Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 129 The Fusion Of Menos Grande And Shinigami, Qianye Hollow? 【Please Subscribe】

Hueco Mundo, Xuye Palace.

Xuye Palace is very big, not in the ordinary sense. In addition to the originally huge palace, there is an endless desert outside, and above the desert, there is the sky!

Aizen divided an area for Qianye and others in Xuye Palace in accordance with the requirements he made in [Soul Society].

"Qianye, do we really want to stay here permanently?"

Bambietta and Jadis looked at the desolate desert and couldn't help but sigh.

"Although that palace is not as comfortable as our [Invisible Empire]'s, it is still better than this desert.

Qianye spread his hands.

"That's Aizen's palace."

"It's enough to be his neighbor. As for meeting him directly in the palace, forget it.

"Although I don't think he will do anything to us, we still need to be on guard.

At this moment, Qianye has confessed to Aizen that he has two identities, one is a Quincy and the other is a Shinigami.

This is sending a signal to him that it is useless to deal with only one of them. Qianye is both body and soul.

"Then what do we do now?"

Jadis looked at the desert, which was endless as far as the eye could see.

The concentration of spirit seeds is quite dense, but let alone any buildings, not even a single plant can be seen.

"Have you forgotten how the [Invisible Empire] was built?"

Hearing this, the two women were stunned.

They are the new generation of Quincy. They know very little about the [Invisible Empire] and even Uhabach, but they also know that the [Invisible Empire] lurks under the shadow of [Seireitei], and it is the Quincy King who uses Uhabach. The identity is constructed!

Thinking of this, Bambietta and Jadis' expressions changed slightly, and they couldn't help but speak.

"Qianye, do you mean you want to..."

Qianye nodded.

"That's right!"

"Whatever Habach can do, I can do the same!"

As he spoke, in an instant, Qianye's body bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the dense spiritual seeds around him gathered towards Qianye's body at an extremely fast speed.

The next moment, the wings and halo of the [Perfect Holy Body] were formed, and Qianye directly entered the [Quincy Complete Holy Body] state. In this state, "his [Spirit Son Collection] was increased again.

Then, directly use the desert in front of you as the foundation to reconstruct the spirit space.

"Spirit collection!"

In an instant! All the spirits within the visual range gathered in front of Qianye like a wave, and even the Kite Palace where Aizen was located began to shake.

This huge movement of spirit children attracted all the other Arrancars in the Xuye Palace, looking at the magical and terrifying scene in front of them.

Above Xuye Palace, Aizen stood at the top, watching everything calmly.

Behind him, Ichimaru Gin and Tousen Kaname followed him quietly.

"It's really amazing. Can a Quincy do this?"

Tousen Kaname couldn't help but speak.

I see, but in this way, his perception of Reiatsu is far greater than others.

The entire Hueco Mundo spirit seemed to be trembling and moving because of Qianye's presence, as if they had gathered around him consciously and accepted his control.

This feeling.

It's like he is at the pinnacle of Lingzi's reign and is the king of Lingzi.

"An ordinary Quincy would definitely not be able to do this!"

Aizen spoke.

"This is [Spirit Concentration], which is the most basic ability of a Quincy, just like our Shinigami's Reiatsu!"

"It's just that ordinary Quincy can only be used to construct [Holy Annihilation] and the Spirit Bow for combat, but Qianye is different!"

"He has pushed the path of the Quincy to the limit or close to it. The ability of [Spirit Concentration] has allowed him to forcibly plunder the surrounding Resons!"

"Gin, please! You have to understand that both our Shinigami and Hollow are spirits. That is to say, if he is strong enough, he can even plunder our bodies directly!"

"His basic skills as a Quincy are terrifyingly solid."

Hearing this, Tousen Kaname's face changed slightly, and just when he was about to speak, Ichimaru Gin next to him took the lead and smiled.

"Then Captain Aizen, you just put him into Hueco Mundo so leisurely?"

"Since his [Spiritual Seed Gathering] is so powerful, wouldn't Hueco Mundo be like a duck in water with such a dense density of spiritual beings..."

"This is raising tigers to create trouble."

"Besides, the current Qianye is no better than Captain Aizen. Don't you want to lie to me?"

Hearing this, Aizen looked back at Ichimaru Gin and smiled.

"Silver, whether you are strong or not is relative. A Quincy has a Quincy fighting style, and a Shinigami has a Shinigami fighting style.

"As for the danger of raising tigers..."

Aizen didn't say anything else, he just stared at Qianye in the distance quietly.

The genius is extremely beautiful and breaks through the extreme realm.

Aizen seems to see the shadow of his former self in Qianye!

Aizen has been different since birth. His overpowering talent made him grow up too fast, and he was incompatible with everyone around him.

A hundred years ago, when he became Hirako's real vice-captain, as a Shinigami, he reached his limit and discovered the ultimate state of the soul.

No one can understand him.

Because he was born alone and no one could keep up with him.


Now he has found such a person.


The same talent, the same reaching the extreme, and the same idea as him, to break the limits of the soul and move towards a higher dimension.

However, Qianye's path is to use Shinigami and Quincy, while Aizen is with Shinigami.

Therefore, Aizen sighed when he escaped from Sōkyoku Hill in [Soul Society].

If Qianye had been born a hundred years ago, perhaps Aizen would not have felt so lonely.

"It's... such a pity!"

Aizen sighed, leaving Ichimaru Gin and Tousen Kaname stunned.

"Lord Aizen, what is such a pity?"

Tousen Kaname asked.

Aizen shook his head.


Not to mention this side.

At this moment, a large number of Hueco Mundo's souls gathered crazily and reorganized in front of Qianye. In the blink of an eye, a palace similar to the [Invisible Empire] rose from the ground and slowly took shape in front of Qianye and the three of them.

Seeing this scene, Bambietta and Jadis opened their mouths and were so surprised that they couldn't say a word.

When the palace was completely formed, Qianye removed the [Complete Holy Body] with a wave of his hand, stepped in, and looked back at the two of them.

"What are you doing standing around, come in!"

The three of them entered it and after wandering around for a few times, they found that it was almost the same palace as the palace Qianye lived in during the Invisible Empire.

Qianye nodded.

"It can be considered a restoration."

"I may test some of my powers later. No matter what noise you hear, don't pay attention. Even if I turn into something weird, don't stop me, you know?"

Hearing this, Bambietta and Jadis were stunned, a little strange.

"What do you mean by turning into something weird?"

"I don't know either, it's just a possibility. Anyway, you should take a rest first!"

After saying that, Qianye left alone.

After finding an empty room, Qianye put a barrier on himself and sat down.

Now, he is going to try to fuse the power of Menos Grande.

Shinigami and the Force of Annihilation do not conflict with each other, but fusion is already quite difficult.

The power of Menos Grande not only conflicts with the power of Shinigami, but is also extremely poisonous to the power of annihilation. The difficulty of fusion is evident in Madara.

Therefore, if the power of Menos Grande and the power of annihilation are fused, Qianye will definitely have no chance. There is no need to try, the fusion will definitely collapse!

However, the fusion of the power of Shinigami and the power of Menos Grande can be tried.

Aizen's Arrancar, Masked Legion or Kurosaki Ichigo all have the fusion of two powers. Even Aizen itself has evolved based on these two powers.

Even if the fusion fails, Qianye still needs to find out the reason and then find opportunities for fusion from these forces.

"Let's try it first... I don't know what it will look like after fusion."

Qianye sat cross-legged and mobilized the power of Shinigami and the power of Menos Grande in his body.

At this moment, due to the division and resonance of the soul, as a Quincy, there is only a small part of the soul in his body, and there is also very little Shinigami power.

However, this part can be used to try to integrate with the power of the big tiger.

Qianye closed her eyes tightly, and the two forces in her body immediately began to forcibly resonate.

And at this moment.

A dark Reiatsu spread from Qianye's body and slowly began to devour Qianye's body from his feet until his entire body was dyed black.

The two forces within the body, the power of Shinigami and the power of Menos Grande, are in conflict, almost no different from the original fusion of the power of annihilation.

Then, the next moment, the powerful power of Menos Grande suddenly began to swallow the power of Shinigami and enveloped it all.

At this moment, darkness, ominousness, and weirdness... seemed to have gathered all the negative emotions in the world and attacked Qianye's mind directly.

" the power of Menos Grande."

Suddenly, Qianye opened his eyes suddenly.

At this moment, the whites of his eyes disappeared and were replaced by darkness.


Somewhere in his body suddenly exploded, and from the place of the explosion, a large amount of strange white substance emerged. This substance wrapped around Qianye's whole body, causing Qianye's body to undergo amazing changes.

His skin became pale, with no trace of blood visible, his hair instantly grew longer, and his face was shrouded in a strange Menos Grande mask, which was covered with strange stripes of black and white.

Under this mask, Qianye felt that his breathing became rapid and heavy, and a beast-like low growl came out of his throat.

At the same time, he felt himself becoming violent and chaotic, and there was a feeling that the dark side in his heart was being channeled.


"I can still control myself now..."

"However, consciousness is obviously slowly disappearing.

"Is it a problem with the proportion of Menos Grande's power?"

At this moment, he has only integrated a small part of Menos Grande's power, and the changes that have taken place in him are already very amazing.

"Then how do we continue to integrate?"

"Am I going to go berserk?"

Void originally represents chaos.

At this moment, Qianye merges the power of Menos Grande and the power of Shinigami, and the power of Shinigami is pitiful. If it is combined like this, the power of Shinigami will be completely fused with the power of Menos Grande.


"I might become completely hollow..."

Just like Kurosaki Ichigo.

Because the power of Shinigami was suppressed by the power of annihilation in his body, only a small part overflowed, and the overflowing part fully merged with the power of Menos Grande to form White.

Therefore, when Kurosaki Ichigo goes berserk, he can even turn into a Hollow.

Now, Qianye feels as if she has fallen into that state.

"Do you want to continue the integration?"

Qianye was a little confused.


, the current integration is pretty smooth, he just has a big change in appearance, and his consciousness is still his own.

However, if the fusion continues, Qianye feels that she will lose her heart.

Suddenly, Qianye gritted his teeth.


How to find a way to integrate without continuing to try.

Wasn't the fusion of Shinigami's power and the power of annihilation slowly figured out?

After all, you have to take the first step.

Thinking of this, Qianye no longer restricted and continued to merge the power of Menos Grande and the power of Shinigami.


Change just happens in an instant!

Qianye felt that his chest sunk down, forming a hole like a black hole. Then, the material inside instantly shattered and turned into dots, dissipating into the air.

At this moment, Qianye felt that his heart was lost!

That is void!

Represents emptiness!

"it is as expected…"

Qianye realized that he was probably going to run away.

He immediately stood up and walked out of the palace at a very fast speed. When leaving, Bambietta and Jadis seemed to feel something and glanced outside.

Just this glance made their hearts tremble.

"What it is?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the desert in the distance.

The roar method turned into substantial sound waves and spread, forming a terrifying storm.

Then, in the center of the storm, a jet-black ultra-high Reiatsu blast shot into the sky and shot directly through the roof of the sky.

The next moment, Reiatsu was covered in chaos and unknown darkness, making people feel as if they were in the deep sea.

"Is that...Cero?"

The two women were completely stunned!

At this time, Aizen and others also noticed movement in the distance.

Tousen Kaname's expression changed.

"It's Cero..."

"And the power is even more terrifying than Wang Xu's flash!"

"what is that?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the terrifying Reiatsu came over him.

Tousen Kaname and Ichimaru Gin's legs trembled and they almost lost their balance.

Ichimaru Gin's narrowed eyes suddenly opened.

"This Reiatsu... seems to be Qianye!"

"It's just, why do you become so weird and irritable? It's just like..."

"Just like Hollow!"

Tousen Kaname resisted this wave of Reiatsu and then spoke.

"Lord Aizen, do you want to interfere?"

Aizen waved his hand, his expression changed.

"No need to interfere..."

At this moment, Aizen seemed to have discovered something surprising. There was strong interest in his eyes and he murmured at the corner of his mouth.

"Is this... Hollow?"

"In addition to the power of Shinigami and the power of you actually want to fuse a third power?"

"You are really greedy————"

At this moment, in the desert in the distance.

The terrifying Cero gradually dissipated, and in the center, Qianye's white mask slowly fell down, as if shedding his skin, revealing his original appearance.

After regaining consciousness, Qianye subconsciously touched his chest.

The void hole has disappeared.

"Is that...the rampage after becoming a Hollow?"

"It feels a little uncomfortable."

This time the fusion of Shinigami's power and Menos Grande's power ended in failure.

However, Qianye found the direction of integration.

Compared to Kurosaki Ichigo who has a single Xubai in his body, Qianye feels that his situation is more similar to the Masked Legion.

Because Qianye does not resist the power of Menos Grande, it is the dark, unknown violence and other negative emotions contained in Menos Grande's power that influence her.

"Perhaps, to get in touch with the Masked Legion..."

” is the key to my successful blend of resonance.”

PS: Please give me flowers and votes! Work!.

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