Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 31 Star Cross Knight Buzzby! 【Favorites】

Qianye knew this person.

[Star Cross Knights] Buzzby, one of the star cross knights, has the holy character [H], which means Heat, and the representative ability is [Scorching]!

He is a young friend of the current head of the [Star Cross Knights] Yugran Hathward.

At this moment, seeing Bambietta and Gadis not moving, he couldn't help frowning.

"Those two women!"

"Did you...didn't hear me?"

Hearing this, Bambietta spread her hands and said.

"The former Cherokee Star Cross Knight said that the captain will arrange for us. So, is that the arrangement?"

"Or, is this the style of [Star Cross Knights]?"

"I don't think the head of the group seems to have much stamina!"

Bombieta's words made Buzzby narrow his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean!?"

"What she means is... you cockscomb head, don't order us!"

Jiadisi snorted coldly, without showing any face to the other party.

Hearing this, Buzzby immediately sighed.

"I seem to have heard wrong!"

"You mean, this handsome mohawk of mine is a cockscomb!?"

"You managed to piss me off, woman!"

In an instant, Buzzby took a step forward, and on his right hand, a spiritual crossbow appeared.

On the other side, the lightning-shaped Spirit Bow also appeared in Candice's hand, and Bambietta also entered the battle preparations.

"Don't do it, you are not his opponent!"

"Do you tube."

Gaddis snorted coldly, facing Buzzby instantly shot.

The two [Holy Destroyer Arrows] shot out in the blink of an eye, collided with each other, and exploded.

During the explosion, Jiadisi rushed out, instantly opened the spirit bow, and shot a large number of [Holy Destroyer Arrows].

Seeing this, Buzzby didn't dodge or dodge, blocked it with his blood costume, and crushed it easily.

However, at the moment when [Holy Mie Arrow] shattered, he felt as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and his body was paralyzed.

"Arrogance will pay a price, Lord Star Cross Knight!"

Gadis sneered, and condensed two lightning-like spiritual knives from both hands, and slashed towards Buzzby.

However, Buzzby's expression remained unchanged, only the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and he spit out a phlegm.



In an instant, the eruption of spirit particles turned into flames soaring into the sky.

The paralyzed spirits surged instantly.

The raised right hand fended off Kadis's attack, and the flames that soared into the sky shot straight at Kadis.


Gadis was sent flying a long way before she stabilized her figure. At this moment, her right arm was completely burned and smoke was coming out.

"What a strong flame..."

Jiadis sighed, at that moment, if it wasn't for the static blood suit, her arm might have been gone.

However, Buzzby on the other side only took two steps back slightly.

In the flames, he swung one hand, and blood flowed on the ground.

"It seems that the guy who can enter this palace is indeed qualified to be crowned Star Cross Knight, but he actually cut me!"

On the raised right arm, there is a clearly visible cut wound.

"Instantly paralyzes my spirit seed and thus breaks through my Static Blood Equipment... It's an amazing technique!"

"Unfortunately, you didn't get the holy text!"

"Let you see how powerful the Holy Word is!"

The voice just fell.

Buzzby calmly stretched out a finger, aimed at Candice, and spoke calmly.

"Burning fingers, 1!"


In an instant, all the scorching flames before were compressed until Ultimate spewed out from Buzzby's right index finger, directly turning into an astonishingly powerful pillar of flame, and shot towards Jiadisi.



This was a power she had never seen before, and the sudden pillar of flame made Jiadi Si's pupils shrink.

This moment made her move half a beat slower.

She could only see the scorching pillars of flame continuously enlarging in her pupils.

Can't hide.

However, at the next moment, she only felt that the scene in front of her suddenly changed, like a movie camera switch, and when she recovered again, she had already come to the side of Bambietta.

The pillar of flame that lost its target directly penetrated the entire palace, leaving a scorching trace on the ground, and the terrifying high temperature melted everything in front of it.

"what happened?"

Gadis stared round her eyes, looking at the terrible traces left behind.

If he was dodged just now, would he have been penetrated directly?

"I see···"

"Excellent flying scythe, with the ability to dodge this blow while leading people!"

Buzzby looked at Qianye and couldn't help but praise.

At this moment, Qianye held Jiadisi on her shoulders and put her down calmly.

"What a terrifying power!"

"Isn't this [Holy Mie Arrow], isn't this the holy text?"

Bambietta was amazed, and then came to Gadis, raised her burned right hand, and said.

"Catiss, are you alright?"

Candyce shook her head.

"I'm fine!"

At this moment, Qianye glanced at Gadis's right arm, which was completely burnt and was emitting thick smoke.

Just the wave of flames is so powerful.

However, it is also true to think about it. In the Millennium Blood War, Buzzby's flames carried the flames of Yamamoto Genryūsai's Ryūjin Jakka.

Although he was hit hard by Yamamoto, he was able to hold Yamamoto's flat A head-on without dying, which is something worth showing off in itself.

Qianye came over and put his hand on Jiadisi's arm.

Gadis cast a glance at Qianye.

"What are you going to do?"

"do not move!"

"It's a girl anyway, you don't want scars on your body, do you!?"

Gadis didn't speak, but just nodded.

Qianye then activated [Spiritia Repair], and the surrounding spirits instantly gathered on Jiadisi's burned arm, repairing her body at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the terrible burns quickly faded, replaced by smooth skin.

PS: Answer the comment area, now there are four updates every day, there is no less update.

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I panicked all over.

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