Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 60 Unfamiliar Captain Class, Attention Of Gotei 13! [Four More Requests For The First Order]


"Congratulations to Host, the sign-in is successful!"

"Sign-in reward: Unlimited Spiritual Power and Consummation Reiatsu!"

The moment the system's reward notification fell, Qianye instantly felt the azure blue berserk spiritual seeds pouring down like a waterfall in his body.

Although there are people with strong Reiatsu in Quincy, but that is not Qianye's strong point, and Quincy does not rely on Reiatsu to fight, so Reiatsu has always been Qianye's weak point.

However, at this moment Qianye felt that there seemed to be an inexhaustible spiritual force in his body, like a vast ocean, pouring out from his body unstoppably "moving towards all directions.

This majestic spiritual power erupted with a shocking impact and directly knocked away the few people who were closer to Qianye.

Boom boom boom——

The eruption of spirit particles instantly attracted the attention of most souls in the Zaraki area.

"what is that!?"

"What a crazy burst of spiritual power"

"Who is that, have you awakened your power?"

Accompanied by the gushing of spiritual power, followed by the terrifying pressure falling from the sky, instantly suppressing all wandering souls within the visible range.


This powerful force oppressed all the wandering souls present. They bent their knees and fell to their knees on the ground. Some people even crawled completely and could not move.

Before that, they were still fighting each other, like evil spirits who gave up their lives.

However, right now their eyes no longer have the previous violence in their eyes, and all that remains is terror!

No one knows what this horrible sense of oppression is.

Only a few people reacted, their expressions were horrified.

This is…


Why is there such a horrible Reiatsu suppression?

The Zaraki area is notoriously chaotic, the people who can fight here, the level of spiritual power is not too bad, even if there are people with powerful Reiatsu, it is not uncommon.

However, the sudden appearance of Reiatsu almost shattered their souls.


And at this moment, only Qianye stands in the center of the Zaraki area, feeling this vast power!

"Infinite Spiritual Power and Consummation Reiatsu!!"

Spirit power, that is, the number of spirit particles in the body.

Reiatsu, is the density of spirit particles.

At this moment, the infinite spiritual power provided Qianye with a steady supply of strength, and the inexhaustible source of power surrounded the full-level Reiatsu so that Qianye could regain the ranks of Shinigami captains.

If you convert it over.

It can also be said that this is 【Unlimited Reiatsu】!

Because Qianye's Reiatsu was very weak before, he might at most be equivalent to [Gotei 13]'s chief executive, not even the vice-captain.

At this moment, such powerful spiritual power and the explosive emergence of Reiatsu made it difficult for Qianye to control in the first place.

He didn't take the initiative to release Reiatsu, but just exposing Reiatsu unconsciously is enough to crush the wandering souls in a larger area.

However, at this moment he felt that he couldn't hold Reiatsu anymore and needed to release it once.

"I can't help it, just try to see where the limit is!"

Qianye waved his hand.

Deliberately controlling the spirit power to directly knock away the wandering souls who were too close to him, blasting out the coverage area of ​​his own Reiatsu, so as not to be affected by his own Reiatsu.

"get out!"

Accompanied by Qianye's soft fall, the Liuhunmen who had been liberated from Reiatsu's heavy pressure fled one after another, their eyes terrified.

However, there are always a few who are not afraid of death, and they are already red-eyed after living a life of licking blood at the edge of a knife. Instead of fleeing now, they rushed over to fight Qianye.

"Since you don't know how to cherish, don't blame me, I gave you a chance!"

Many people in the Zaraki district would give up their lives to fight.

Zaraki Kenpachi came out of here, a fighting maniac.

It's a pity that these people have enough courage, but their strength is far behind.

The next moment, Qianye's eyes erupted with a ray of light, he concentrated his thoughts, and directly released Reiatsu with all his strength.


The majestic Reiatsu seemed to be swept by like a tsunami, smashing to the ground with a terrifying momentum.

The few wandering souls rushing towards Qianye were crushed to the ground almost instantly, their souls were crushed and deformed, and before they even had time to shout, "The souls were crushed and turned into scorpions and scattered in the air.

Qianye opened his eyes, seeing that even the ground collapsed under the pressure of Reiatsu, which made his heart agitated.

"Captain Class Reiatsu..."

"No, this Reiatsu must surpass the average captain!"

Based on the classification of the system, the Grandmaster level should be the ordinary captain level, and the consummation should be above the general captain level, at least in the ranks of century-old captains.

Of course, there must be a gap with the above extreme captains, such as Aizen and Reiatsu of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni.

Not to mention this side.

At the moment, within Seireitei.

The sudden emergence of this unfamiliar Reiatsu immediately attracted the attention of many people.

In the team building of the Fifth Division, a man wearing a white captain's uniform and black-framed eyes, who looked very gentle and elegant, was really practicing calligraphy.

At this moment, he seemed to have noticed something, put down the brush and went to the window, looking at the direction of North Rukongai, a trace of surprise flashed on the originally calm eyes.

In just an instant, the elegance before was restored.

"Unfamiliar strong Reiatsu, interesting."

At this time, the door was knocked suddenly, and a female voice came from the door.

"Captain Aizen!"

"The chief captain suddenly asked for a captain's meeting!"

……ask for flowers……

Aizen pushed his glasses, opened the door and walked away, looking at his vice-captain in front of him, he smiled.

"Let's go!"


A moment later, Yinning of the Japanese team.

【Gotei 13】All the captains have assembled, and even Jūshirō Ukitake, who has been absent for many years due to physical reasons, has come to participate.

The captain of the first team also serves as the general captain of [Gotei 13] Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni stands in the center with crutches, and on both sides, twelve captains stand on both sides.


Suddenly, Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni moved his cane and spoke calmly.

"Today, a captain's meeting was suddenly called, I think you all know it well!"

"Half an hour ago, a strong Reiatsu erupted suddenly in the area north of Rukongai.

"Roughly estimated, it should be outside the 70th district!"

"It's so far away, but we can clearly perceive it, which is enough to show that this Reiatsu is probably above the captain's level!"

"Although it does not threaten [Seireitei], as Gotei 13, it is impossible to let such a powerful Reiatsu go unnoticed."

"Now, I am going to send an investigation team there. If it is not an enemy, it can be recruited into the team. If it is an enemy, it will be killed immediately without hesitation!"

"Do you have any objections, captains?"

After the voice fell, Yamamoto Yuanryasai Shigekuni circled around, and no one answered.

He nodded and tapped his cane on the ground.

"So, for the investigation force personnel

Suddenly, one of the captains on both sides came out.

"Old man, let me go!"

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned, very excited, full of fighting spirit all over his body.

"I am most familiar with the area outside the 70th District of North Rukongai. How can I be absent from this kind of thing?"

In comparison, Zaraki Kenpachi came all the way from the Zaraki area, and he is indeed the most familiar with that area.

Hearing this, Unohana Retsu, the captain of the 4th division opposite, showed a smile.

"Captain Zaraki is as energetic as ever!"

"However, the investigation was the main focus before, and it was impossible to judge whether the target was false or a disaster brigade. There is a high possibility that it is not the enemy."

Zaraki Kenpachi glanced at Unohana Retsu, but did not speak.

On the other hand, Yamamoto Motoryuzai in the center opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"The captain of the fourth team is right!"

"In unnecessary circumstances, there is no need to fight, and you are not allowed to go!"

"This time the investigation team is led by Kyoraku Shunsui, the captain of the 8th Division of the Intelligence Team, Hitsugaya Tōshirō, the captain of the 10th Division of the Patrol Guard, and Ichimaru Gin, the captain of the 3rd Division of the Support Team!"

"The rest of the captains must not relax, and be prepared to resist threats at any time!"


"Is the meeting over!".

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