Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 165 Qianyevs Dreamer! 【Please Subscribe】

After Qianye of Hueco Mundo discovered that [Invisible Empire] was attacking [Soul Society], he wanted to go to [Soul Society] immediately to support.

However, as soon as he walked out of the palace.

As a shadow emerged, a person walked out of the azure blue spirit beam flames rising into the sky!


The dreamer of [Knights of the Star Cross]!

A Quincy with extremely random abilities.

At this moment, Qianye waved his hand, telling Bambietta and Jadis who were following him to retreat.

The two of them saw that Gremy Tomu was a little frightened and couldn't help but speak.

"Habach actually released this monster!"

"Qianye, are you okay?"

"It's okay, just back off!"

Hearing this, the two nodded and immediately evacuated to a far away place.

Gremy Tomu did not pay attention to the departure of the two people, but stared directly at Gremy Tomu.

After not seeing each other for several months, he found that the other person had become different.

"Have you...received a gift from Habach [Holy]?"

"Oh? Have you noticed all this?"

Gremy Tomu put his hands in his pockets, with no intention of taking them out. He just smiled, looked at Qianye calmly, and said.

"I should thank you, Qianye!"

"Your Majesty told me that because of you, I was released early!"

"He said, let me kill you and then my freedom will be restored..."

"In this regard, I also gave you more souls. Obviously I don't need it...because I can't imagine a scenario where I will lose to you!"

"After all, I am the strongest person in the entire Star Cross Knights!"

"Isn't it natural to defeat you?"

He spoke with extreme confidence and had no doubt about his victory.

"Oh? In other words, you have been released by Youhabach and have a good view?"


Gremy-Thomu smiled.

"It's great that there are so many things in the outside world that I couldn't imagine!"

"I seem to be staying outside all the time, so... I can only ask you to die!"

There was always a faint smile on his face.

"I must have fought against you once in the [Holy Picture] Arena!"

"It was just interrupted!"

"However, there is no such consideration now!"

"Let's get started..."

"I'm not going to say anything that could defeat you with one finger—"

"I won't even use a finger to defeat you. I'll just use my imagination and let you die in my brain!"

The moment the words fell!

Gremy Tomu suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from his side.



His entire body was cut in half!

At this moment, his eyes widened and his pupils suddenly shrank.

So fast!

It was so fast that he couldn't even react at this moment.

"You have become stronger too..."

In an instant, he recovered and turned back to look at Qianye in horror, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Hearing this, Qianye smiled, calmly opened his hands and said.

"Do you think Habach sent you here really to kill me?"

"You are just a pawn he abandoned to hold me back!"

"You can't even hold me back!"

After saying this, Gremy Tomu just wanted to speak.

Suddenly I saw Qianye take a step.

And just at this step, in an instant, an unprecedented terrifying force fell from the sky.

This made Gremy Tomu's expression change, and he even bent his legs and almost knelt down.

"What's this?"

"Reiatsu? No...this is some other power!"

"I am no longer a Quincy or a Shinigami_"

"It's about evolving to a higher level. If I hadn't lowered myself, neither you nor I would be able to sense it!"

"Like this!"

After saying that, Qianye waved his hand.

In an instant, the originally terrifying coercion disappeared instantly, allowing Gremy to breathe.

After hearing this, Gremy Tomu showed an angry look on his face.

"Do you think you are stronger than me?"

"no doubt!"

"Impossible, imagination is the most powerful force in this world!"

"You will die from my imagination!"

The moment the words fell.

There was a heavy pressure in the sky instantly!

A dark shadow with scorching flames fell from the sky.

That's a huge meteorite!

Born from the imagination of Gremy-Thomu, it became a reality!

"Under the meteorite, all life will be wiped out!"

"The only one who can survive is me!"

Seeing this, Qianye calmly raised his head and glanced at the meteorite, and then moved the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Hadō no Ninety - Black Coffin!"

In an instant, a dark torrent of gravity rose into the sky, heading directly towards the falling meteorite from the sky.

Under that terrifying gravity burst, the huge meteorite was directly crushed into pieces!

The next moment, the huge meteorite exploded, turning into countless fragments and falling down under Qianye's chanting Kidō, bathing Qianye and Gremy-Thomu like a heavy rain.

Seeing this scene, Gremy Tomu's expression changed slightly, and he even took a step back subconsciously.

"You did get a lot of enhancements from Habach..."

"Imagining meteorites was easy!"

In the original work, Xia Lemi-Wang Miu still needs twice the imagination to do it.

"However, after all, you and I are no longer in the same dimension!"

Saying that, Qianye smiled, took a step forward, and disappeared in an instant.

Before Gremi Tomu could react, Qianye's knife was already slashing towards his body.

Gremy-Thomu's expression condensed!

In an instant, his body hardened and turned into iron!

However, when Qianye slashed with his knife, the steel was cut directly like tofu without any difference.

As the blood spattered, Gremy Tomu's expression changed drastically, and he finally looked panicked.

"How can it be!?"

"My body is made of steel!"

"Can steel block my slash? Digest!"

Gremy Tomu gritted his teeth, grabbed Qianye's knife, and snorted coldly.

"I'm going to turn your bones into cookies!"


The fact is that Qianye's body has not changed at all.

Gremy Tomu was stunned for a moment, unable to accept it.

"My imagination can't interfere with you!"

"The power of lower dimensions also attempts to interfere with the body of higher dimensions. Do you think you can do it?"

Qianye looked calm, grabbed it with his bare hands, and directly crushed the heads of Shami and Tomu! 0.1 Along with the explosion of the red and white meeting, the body of Grami and Tomu regenerated in another place.

He imagined his recovery!

However, Qianye is faster.

"Can your imagination keep up with mine?"

The moment he finished speaking, Qianye was already behind the reborn Gremy Tomu!

Gremy-Thomu's pupils shrank!

Countless spirit cannons suddenly erupted from Gremy Tomu's body, aimed at Qianye, and fired directly!

Qianye turned a blind eye and slashed out with one knife, and all the bells and whistles were wiped out.

"I said that!"

"I am neither a Quincy nor a Shinigami now, but I have evolved to a higher level!"

"Killing you is like squeezing an ant to death!"

After saying that, Qianye's big hand instantly moved down and pinched Xia Mizui directly.

PS: Please give me flowers and tickets!

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