Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 41 Awakening Of The Holy Word, Adverse! Totally The Opposite! 【Ask For Flowers】

At this moment, Qianye manipulated his invisible perspective to wander around the room.

At the same time, his own physical body stood up and moved freely.

The two perspectives do not interfere with each other, and the thoughts are clearly visible, as if they can be used at the same time.

It's an amazing experience.

"Is this the resonance of each other?"

"Interesting ability!"

"If you get the power of Shinigami in the future, maybe you can use it to make the power of annihilation resonate with each other, and see if it can really merge!"

Of course, this is something to say later, Qianye now has two channels to obtain the power of Shinigami.

One is that if you are lucky, you will be awarded directly by the sign-in system.

The second is to enter Rukongai in the form of a soul.

Because Qianye owns Reiatsu, he must have the potential to become a Shinigami, and after entering Rukongai, joining [Moon Academy] must become a Shinigami in a traditional way.

Either way, Shinigami powers are definitely something to get.

It is impossible for Qianye to limit himself to the side of the Quincy.

Thinking this way, Qianye continued to manipulate his illusory perspective.

"I don't know if other people can discover my existence?"

Qianye's perspective moves, floating in the palace, shuttles at will.

After coming to a strange room, as soon as he entered, his sight was covered by white mist.

And in that mist, four graceful figures were hidden in it.

"Huh? Bathhouse?"

Qianye could clearly see the state of Bambietta, Gadis and the two little maids.

The four of them were naked without any cover, and the scene was very evocative.

"These two little maids are also in good shape!"

Qianye admired it for a moment, then manipulated the camera to slowly approach.

"Since you can't see it, is there an entity?"

Thinking of this, Qianye stretched out his hand and leaned towards Jiadis's body.


Jiadisi's complexion changed, she suddenly jumped up clutching her body, and turned her head to stare at Bambietta as if her hair had exploded.

"Bambietta, are you playing tricks?"

Bambietta was dumbfounded.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you pinch me?"

"Who pinched you, are you sick!?"

With a strange expression on her face, Candice sat down slowly.

"Strange, is it an illusion?"

Immediately afterwards, Bambietta on the other side suddenly called out.

"Someone is really pinching... who?"

Before they could respond, the two little maids next to her yelled again.

"What the hell?!"

Finally, Bambietta and Gadis sensed something was wrong, and instantly condensed [Holy Destroying Arrow], ready to fight at any time.

Seeing this, Qianye teased them and left quietly.

"It feels really good. Being able to touch them shows that I have a body...but I can't see or feel it."

"What a wonderful state!"

"However, if this state is attacked, will I also be injured!?"

When Qianye thought about it, there was a high probability that he would be injured.

After all, this invisible perspective should be his divided soul.

"Looks like you have to be more cautious!"

"In this state, I don't have any combat power and resistance ability. If I really want to be attacked, I will just finish the game!"

"Then... can I use the power of the Quincy!?"

Thinking of this, he immediately used the blood outfit.

next moment.

The originally illusory existence suddenly appeared in the void, with the lines of spirit seeds appearing.

Qianye was startled.

"It really works!"

"Resonance Resonance...It turns out that abilities can also resonate?"

Of course, Qianye doesn't want to use his abilities right now.

In this posture, he is weaker than others, and using the blood costume has exposed his existence, so it is better to just hide it.

Thinking in this way, he continued to manipulate the camera to move within [Silver Frame City].

As soon as he went out, Qianye saw many Quincy around his palace from this perspective, some were holy soldiers, and some were knights.

This made Qianye frown.

"Watching me?"

"Who is it... Yuhabach? No, Yuhabach would not use such a low-level method!"

"It's those guys who are looking for trouble!"

Qianye thought of Gerrard before.

"Hmph, you annoying guy, sooner or later you'll have to pay the price!"

Saying that, Qianye bypassed these people and floated in the air.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the throne at the central core.

Qianye really wanted to go and have a look, but Yuhabach was different, what if he could notice it?

Abandoning this idea, Qianye randomly entered one of the palaces.

But here, he saw a person.

It was a black man with short white hair and a black crosshair over his long closed left eye.

On his head is a bicorne hat made of green fur, with a small invisible imperial symbol on each side of the hat.

At the same time, he is wearing a pair of white gloves embroidered in the shape of an [X], a sleeveless shirt on his upper body, and a fur shoulder armor on the right side of the shirt.

"It's him···"

Qianye's pupils shrank.

That was the captain of the [Star Cross Knights] Guards.

At the same time, he was also the first Quincy Master who was endowed with the Holy Word.

Its name is Lijie-Baro, and the holy character is [X], which means X-axis, and the representative ability is [All Things Connected].

When seeing this ability for the first time, it is likely to be misunderstood, thinking that it is the ability to shoot spiritual bullets to penetrate the enemy.

However, in fact, his holy text ability is much more pervert than imagined, and it is a kind of power that is close to concept.

What he shoots is not a real spiritual bullet, but a concept of [All Things Penetrating], which can penetrate everything touched on the two-point-one-line trajectory between the muzzle and the target.

Because it is not a spiritual bullet, no defense can resist it.

"Dangerous guy..."

Qianye said to himself, wanting to leave quietly.

But this time.

Suddenly, the sacred word [A] engraved deep in his soul began to function, bursting out with a strange brilliance.

Qianye was taken aback.

"The holy text has worked, and the soul power has begun to awaken at this time!"

Suddenly, strange knowledge merged into Qianye's mind, and Qianye gained a brand new ability.

That is--

Holy text [A]!


whose name is—

Totally the opposite!

PS: Thank you [Tie Yu Qiuyi] [Irena the Scrap Witch] for their monthly tickets!

Thank you thank you!

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