Shinigami: Start With The Invisible Empire

Chapter 97 Abnormal Corpse, Love Brain Hinamori Momo! 【Please Subscribe】

At this moment, in the fourth team's team building, Qianye was lying casually in the most conspicuous place in the venue, so that the passing Shinigami of the fourth team could see his presence.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Qianye sat up and counted the time.

"It's almost...starting soon?"


With a scream, the entire Seireitei) was attracted.

Qianye was stunned, looking in the direction of the scream, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Has it started..."

Soon, the fourth team received the dispatch mission and immediately became busy again.

Qianye randomly grabbed a team member and asked.

"what happened?"

"This...I don't know either!"

"However, it seems that something big happened in the fifth division. Even Captain Unohana was summoned!"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Unohana Retsu came from a distance with a solemn face and not a good look on his face.

Qianye immediately stood up and followed him, subconsciously asking.

"What happened? Sister Hua?"

"Something happened to Captain Aizen Sōsuke of the 5th Division. The notification I received now is that he was killed last night!"

Hearing this, Qianye was deliberately surprised and couldn't help but continue to ask.


Unohana Retsu nodded.

"Yes, this is the notification I received!"

"However, I need to deal with how he died!"

"Can I come along?"


Next, Qianye immediately followed Unohana Retsu. The two stepped on Shunpo and soon arrived at the fifth division.

At this moment, the scene of the fifth team was in chaos, and there were still traces of fighting. Unohana Retsu came and saw this scene and couldn't help but frown.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are there still traces of the battle?"

At this time, Hitsugaya Tōshirō, captain of the 10th division, came over and said with a solemn expression.

"It was Hinamori Momo, the vice-captain of the fifth division, who suddenly attacked Captain Ichimaru Gin, but he was already under my control!"

He didn't express his doubts about Ichimaru Gin, he just talked about the matter.

However, he will investigate clearly what happened. Otherwise, if he suspects a captain out of thin air, the captain will not approve it!

"Captain Aizen's body has been put down, please ask Captain Unohana to investigate!"

Hearing this, Maozhihua nodded and immediately began to check.

At this time, Hitsugaya Tōshirō saw Qianye and was a little surprised.

"Vice Captain Qianye, why are you here!?"

Qianye smiled.

"Captain Hitsugaya, doesn't the entire [Gotei 13] know that I am in Division 4 during this time?"


Hearing this, Tōshirō was stunned.

"Isn't your training over yet? The invasion happened... Division 13 needs you too, right?"

Qianye shook his head.

Travel accidents are not under the control of our [Purification Team]!"

"Furthermore, because of Rukia Kuchiki's incident, Captain Jushiro also had friction with the captain during this period, and the captain acquiesced to my actions..."

Hearing this, Hitsugaya Tōshirō nodded.

After all, Rukia is a member of Jūshirō Ukitake, and he knows Jūshirō Ukitake. It is impossible for Jūshirō Ukitake, a good old Sōkyoku man, to sit idly by when one of his own members was executed.

In fact, even Tōshirō felt that Sōkyoku's punishment was too harsh.

Although it is a serious crime to transfer Shinigami's power, he is still a noble of the Kuchiki family. However, Byakuya Kuchiki, the current head of the Kuchiki family and Rukia's brother, did not say anything, and Tōshirō naturally did not speak either.

At this time, the body of Team Unohana Retsu Aizen had almost been inspected.

"Captain Unohana, what was the result?"

"It is basically certain that the body of Captain Aizen was killed by someone..."

"However, the specific details still need to be returned to the Fourth Division for a detailed inspection!"

Hearing this, Tōshirō took out a breath and spoke.

"In this case, it's Captain Unohana!"

"I'm going to take care of some things now, and I'll go to Division 4 later!"

Hearing this, Unohana Retsu glanced at Tōshirō and asked.

"Captain Hitsugaya, you are so concerned about Captain Aizen's death. Do you know something?"

Tōshirō shook his head.

"No, this doesn't count as knowing!"

"It's just that there are some suspects, so I want to investigate!"

After saying that, he took a step forward and disappeared quickly.

Here, Unohana Retsu also immediately returned to the Fourth Division with Aizen's body.

Not to mention this side.

At this moment, in prison, Hinamori Momo, who was imprisoned, was in great pain of Aizen's death, and the last letter she received from Aizen became the last comfort in her heart.

"This is...the letter Captain Aizen left for me!"

She suddenly recalled that she did see Aizen writing something that night.

Thinking of this, she hated herself even more for not seeing anything unusual about her captain.

With this thought in mind, she opened the envelope.

However, with just one glance, the trembling all over her body stopped.

The original sadness turned into endless anger and vengeance in an instant.

With a casual Hadō, she punched through the prison wall and disappeared.

In the suicide note left to her by Aizen, she wrote:


If you read this letter, I think I won't survive!

So, I wrote the truth here.

That is, the execution of Rukia Kuchiki was not to kill her, but to take something!

And that thing is called Sōkyoku!

The seal of Sōkyoku is only released when executed, and the tip of its name possesses the destructive power equivalent to millions of Zanpakutō.

During the execution, by penetrating Shinigami's body, the power will expand dozens of times in an instant.

The person who wanted to be executed tried to use this power to destroy the entire [Seireitei] and even [Soul Society], and that terrifying guy was named Yi

Shihouin Qianye!

Therefore, I will call him to the [East Great Sacred Wall] tonight, and no matter what, I will stop him!

If he still persists in his own way, I will fight him with the awareness of death!

If I die, Hinamori! Please uphold my will and avenge me!

This is my last request, not as the captain of the fifth division, but as the first

one person!

On the other side, Unohana Retsu and Qianye returned to Division 4 with Aizen's body.

Unohana Retsu immediately conducted a comprehensive inspection of Aizen's body. After a long time, Unohana Retsu sighed and made a final judgment.

"Aizen Sōsuke, captain of the fifth division, confirmed dead!"

"When I took it off the sacred wall, it was no longer breathing!"

"Originally, I also thought about whether the prosthetic body was used to deceive others. However, after many investigations, the fact is that he is indeed dead. This is the final result!"

"The two captains should go back and report to the chief captain!"

"The choice of captain for the fifth division will be decided jointly by Central 46 and the remaining captains after this dispute!"

After the words fell, the captain of the seventh division, Komamura Zuozhen, and the ninth division captain, Tousen Kaname, who came to investigate, sighed.

"I see!"

"Here comes Captain Lao Mao Zhihua!"

After saying that, Komamura left the left formation immediately, but Tousen Kaname paused and turned his face towards Qianye.

"Will Vice Captain Qianye not return to the team?"

Qianye was about to speak.

Unohana Retsu then glanced at Tousen Kaname.

"This is what the commander-in-chief means. You two captains, it's better not to stay here and return to the team to take command!"

Hearing this, Qianye looked at Tousen Kaname with a smile and spread his hands.

"That's pretty much it!"

"The attack to protect [Seireitei] is left to the two captains."


Tousen Kaname wanted to say something else, but Komamura grabbed his wrist from the left and spoke.

"Tousen, let's go!"

"I can understand what the captain means!"

"Captain Jushiro has always valued feelings. As a member of Division 13, Rukia Kuchiki will not ignore it!"

"If we just let Vice Captain Qianye return to the team, he might be led in the wrong direction!"

Tousen Kaname certainly knew the meaning of the commander's order.


He also knew that Aizen's [Kyōka Suigetsu] was useless in Qianye's eyes.

Just like now, in Qianye's view, the so-called Aizen corpse in front of him could not be more fake, it was a complete phantom.

Tousen Kaname had no choice but to exhale and speak slowly.

"I see!"

Soon, Komamura and Tousen Kaname left.

As soon as the two disappeared, Unohana Retsu suddenly looked at Qianye and said.

"Qianye, what do you think of the death of captain Aizen of the fifth division?"


Qianye was stunned for a moment.

"I don't have anything to look at. I just want to kill a captain-level Shinigami quietly under the alert eyes and ears of the entire [Gotei 13]!"

"This is indeed a bit difficult!"

Unohana Retsu nodded.

"This is indeed incredible!"

"And...I don't know why, but I always feel that Captain Aizen's body is a bit unreal!"

"Huh? Sister Hua, do you think Captain Aizen's body is fake?"

Unohana Retsu shook his head.

"I can find no evidence that it's fake."

"However, I always feel that there is something slightly abnormal."

It’s okay if something is wrong.

It’s time for Sister Hua to say it or not, she’s still a gangster who has killed countless people.

Although Aizen's [Kyōka Suigetsu] can completely control the five senses, some clues have been discovered.

"That's why I asked you if you found anything!"

Qianye smiled.

"Sister Hua, you didn't see anything, how could I possibly see it?"

"That's hard to say!"

Unohana Retsu smiled and said.

"Because, the one who died was the captain of [Gotei 13]!"

"But, you seem to be very calm from the beginning to the end!"

"When you look at this corpse, it doesn't look like you're looking at a corpse.

"It's like the eyes are not focused on the corpse!"

"So, Qianye, what are you looking at?"

Hearing this, Qianye raised his head and looked around, and then a wave of Reiatsu came out and covered him. Tousen Kaname was not among them.

However, another wave of Reiatsu quickly poured into his life.

"I'll talk to you later, Sister Hua!"

"somebody is coming!"

The door of the fourth division was pushed open, and Hitsugaya Tōshirō, the captain of the tenth division who had left before, walked in.

"Captain Unohana, how is the investigation of the corpse?"

Unohana Retsu shook his head.

"The investigation is over!"

"The death of Captain Aizen has been confirmed. Captain Komamura and Captain Tousen just brought the news out. It will spread throughout [Seireitei] very soon!"

"It's you, Captain Hitsugaya. You said you have a suspect. How is the investigation going?"

Tōshirō just shook his head.

"I lost track of you!"

"But the more he behaves like this, the more I think there is something wrong with him!"

Unohana Retsu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Can you tell me who it is?"

"Before confirming, it's better not to say anything about this kind of thing!"

Hearing this, Unohana Retsu nodded.

She understood that the target of Tōshirō's suspicion must be their companion, and most likely a captain.

It's not a good thing to doubt your companions without evidence. You really can't talk nonsense, at least, among the captains, you can't talk nonsense.


"Now we should focus on encircling and suppressing brigade troubles!"

"Captain Aizen's death is probably related to them!"

The words just fell.

At the door of the fourth division, another person suddenly came.

The moment he saw this person, Tōshirō's pupils suddenly shrank, and he was very surprised.


"Hinamori, why are you here!"

"Shouldn't you be in jail now?"

It is a serious crime to suddenly attack the captain without any reason.

Although Tōshirō also suspected that Aizen's death was related to Ichimaru Gin, he could not take action without evidence.

Therefore, Hinamori was controlled by Tōshirō very early in order to avoid falling into a deeper trap.

I just didn't expect Hinamori to come out of prison (Zhao Hao).

However, Hinamori didn't seem to hear Tōshirō's words at this moment, and just stared at Sento fiercely.

When she saw Qianye standing in front of Aizen's body, her defenses were completely broken.

"You, the murderer of Captain Aizen, why are you still here!?"

Hinamori Momo roared angrily, and instantly pulled out his Zanpakutō, immediately liberating him.

"Bloom, fly frame!"

At the moment when the cutting knife was released, a pink halo surrounded the blade. At the same time, many pink plum blossom petals flew beside the knife, and the blade also turned into three branches.

As the blood-red Reiatsu solidified, a huge fireball was released from the blade, killing Qianye directly.

"What are you doing? Hinamori!"

Tōshirō's expression changed, and he instantly drew his sword and slashed at the speeding fireball, splitting it in two.

"Tōshirō, why are you protecting Captain Aizen's murderer?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Hinamori!"

Tōshirō frowned, a little confused.

Hinamori Momo spoke immediately.

"I said, the murderer of Captain Aizen is right here, it's him, Shihouin Qianye!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Qianye sighed. Sure enough, he was here. Aizen was really guarding against him.

At this time, Unohana Retsu stood up calmly and frowned.

"Vice Captain Hinamori!"

"I don't know how you came to that conclusion!"

"However, since yesterday, Vice Captain Qianye has been staying in the Fourth Division and has never left. Including me, the entire Fourth Division members can testify!"

"I do not care!"

Hinamori snorted coldly, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, and stared at Qianye, extremely angry.

"Shihouin Qianye!"

"You must have used some method to deceive Captain Unohana!"

"Tell me, what trick did you use?"

Seeing this, Qianye sighed, looked at Hinamori Momo, and shook his head.

I’m half in love!

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