Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 64 No, You Woke Up Just In Time! [Eight More First Order]


Seeing this scene, Bambietta and Gadis opened their mouths and froze in place on the spot.

After a long time, Candis couldn't help but speak.

"Then, what is that...?"

"This arrow... shot through the entire [Silver Frame City]!?"

For a moment, she thought she was wrong.

Until Bambietta next to him nodded.

"Okay, that seems to be the case"

"Although I can't feel the wave of Lingzi, the light of that moment extends to the end of 【Silver Frame City】.

As they spoke, the two women couldn't help swallowing.

Not just two people.

At this moment, in the entire [Silver Frame City], almost all the [Star Cross Knights] are aware of this terrifying power fluctuation.

Someone immediately wanted to step forward to check, but when they saw that the wave was coming from Qianye Castle, they immediately gave up.

After all, the rumors about Qianye defeating the God's Forgiveness Guards as a rookie have already spread.

While possessing the same sacred text as Juhabach, he also has power over the guards, and no one wants to provoke it.

At this moment, in the center of [Silver Frame City.

The head of the Star Cross Knights, Hassward, frowned and witnessed all this, and then looked at Juhabach who seemed to be sleeping on the throne.

"Your Majesty, I will remind him!"

However, Juhabach just raised his hand.

"No problem!"

"The incomprehensible holy text power in his body is slowly awakening, no need to interfere!

"Next, I will endow the rest of the holy text."

"Go and bring the man!"

"At this point, I will prepare to recover my strength for the attack on [Soul Society] and sleep, and everything in [Silver Frame City] will be handled by 020!"

"My [half body], Hasward!"

Hearing this, Hasward turned slightly.

"I know, Your Majesty!"

Meanwhile, inside Qianye Castle.

While Bambietta and Gadis were horrified, they found that Qianye who shot the arrow suddenly half-kneeled on the ground, as if very weak.

The two hurried over to help Qianye up, and couldn't help but speak.

"Qianye, are you okay?"

Qianye waved his hand.

"It's okay, let me rely on it, I'm a little dizzy..."

This feeling is like an ordinary person who has just finished a long-distance run and is physically and mentally exhausted.

The arrow just now surpassed the power limit of Quincy and Shinigami. There is no doubt that it is a new power system that combines the two powers.

Its level of strength is probably equivalent to that of Uhabach under omniscience, or Aizen after Hōgyoku breaks the limit and breaks through the obstacles of the power of destruction and becomes true-Shinigami Kurosaki Ichigo

As a Quincy master, he shot an arrow that surpassed the Quincy Master and the Shinigami dimension. The consumption of this moment made Qianye a little overwhelmed.

This kind of consumption is not Lingzi or Reiatsu, but involves the level of the soul. Right now, Qianye's soul strength can't support him to release this kind of high-dimensional attack.

"However, I have found the right direction!"

The power resonance of the power of annihilation and the power of Shinigami is available.

It's just that the two powers are not equal at the moment. At least, the power of Shinigami must reach the same height as the power of annihilation in order to resonate with each other.

At this moment, seeing Qianye slowly recovering, Bambiata couldn't help asking. (chef) "Qianye, you..."

"What did you just do?"

"Nothing, try new power!"

Qianye exhaled a breath and recovered from a state of exhaustion.

Hearing this, Jiadis was stunned for a moment, and then said.

"Is it the continued awakening of the holy text?"

"That arrow is such a burden to you?"

Holy text continues to awaken?

Hearing this, Qianye was stunned for a moment. Indeed, he seemed to have told the two of them that his holy text had not fully awakened, which is a very good excuse right now.

Thinking of this, Qianye nodded.

"It counts!"

"However, this kind of power may not be used in normal battles. It needs to be adapted!"

Hearing this, the two women looked at each other in surprise.

What kind of sacred text power is awakened to make Ye Du feel overwhelmed.

Moreover, the two women recalled that although the arrow just now could not feel the power, it did make people shudder, and more importantly, it didn't seem like a sacred loss.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared on the ground, and within the shadow, five holy soldiers emerged.

After the holy soldier appeared, he glanced at the three of them, then knelt down on one knee.

"Knight Bombieta, Knight Cadis!"

"We have been ordered to bring you both to His Majesty Juhabach!"

Hearing this, Bambietta and Gadis were taken aback for a moment, and then their expressions brightened.


"His Majesty is about to bestow holy text!"

Seeing this, Qianye spread his hands.

"Look, what I said before! You two will definitely have holy text!"

Bambietta jumped up excitedly, grabbed Qianye's head directly, and kissed him hard on the mouth.

"You are so right, Qianye, I love you to death!"

Immediately afterwards, the two of them followed the holy soldiers excitedly and prepared to go to see Yuhabach.

At the same time, a piece of news spread in [Silver Frame City].

[Invisible Empire] Emperor Yuhabach will go to sleep for the last time to regain his power [Star Cross Knights Commander Rain Curtain-Hasward takes over the control of the Invisible Empire.

In response, Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you going to guide the final force of destruction to regain your strength?"

Yuhabach, the son of the Spirit King, can only return to the identity of "Father of the Exterminator" to guide the return of the soul and absorb power when he is asleep.

Right now, Yuhabach is making the final strength preparations.

After a while, Qianye returned to his bedroom to adjust his state.

It took a full tens of minutes before Qianye fully recovered from that exhaustion, which made him unable to help but let out a sigh of relief.

"From this point of view, Kurosaki Ichigo was really born as a hang..."

Simultaneously mix and destroy the three powers of Shinigami and Menos Grande, and even master the full manifestation in the later stage, and, because of the fusion of blood, basically there will be no conflicts.

It can be said that if the power of destruction in Kurosaki Ichigo has not been suppressing the fusion of the power of Shinigami and Menos Grande, Kurosaki Ichigo should be a panel monster when he comes out.

Can't wait for the bloody battle.

[Soul Society] The power of Shinigami over there must be seized, I don’t know what rewards I will get after signing in after obtaining the sealed state!”

While Qianye was thinking, Bambietta and Gadis came to Qianye wearing brand new [Star Cross Knight] costumes.


"From today onwards, we are [Star Cross Knights] too!"

Bambietta smiled.

"I got the holy text [E]!"

"I am the holy text [T]!"

Kadis also spoke.

After obtaining the holy text, it only takes a few days to awaken one's own soul ability.

Soon, the two will experience the feeling of ascending to the sky in one step that Qianye experienced before.

And at this moment, Bambi Aita suddenly leaned over to Qianye and hugged him, saying coquettishly.

"Unfortunately, after becoming [Star Cross Knight], I will have my own palace. I still want to live with you. Wouldn't it be good to let this woman, Gadis, move out by herself?"

"What did you say!?"

Gadis glared at Bambietta, and also grabbed Qianye, and said.

"Want to fight?"

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Qianye immediately waved his hand.

"Stop, stop here!"

"Personal fights are prohibited among [Star Cross Knights]. Could it be that the two of you want to lure Hasward?"

"Okay, since you have obtained the holy text, let's celebrate it, how about a drink at night?"

Soon, Qianye ordered her maid to prepare red wine and food.

The three of them drank freely, and after drinking a few bottles of wine, their consciousness gradually became blurred.

Finally, there was a bang.

When the two women drank the last sip of wine, they fell to the ground.

At this moment, Lian Qianye took the lead in getting rich.

"These two women can really drink."

Qianye rubbed her forehead, ready to go out to wake up.

As a result, before he could stand up, Bambietta grabbed his hand.


Qianye turned her head and looked at Bambietta's blushing and wobbly face, with an indescribably poignant beauty.

"Are you still drunk?"

"Want me to get drunk? How could it be so easy, just wait for this woman, Gadis, to get drunk, hehe.

As he said that, Bambiaita directly stretched out his hands to protect Qianye's neck, slapped each other's breaths on their faces, and kissed deeply.

Seeing this, Qianye was taken aback for a moment.

"What do you want?"

"What do you think... I'm hot, can you help me take off the knight uniform!?"

At this moment, I don't know whether it was because of drunkenness or heartbeat, Bambietta's face was so red, she took Qianye's hand and put it under her clothes.

"I, I want to...I want to..."

Bambietta hadn't finished speaking.

Jiadisi who was next to her suddenly moved, and Yuanran sat up slowly.

Then, a little dizzy, when she saw this scene, her expression froze, and she suddenly woke up from drunkenness, and stammered.

"I, I... did I wake up at the wrong time?"

Seeing this, Qianye suddenly smiled, and grabbed Jiadisi.

"No, you woke up just in time!".

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