Shinigami: The Invincible Slacker Since Rukongai

Chapter 34: Shinigami Are Also Gods, The Secret Of Power

In the First Squadron's quarters, Uehara Shiraha is testing the [Universal Barrier] he just got.

It must be said that it is a powerful ability that is only a little short of reaching the SR level.

Whether it is Kidō, White Hits, Slashing Techniques or even Space Abilities, they cannot penetrate the absolute defense of the [Universal Barrier].

At least the captain-level attacks are like this.

The only problem is that the duration of the [Universal Barrier] at the entry level is too short.

Now Uehara Shiraha feels that his Shadow Clone is becoming less and less useful, and there are too many abilities that need to be improved.

Therefore, the more BUG-level training plug-ins like Shadow Clone, the better.

After all, the higher the proficiency, the stronger the ability.

After reaching Grandmaster, not only will the power of the ability become stronger, but it will generally not miss the opportunity to use it, which is very important.

When an ability reaches the Grandmaster level, it often undergoes a qualitative change, just like his Shadow Clone Technique, which is a bit too slow to improve after Grandmaster.

However, Shadow Clone Technique is a must-use ability for Uehara Shiraha every day.

I believe it is not far from reaching the Perfection level.

At that time, his speed of becoming stronger will become even more amazing.

Next, Uehara Shiraha is going to take out two Shadow Clone to upgrade the level of [Universal Barrier].

Just like he spent a lot of time to upgrade [White Album of Substitute].

No matter how much time and energy he puts into S-level ability, it is not too much.

In the room, Uehara Shiraha continues to try to analyze the various characteristics of [Universal Barrier].

After all, it is a power-type ability, just like a talent or blessing, it naturally carries some mysterious information.

Through this information, Uehara Shiraha understands that the power of [Universal Barrier] is not only related to proficiency, but also to power or faith.

Fortunately, Uehara Shiraha is not a mortal now, but a Shinigami.

Although the Shinigami in the Shinigami world are more like "melee mages", they do contain divine power, that is, the power of Shinigami from the Soul King.

And the complete Soul King is definitely the combat ceiling of Shinigami, without a doubt, a creator god-like existence.

Therefore, the power of Shinigami is also very particular.

It's just that the Zero Division holds too much power, so ordinary Shinigami perform relatively poorly.

For example, Ichibei Hyōsube has mastered the power of "name", which is the embodiment of power.

In other words, the upper limit of Shinigami is very high, after all, the source is the Soul King.

However, ordinary Shinigami can't touch this level at all, unless they obtain the Soul King Reiatsu and become the [King Key].

Uehara Shiraha is thinking that he must perform well on this trip to Hueco Mundo.

To a certain extent, purifying the hollow is also one of the duties of Shinigami.

In this way, he can enhance the power of Shinigami, and in turn increase the strength of [Universal Barrier].

Combined with the power of Shinigami, this ability has a lot of room for development.

Uehara Shiraha already has a lot of ideas about this.

However, he also knows that he can't eat a fat man in one bite, so he can only take it slowly.

After all, the development of S-level abilities, like Shinigami Bankai, generally takes a hundred or several hundred years to develop a real trick.

While Uehara Shiraha was concentrating on comprehending the universal barrier, Ise Nanao was showing Kyoraku Shunsui his Kidō strength.

Seeing Ise Nanao's Kidō easily destroy the target used by senior officers on the training ground, Kyoraku Shunsui's pupils shrank.

Then, Kyoraku Shunsui's face was full of surprise.

With such strength, Ise Nanao can be regarded as having the initial ability to protect himself.

This way he can be much more at ease.

In his heart, Kyoraku Shunsui was already thinking about how to thank Uehara Shiraha, whether to book all the Oirans or take out the fine wines that he had treasured for a long time and drink them together.

Or, how about both?

While Kyoraku Shunsui was happy, Ise Nanao made a request: "Captain, can I participate in the Hueco Mundo operation this time?

I want to protect Seireitei with Teacher Uehara!"

"Ahaha... Let's talk about this later!" Kyoraku Shunsui laughed.

Then he ignored Ise Nanao's pleading eyes and ran to the First Team's barracks to find Uehara Shiraha to celebrate.

If not, next, he had to start various strategic deployments for the Hueco Mundo expedition, and the two of them would probably have been having fun every day and every night for a long time.

While the Hueco Mundo expedition had not yet begun, Uehara Shiraha made various attempts.

In the end, he determined that only practical actions such as killing hollows and burying souls could increase Shinigami power.

Some superficial efforts are not enough, and it is difficult to take advantage of such idealistic power.

However, the efforts of these days are not without effect.

The current universal barrier is already in the skilled state, and can last for about one minute.

However, it doesn't matter even if the time is up, just add another one.

It's just that the consumption of S-level ability is very large.

As the strength increases, Uehara Shiraha finds that his Reiatsu is not enough.

Shinigami really has a limit.

Even the captain-level Reiatsu can't support such a powerful ability as the universal barrier.

At least the second-class or even the first-class spiritual power can barely be enough.

Fortunately, there are daily tasks that can make him grow steadily, so there is no need to rush.

Just when Uehara Shiraha was enjoying life and growing steadily, the pre-war preparations for the Hueco Mundo expedition were finally over.

War is fought on logistics.

Even if only a few hundred elite Shinigami are qualified to go to Hueco Mundo in the end, the manpower, material resources and various resources that need to be mobilized in the process are also indispensable.

After all, Shinigami, a spiritual life, also needs to eat and drink.

Otherwise, the power of Shinigami will recover very slowly, and if the environment is a little worse, they may even starve to death.

Soon, all the senior Shinigami of Seireitei were summoned.

Here, Uehara Shiraha saw many familiar faces.

After all, those who can appear here are at least elite Shinigami, and the big figures who are rarely seen in normal times are basically all here.

Even Jūshirō Ukitake, the "arrogant" captain of the 13th Division, rarely took sick leave.

At this time, the gentle Jūshirō Ukitake was standing at the front of the crowd with Captain Yamamoto and Kyoraku Shunsui.

Kyoraku Shunsui also winked at Uehara Shiraha in the crowd.

Even in an occasion like today, Kyoraku Shunsui still wore a bamboo hat and a flashy red and pink haori, and his expression was very frivolous.

Yamamoto Genryūsai, who was at the front of the crowd, twitched his lips slightly, then slammed his cane and said:

"I am giving orders as the captain of Gotei 13!

The captains and vice-captains of the 2nd, 8th and 11th divisions and other elite Shinigami are selected to form the Hueco Mundo advance force!

The 12th division and the Technology Development Bureau are responsible for technical support and logistics supply; the 4th division is responsible for treating the wounded; the 5th division is responsible for emergency rescue.

For this operation, Kyoraku Shunsui, the captain of the 8th division, will serve as the general leader of the expeditionary force and be responsible for coordinating the overall situation!

Uehara Shiraha, the 7th seat of the 1st division, will serve as the deputy leader and be responsible for assisting the general leader in handling the affairs of the expeditionary force!"

Everyone was mentally prepared for the previous orders.

But the last order, except for the few people who knew about it in advance, the other captains and vice-captains were all shocked.

How can a mere 7th seat take on such a big task?

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