie at the same time - has there been any other change in your holy text?"

Hearing this, Qianye looked back at Yaskin, the old man, and Yaskin quickly explained.

"Don't look at me like that!"

"Although the leader did ask me to find you, I was not out just now!

"I believe you very much!"

Qianye definitely didn't believe what he said.

However, it is true that he did not take action.

But even so, Qianye still glared at him.


"I'm in a bad mood now, don't bother me!"

"I understand. After all, I'm under suspicion. It's strange that I'm in a good mood."

With that said, he followed Qianye out.

After Qianye left, Hasward immediately called for someone to put Pepe Vacabrada down and treat his injuries.

After the injury was under control, Hasward couldn't help but speak.

"Pepe Vacabrada, have you really controlled Qianye?"

"That's right, at least at the moment I asked, he was unconscious and under my control.

"But, after that, my ability to write holy words was immediately terminated!"

Hearing this, Hasward let out a breath.

The moment I asked..."

"Are you still doubting him?"

At this moment, seeing Hasward's expression, Lijie Barrow couldn't help but speak.

"We have just experienced the biggest scandal since the establishment of the [Knights of the Star Cross]!"

"If you want to do it again, I won't agree to it."

Hearing this, Hasward shook his head.

"Not anymore!"

"His Majesty Habach is guiding the soul to return, and he will wake up soon!"

"He will make a decision by then!"

Hearing this, Kunjie Barrow nodded.

"So much the better."

Soul Society, the third team building of the Japanese team.

At this moment, under the treatment of the Fourth Division, the seriously injured captain, deputy captain and others were out of danger and returned to their original positions.

After the recovery of [Gotei 13], the captain Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni held a captain meeting. After the war, he had many losses to announce.

At present, all the captains have arrived except for the captain of the third division, Ichimaru Gin, who has defected, the captain of the fifth division, Aizen, and the captain of the ninth division, Tousen Kaname.


The captain tapped his cane and got straight to the point.

"This captain's meeting has two main topics!"

"First, there is the defection of Aizen, Ichimaru Gin and Tousen Kaname!"

"The defection of three captains has brought great harm to [Soul Society]. The matter can be traced back to the Hollow incident a hundred years ago. At that time, we were deceived by Aizen and others.

Soon, the captain told the truth of the matter - Daolai. Some of this information came from Qianye and some came from Yoruichi. All of it was told at this moment.

"Therefore, [Soul Society] has lifted the pursuit order for former 12th division captain Urahara Kisuke, former 2nd division captain Shihouin Yoruichi and other defected Shinigami.

"At the same time, the travel disasters headed by Kurosaki Ichigo passed through the world-traveling gate made by Urahara Kisuke as scheduled [Soul Society], which had a great impact on the soul society.

"But it was actually to stop the conspiracy of the criminals headed by Aizen. In addition, they and others did not cause any specific casualties to [Soul Society], so they were not convicted and were sent back to the real world after their injuries improved. !”

With that said, the captain looked at Jūshirō Ukitake and said.

"Jushiro, I'll leave this matter to you, be careful!"

The captain's eyes were meaningful, and Jūshirō Ukitake also showed a solemn expression.

"I know, Captain!"

Qianye knew what was going on.

It’s about Shinigami agency.

Kurosaki Ichigo did not become a Shinigami through [Soul Society], and he still holds Zanpakutō. He cannot leave it alone. Giving him the status of a Shinigami agent and making him active is the best choice.

However, before that, there was already the case of Ginjo Kugo.

That's why the commander-in-chief repeatedly warned Jūshirō Ukitake.

"The next thing is the second thing. During the window period when Central 46 is established, all affairs of [Soul Society] will be handed over to us [Gotei 13]. Please captains must perform their duties and perform their respective divisions well. It’s your duty, don’t let the enemy take advantage of you!”

"The third thing is about the position of squad leader that became vacant after Aizen and others defected!"

After saying this, the captain looked at everyone.

There are three vacant divisions in total, but there are not so many suitable candidates for captain.

At this moment, everyone seemed to know what the captain was going to say next.

"These are special times!"

"The new Central 46 is established, and the election of a new captain is a must!"

"If the captains have any recommendations, you can ask directly!"

The words fell.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

The captain almost said the name.

At present, although the qualifications are still lacking, no one has the strength of a captain, no, even beyond the strength of an ordinary captain.

To be able to stop the three captains of Aizen with one person's strength is not to say that he is not weak!

Right now, we just lack a recommender.

If you want to become the captain of [Gotei 13], there are three ways!

The first method is to pass the captain test under the witness of more than three captains, including the captain.

The second method is to get recommendations from more than six captains, and at the same time get recognition from more than three of the remaining seven captains!

The third method is to duel with the current captain and defeat him in the presence of more than two hundred team members.

Then, Jūshirō Ukitake stood up and spoke.


"I recommend Shihouin Qianye, the deputy captain of Division 13, to be the captain!"

"Although his qualifications are still insufficient."

"However, with his strength, I think he is enough to serve as captain!"


Hearing this, the captain's slightly narrowed eyes slowly widened, he glanced around, tapped the floor with his crutch, and spoke calmly.

"The captain of the Thirteenth Division recommends Shihouin Qianye, what do you captains have to say?"

"Let's start with you! Captain of the Second Division!"

Suifeng nodded. The matter between her and Yoruichi had been made clear, and she had become Yoruichi's little fan girl again. In addition, Qianye and Yoruichi had a close relationship, so she spoke directly.

"I have no objection!"

The third team skipped the vacancy, and the fourth team captain Unohana Retsu showed a gentle smile and said.

"I have always been very optimistic about Qianye!"

"She is extremely talented and has been personally trained by the captain, so I don't have any problem with that.

Captain Byakuya Kuchiki of the Sixth Division is serious about words, but he knows that it was Qianye who protected Rukia after he was defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo.

Although Aizen succeeded in the end, this favor had to be returned.

"I have no objection either!"

Although Captain Komamura Sajin of the 7th Division had had friction with Qianye before and even fought a battle, his allegiance was to Captain Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni. At this moment, even the Captain recognized Qianye's identity as a Quincy. , he had nothing to say.

"Qianye has captain-level strength even without Bankai!"

"I have no objection!"

Captain Kyoraku Shunsui of the Eighth Division glanced at Jūshirō Ukitake, sighed and spoke.

"Although I knew that with Qianye's talent it would be impossible to be the vice-captain forever, but I never thought that this day would come so soon!"

"I recommended Qianye to Jushiro's side to be the vice-captain at the beginning. Now that Jushiro has recommended him, I naturally have no objection!"

"It's just that you have to worry about the vice-captain again!"

Hearing this, Jūshirō Ukitake from a distance smiled towards Kyoraku Shunsui.

After the ninth team skipped, the tenth team captain Hitsugaya Tōshirō also stood up. Qianye had been misunderstood by Hinamori before but remained calm. At least, he acknowledged this consideration.

"I don't have any objection either!"

As for Team 11, Zaraki Kenpachi smiled.


"I've said it a long time ago, with Qianye's strength he shouldn't be the vice-captain!"

"After becoming captain, you don't need to say that I bully the vice-captain, right!?"

"I don't have any objection either!"

Although Kurotsuchi Mayuri of Division 12 was surprised to hear Qianye's identity as a Quincy, he had just obtained the data of the strongest world in the series from Qianye, so he naturally had no objection.

However, in fact, he now has a strong interest in Qianye and wants to study how the soul that can use the power of both Quincy and Shinigami works.

"I don't have any objection either!"

As for the last Jushiro, he is Qianye's recommender.

[Gotei 13] Except for the three vacant captains, almost all agreed, and the bottom line of the six captains had been exceeded.

Thinking of this, the captain spoke calmly.

"very good!"

"Shihouin Qianye, come in!"

As soon as the words fell, Qianye

He came through the door of the first team building and came to the front of the captain.

The captain spoke.

"Shihouin Qianye, after discussion in [Gotei 13], we recognize your qualifications and strength and give you the position of captain of the fifth division. Do you accept it!?"

Division 5?

The fifth team is responsible for rescuing Shinigami and trainee Shinigami who are in trouble in the real world. Considering what Qianye and the captain said before, they can freely enter and exit the real world, which is easy to understand.

Thinking of this, Qianye nodded.

"I'll take it!"

"Thank you very much, Captain, thank you all captains!"

After saying that, Qianye turned around and bowed slightly to the captains who supported him.

At this moment, Chōjirō Sasakibe, the deputy captain of the Japanese team, brought a wooden plaque.

After opening it, Haori, the captain of the fifth division, was lying inside.

After Qianye took it, he casually put it on his body.

"Start today!"

"I am the captain of the fifth division.

PS: Please give me flowers, please vote!!!

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