Shinigami: The Invincible Slacker Since Rukongai

Chapter 38: The Siege Of Menos Grande, The Terrifying Red Cero

On the sand dunes, Uehara Shiraha looked at the 11th Squadron Shinigami who were fighting with three Menos Grande with indifferent eyes.

Then, he said to Ise Nanao beside him: "Go support them!"

He himself stood on the sand dunes without moving.

"Yes, Mr. Uehara!" Ise Nanao came to the battlefield with a Shunpo without any hesitation.

Looking at Ise Nanao who came with a book, the bald Madarame Ikkaku used Hōzukimaru to "cut the toenails" of Menos Grande fiercely, and laughed:

"Is this the support of the 8th Squad?

A woman, who doesn't even have a knife, is holding a book.

Do you want to read to annoy these hollows to death?

It's really funny!"

If Ise Nanao had not been specially trained by Uehara Shiraha, she might have been shaken in this terrible battlefield and facing such a terrifying monster.

But now, Ise Nanao had no reaction to Madarame Ikkaku's taunting, and just used Reiatsu to quickly release Kidō:

"Hadō Fifty-eight: Tianlan!"

After releasing the first Hadō, she released two more of the same Hadō in a row without hesitation.

The three winds of [Tianlan] gathered into a terrible hurricane, rolling up sand and some ordinary hollows to directly wrap Gillian's huge body.

Although, this hurricane could only hit Gillian's calves.

But the superposition of three [Tianlan] gave this hurricane a force that should not be underestimated.

Faced with this sudden impact, Gillian lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"Good opportunity! Although it's a coward's Kidō, it's a good job!"

Madarame Ikkaku immediately raised his knife and rushed towards the opponent's head:

"Pierce him, Hōzukimaru!"

The other Shinigami also slashed at Menos Grande's mask and head frantically.

Everyone was unreserved and fought with all their strength, veins popping out on their foreheads, and they used all their strength.

For a while, all kinds of Zanpakutō kept slashing at the Menos Grande mask.

Finally, the Menos Grande mask shattered.

The 11th Squadron Shinigami cheered.

There was also a little more recognition in their eyes when they looked at Ise Nanao.

Although Ise Nanao used methods that they looked down on, Ise Nanao's strong Kidō strength could really help them.

"The last one..." Looking at the Menos Grande that fell to the ground, Ise Nanao wiped the sweat from her forehead.

In a short time, she almost used up all her Reiatsu and physical strength.

There was no way, fighting with such a huge and terrifying monster would put a huge pressure on the body and mind, and Reiatsu's physical strength would be consumed very quickly.

"Although she's a woman, she did a great job!"

"What's your name?"


In response to everyone's "praise", Ise Nanao just smiled awkwardly but politely.

Her eyes were constantly searching.

After they dealt with three Menos Grande, Ise Nanao found that Uehara Shiraha had disappeared.

This made her think wildly.

Although she thought she had done well.

But she was still a little nervous, afraid of disappointing her teacher.

At this moment, Ise Nanao's expression changed, and she looked at the huge figure that suddenly appeared under the continuous sand dunes with panic.

"What's wrong?" Ayasegawa Yumichika, who was smiling, followed Ise Nanao's line of sight and was immediately stunned: "This... Why are there so many Menos Grande... How is it possible?"

Around them, Gillian kept sticking his head out, and there was no place that was safe.

"There must be fifty of them!" Madarame Ikkaku also opened his narrow eyes: "Just now, three of them almost wiped us out, fifty of them..."

At this time, the other soldiers of the 11th Division also found the Gillian Menos Grande around.

The weak-willed soldiers trembled and wailed:

"It's over, we're dead!"

"With so many Menos Grande, it's impossible to win..."

"Captain Zaraki, come and save us!!"


At this time, in the temporary headquarters of the expeditionary force, Kyoraku Shunsui's face changed. It was a trap!

He didn't expect these Menos Grande to be so cunning and set a trap.

Without hesitation, Kyoraku Shunsui immediately notified the nearby captain of the 2nd Division, Sui-Feng, to go to the rescue.

Because of his duties, he could not leave his post without permission.

At this moment, Kyoraku Shunsui could only pray in his heart:

"Please, Shiraha, take Nanao and escape, you must survive, Shiraha, Nanao!"


Under the sand dunes, Ise Nanao and a group of Shinigami of the 11th Division are facing densely packed Menos Grande.

Fifty Menos Grande gathered around.

Opened his mouth wide, ready to release the powerful red Cero to the Shinigami.

Feeling the terrible breath of death and the powerful Reiatsu in the red Cero, the ordinary soldiers collapsed in despair, and their bodies could not move.

"Teacher Uehara, I will not let you down..." Ise Nanao, who was having difficulty breathing, looked determined.

As a disciple of Uehara Shiraha, she did not allow herself to show her ugly appearance.

Ayasegawa Yumichika sighed:

"It's not beautiful to die like this.

But I have no regrets to die with you."

"Hehe, it's a pity that I didn't fully develop that, otherwise I could kill happily." Madarame Ikkaku looked at his Hōzukimaru with regret.

Then, he smiled in the direction where Zaraki Kenpachi left in the distance:

"We must fight to the last moment, and we can't let Boss Zaraki down!"

"Hey, who is that man? What is he doing?" At this time, all Shinigami saw a tall figure wearing a death suit standing in front of a group of Menos Grande.

That Shinigami, just one man and one sword, stood in front of the group of terrifying Menos Grande that covered the sky.

Compared to Gillian, who was more than a hundred meters tall, that figure was so small.

But the momentum of that person was condensed and did not disperse, and it went straight into the sky, even faintly suppressing the huge Gillian.

In an instant, those Gillian lowered their heads and aimed Cero at the figure.

At the same time, as if they sensed some threat or received some mysterious order, the other Gillians also surrounded and killed the figure.

Countless terrifying Cero locked onto the figure, and the crescent moon in the sky disappeared at this moment, as if they didn't want to see the tragedy that followed.

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