Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 178: Usurping The Altar, Bankai Plundering! 【Please Subscribe】

Arihabach was killed head-on by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

The emperor of the [Invisible Empire] died at the head of the Shinigami, and this war should have ended in this way.

However, the captain did not leave, but my own Zanpakutō stood calmly in front of Habach's body.

At the same time, on the sidelines, Hasward, who was the assistant to the emperor of the [Invisible Empire], was indifferent to Habach's death.


Just like Qianye reminded before!

This one has Habach, it’s fake!

Then, at this moment, I saw the fake Youhabach lying on the ground, reaching out his hand as if to grab the sky, and spoke softly.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Haba~He..."

"I failed to fulfill the mission you assigned me!"

The moment the words fell, his body changed.

From Habach, he became a different person.

This is a Quincy with a bald head and a third eye on his forehead.

His name is Lloyd-Lloyd, and the sacred character he was given is [Y], yourself! It represents the ability of yourself.

The essence of its ability is imitation, and it can imitate the opponent's existence, appearance, abilities and techniques, everything.

At this moment, he imitated Uhabach through the power of the holy text [Y] and achieved this false identity after Uhabach gave him powerful power.

So much so that the commander-in-chief was unable to discern his identity.

Seeing this scene, the captain narrowed his eyes slightly.


"Isn't it that simple?"

As the words fell, a shadow suddenly stretched out in the corner of [Soul Society]. The stretched shadow extended to the side of Lloyd-Lloyd, and then, a person walked out of it.

That person is the real Habach.

He came to Lloyd-Lloyd and stared at him calmly.

"You're doing great!"

After receiving Habach's affirmation, Lloyd-Lloyd was very happy and said weakly.

"You, you said I behaved well!"

"I'm so, so honored!"

Then, Habach calmly raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at Lloyd Lloyd!

On Habach's index finger, a small [Holy Destruction] was generated and shot towards Lloyd-Lloyd without hesitation.


With the violent explosion, Ludroyd's body was directly blown to pieces.

At the same time, a force burst out from Lloyd-Lloyd and slowly gathered on Habach's body.


Habach is reclaiming the power given to Lloyd-Lloyd!

Seeing this scene, the commander in the distance snorted coldly.

"What a shameless person!"

Hearing this, Habach calmly turned back, glanced at the captain, and smiled.

"Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, you don't seem surprised!"

As he spoke, he looked around and spoke again.

"No one's Bankai has been taken away, and the [Star Chapter] can't even be used!"

"However, the captains' Bankai has already been used..."

"It seems that Qianye has indeed caused me a lot of trouble!"

"As expected of...the first special combat force on my list!"

At this moment, the captain held Zanpakutō tightly, looked at Uhabach coldly, and said.

"Habach, where did you go just now?"

"I'm going to see Aizen Sōsuke!"

Habach opened his mouth and said.

"Apart from Qianye, who is the leader in special combat power, Aizen Sōsuke is the biggest variable!"

"If possible, I would like him to join me! As expected, he refused the job.

"And right now I don't have extra time to deal with Aizen Sōsuke. His power and evolution have become troublesome..."

Saying that, Youhabach suddenly showed a smile, looked at the captain, and said.

"By the way, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni!"

"The fight with the impostor just now has already exhausted your strength, right?"


The captain snorted coldly, and faced the real Habach, he took action directly.


Sang's ancient burnt black sword appeared instantly, compressed the tip of the infinite heat, and slashed directly towards Habach.

However, at the moment when the sword was recorded, a figure suddenly stood in front of Habach, and drew his sword to steadily hold the captain's slash!

The captain frowned!

This person is the [Invisible Empire] Emperor Assistant Hasward who has been watching the battle just now!

The knife was caught by Hasward. At this moment, the captain saw a huge tilting scale behind him.

The next moment, the tilted scale returned to balance and forcibly blocked the captain's slash.


"Where did the junior come from to intervene in the Butcher's battle!?"

In an instant, the captain's eyes changed, extremely sharp, and the heat in his hands exploded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the [Remnant Prison Clothes] originally surrounding the captain instantly swallowed Hasward.

A moment! It’s really only a moment.

Hasward was directly burned to ashes.

However, he recovered under a strange force.

At this time, Hasward pulled out a shield from the side.

Immediately afterwards, the shield clicked and a crack appeared.

At this moment, the captain was stunned, and suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart.

…please give me flowers…………

At this time, Hasward spoke directly.

"This shield is called [Science Shield] and is used in conjunction with my [World Harmony]!"

"It will block all damage for me and feed it back to the other party!"


Bear bear!

The flames suddenly exploded and engulfed the captain's body, burning him.

However, the captain's terrifying spirit body withstood the blow. Instead, Hasward himself seemed to have suffered something, and immediately knelt on the ground with one knee covered in charred black.

Immediately afterwards, his [Guilty Shield] suddenly shattered!

"It's really amazing...can't even the [Guilty Shield] be able to withstand this power?"

Hasward instantly jumped away from Captain Zanpakutō and stepped back one after another. However, the Captain just sneered.

"The junior Quincy... intervened in my battle. Do you think I can still let you escape unscathed?"


The captain was about to take action with the residual fire sword in his hand.

And it's this moment.

Behind the scenes, Habach took the opportunity to take action.

"Well done, Hasward..."

"Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, you have really changed!"

"In the past, this blow [you should have definitely killed Hasward!"

The moment the voice fell, an inexplicable blue pattern appeared on the head of the captain, engulfing him directly.

"Usurp the altar!"

That's the Quincy's Pentagram Formation!

At the moment of formation, it directly began to absorb the power of the captain.

The commander-in-chief is not afraid to slash it instantly and destroy it.


One of the forces within his body has already flown towards Habach.

It was a dark Reiatsu.

Seeing this, the captain narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"You failed, there is Habach..."

"The attack your subordinates fought for you was wasted by you——"

The captain gave him a look. Hasward, at this moment, he was seriously injured, his whole body was scorched black, and he couldn't fight at all.


"That's not necessarily the case!"

Saying that, Youhabach calmly took out a badge and said.

"By letting Zanpakutō or Hollow himself, we cracked the [Star Chapter] that took away Bankai!"

"But, what if I take away that part of Hollow's power?"

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's pupils suddenly dazzled.


Captain General just wanted to remove Bankai.

However, Habach has already activated the (Star Chapter).

"It's too late!"


Suddenly, something exploded on the captain's body, and at that moment, his Bankai disappeared!

PS: Please give me flowers and tickets!

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