Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 78: The Way To Find [Calling Valley]! 【Please Subscribe】

It is not a common thing to be called Valley.

If the present world and Soul Society are compared to planets, then the pipe connecting the planets is the "Boundary", and the cosmic space that covers everything is called the "Black Cavity".

And in that black cavity, bubbles surface from time to time, a space filled with spiritual beings where humans and Shinigami can barely survive. It is the existence that was given the name "Called Valley" together.

In other words, in fact, "Ming Gu" is not in the "Soul Society", but is in the "Black Chamber".

Of course, in fact, [Called Valley] can also be entered through [Border Break-].

Qianye remembered that when he and Yoruichi passed through the unofficial [Boundary Break], they had seen the power of exile, and at the end of that place of exile was the [Black Chamber]. At that time, Qianye and Yoruichi People almost got lost in it.

“The check-in location this time is difficult to handle!”

Although the Quincy's identity can be used this time, the [Invisible Empire] has not yet analyzed the [Black Tune].

As for Shinigami, there is no way to find [Called Valley]!


If you want to find it, there is no way.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri of Division 12's Technology Development Bureau may have a solution.


"I really don't want to deal with him..."

In the next few days, Jūshirō Ukitake left many things in the team to Qianye to handle, and in his free time, he mainly focused on taking care of himself.

Even so, Ye often heard him cough.

Qianye knew that although Jūshirō Ukitake was the captain, he would have died long ago without the support of the Soul King's left hand.

However, although Qianye took over the affairs of the deputy captain, in fact, the decontamination team's team affairs were not cumbersome.

It mainly assigns Shinigami to station in various places in the world to carry out soul burial and purification of Hollows. At the same time, if a Hollow appears in [Soul Society], it will also be under the control of the Thirteenth Division.

However, in fact, there are very few voids in [Soul Society]. They are usually voids that leaked in during the link between [Breaking World] and [Black Cavity].

Of course, there are also some special virtual beings used by Aizen to conduct Arrancar experiments.

During this period, Qianye even saw Rukia Kuchiki. However, due to the operation of Byakuya Kuchiki, she was just an ordinary team member even though she had the strength of a high-ranking officer.

After getting familiar with things in Division 13, Qianye slowly became free, which also gave him time to think about how to find and go to the next check-in location [called Valley].

Qianye even consulted a lot of books, but there was no good solution.

Therefore, Qianye decided that he could only go to Division 12 to find Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

He really needs Kurotsuchi Mayuri's skills to help him find [Called Valley].

Soon, after passing through the corridor of [Seireitei], Qianye came to the Technology Development Bureau.

This place was established a hundred years ago by Urahara Kisuke. He was the first director at the time, but because of the Hōgyoku incident, he had to betray [Soul Society].

Kurotsuchi Mayuri, who was the deputy director at the time, naturally took over. Coupled with his strong strength, he also served as the captain of the 12th Division.

Just after entering the Technology Development Bureau, a man appeared in front of Qianye.

After seeing this person, Tian Ye was stunned for a moment.

"Vice Captain Niyin?"

"Vice Captain Qianye, Master Nie has been waiting for a long time!"

Hearing this, Qianye was stunned for a moment.

Couldn't help but speak.

"Does Captain Nie know I'm coming?"


"There are already clues about the previous attack on Karakura Town Menos Grande!"

Hearing this, Qianye nodded.

"Okay, lead the way!"

Although he knew that this was Aizen's fault, Qianye also wanted to know what Kurotsuchi Mayuri had investigated.

Soon, under the guidance of Niyinmeng, Qianye entered the Technology Development Bureau!

As soon as I entered it, the painting style gradually became different.

If the other team buildings are Japanese-style buildings, the Technology Development Bureau is completely modern, and even has a hint of cyberpunk style.

Along the way, Qianye even saw a lot of computers.

Finally, Ye was brought to a special door.

Nian Yinmeng lowered his body slightly and spoke.

"Vice Captain Qianye, please wait a moment, I will..."

She hasn't finished speaking yet.

The door in front of me opened with a sudden sound.

"Oh? Vice Captain Qianye, are you here already?"

Kurotsuchi Mayuri smiled and waved at the same time, signaling Nirvana to go down.

"Go make a cup of tea for Vice Captain Qianye!"


After saying that, Nirvana quickly went down.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri, on the other hand, leisurely let Qianye follow her into her laboratory, then found a place to sit down and smiled.

"The investigation into Karakura Town has been completed. Do you want to know the results?"

Qianye nodded.

"Captain Nie, please tell me!"

"The thing that attracts a large number of ordinary Hollows and Menos Grande is called Hollow Bait, and it is something commonly used by Quincy!"

Qianye was stunned.

He didn't expect Aizen to use such a thing.

He thought Aizen had directly opened Hueco Mundo and released Xu.

"Then what?"

"The only Quincy family that exists in Karakura Town is the Ishida family. In fact, Ishida Sogen has been dead for many years under our surveillance!"

"However, he has a son and grandson named Ishida Ryūsen and Ishida Uryū, who are also Quincy!"

Hearing this, Qianye glanced at Kurotsuchi Mayuri and said.

"What Captain Nie means is that they might have done it?"

"The possibility is very small, but it cannot be ruled out!"

"However, they are the only Quincy in Karakura Town! What, Vice Captain Qianye wants to take action?"


Qianye gave Kurotsuchi Mayuri a strange look, not understanding what he meant.

"What action!?"

"They almost caused heavy losses to your Thirteenth Division. Is it possible that you can just swallow this!?"

What an obvious inducement.

What does Kurotsuchi Mayuri do?

"If you really want to touch that Quincy, wait until the captain speaks!"

"That one is impossible!"

Kurotsuchi Mayuri smiled.

"The commander-in-chief has become merciful and will not send his troops to exterminate the Quincys who have not been recorded for many years just because of this possibility!"

"Furthermore, Ishida Ryugen is a pure-blood Quincy, very strong!"

Hearing this, Qianye felt more and more something was wrong and couldn't help but look at Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

"Captain Nie, do you really want me to fight them?"

"It's fine without fighting, but can you let me see your Zanpakutō liberation!?"

It turns out it was aimed at this purpose!

Qianye smiled and Taguchi said.

"Is Captain Nirvana interested in my Shikai?"


Kurotsuchi Mayuri smiled.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have thought it was Bankai!"

"Your Zanpakutō is of the lightning type, right? But the destructive power on the spot is on the same level as the captain's Ryūjin Jakka!"

"Do you know what this means!"

"It means that [Soul Society] will give birth to the strongest Zanpakutō in the series, which is of great research value!"

Hearing this, Qianye touched his chin and glanced at Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

"You want my Zanpakutō?"

"No, I just need the radar released by you Zanpakutō!"

Qianye nodded, but did not refuse.

For him, this matter is just a piece of cake.

"Okay, but Captain Nie, I need you to do something for me!"

"Huh? What happened!?"

"I want to find [Calling Valley]!"

Hearing this, Kurotsuchi Mayuri was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

"Why is Vice Captain Qianye looking for [Ming Gu]?"

"Everyone has secrets, why should Captain Nirvana ask?"

"Then Vice Captain Qianye, do you know what [called valley] is?"

Qianye touched his chin.

"You know something, right? It's a special space formed in [Black Cavity]!?"


.........Please give me flowers...

Qianye saw Kurotsuchi Mayuri sigh and look disappointed.

This made Qianye's lips twitch.

At this time, Kurotsuchi Mayuri took out something from his arms, something similar to a disk, and explained at the same time.

"As you know, souls reincarnate between the real world and Soul Society."

"However, there will be some souls who encountered accidents when passing through the boundary, and therefore were excluded from this reincarnation!"

Hearing this, Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly and said.


"Oh, it seems Vice Captain Qianye knows more than I thought!"

"Yes, there is a place of exile in the broken world. Let alone ordinary souls, even if Shinigami is involved, he will be lost!"

In fact, Soul Society also has the punishment of exile, and those who are exiled are allowed to be lost in the exile place where the boundary is broken, and they will be lost forever.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri continued to explain.

"So, those lost souls will continue to wander in the broken world, and slowly gather over the years, and their collection will create a special subspace, which is Ling Rong!"

"And in [Calling Valley], the soul will be separated into memory and energy, and we will be fully prepared to return to reincarnation!"

"Actually, part of the soul that has lost its memory will wander into the real world. This kind of soul is called [Owed Soul]!"


Hearing this, Qianye seemed to know something, and then his eyes fell on the disk in Kurotsuchi Mayuri's hand.

"Captain Nirvana, is the so-called [Owed Soul] the thing in your hand?"

"That's right!"

Kurotsuchi Mayuri explains.

"This is a gadget I made using the [Ode Souls] I collected!"

"In daily life, it has no use, but thanks to [Old Soul], it has the ability to find memory!"

"So, it can be used to find Tuyu!

"I call it a memory searcher."

Hearing this, Qianye was stunned.

He deserves to be the [Soul Society’s number one pervert scientist]!

He has even dabbled in such unpopular fields as searching for [Called Valley].

At this time, Kurotsuchi Mayuri directly handed the disk to Qianye.

"Captain Nirvana is really generous!"

"Where do I need to be liberated? Is it at the Technology Development Bureau?"


Kurotsuchi Mayuri shook her head.

"Your Zanpakutō is too destructive. I need to make a thunder-restraining room based on the captain's flames to withstand Fu Ting!

"Seven days, I will send someone to find you after seven days!"

And at this moment, suddenly, the captain of the first team was called to hold an emergency meeting.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri was stunned for a moment.

"Are we going to hold another captain meeting?"

"The captain's meeting has been really diligent recently... I don't know what happened!"

After complaining a little, Kurotsuchi Mayuri sighed.

"Sorry, Vice Captain Qianye, I have to go to hold a captain's meeting!"

At this time, Nie Yinmeng came with the brewed tea.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri glanced at her and snorted coldly.

"Yinmeng, you move too slowly, everything is over for us!"

"Let him finish his tea and send him away later!"

After saying that, Kurotsuchi Mayuri put on the captain's uniform and left.

Qianye glanced at Niyinmeng, smiled and prepared to leave.

"Vice Captain Qianye, your tea!"

"Drink it yourself!"

The first time, Qianye didn't even dare to drink tea with Urahara Kisuke, how dare he come to Kurotsuchi Mayuri's territory to eat.

Think too much!

God knows what kind of weird drugs Pervert would give himself if he had an idea.

Next, Qianye returned to the 13th Division after wandering around the Technology Development Bureau.

This captain's meeting did not last long.

About half an hour later, Captain Jūshirō Ukitake of the Thirteenth Division came back.


"Our Thirteenth Division has a mission!"

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