Shinigami: The Invincible Slacker Since Rukongai

Chapter 55: The Almighty Byakuya Kuchiki And The Even More Almighty Uehara Shiraha

Hearing this, all the captains were stunned.

This might be the illegitimate son of the Spirit King.

On the fighting stage, Byakuya Kuchiki used all his means, using Kidō, White Hits, and Slashing Techniques to fight Uehara Shiraha, but to no avail.

Uehara Shiraha reminded: "You are Immune to Death, Bankai!"

Originally, Byakuya Kuchiki was not going to use Bankai.

After all, he was a proud man.

The honor of the nobility and Shinigami did not allow him to use Bankai against Shikai in a sparring battle.

However, it turned out that if he did not use Bankai, let alone win, he could not even touch a piece of Kakuzu's clothes.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!" Byakuya Kuchiki pointed the tip of the knife at the ground~ and let go.

At the same time, ripples appeared on the ground.

The entire Senbonzakura sank into the ripples and disappeared.

In an instant, a powerful Reiatsu burst out from Byakuya Kuchiki.

At the same time, thousands of huge blades with their tips pointing upwards started from him and extended towards Uehara Shiraha.

The huge blades were neatly arranged on both sides of Byakuya Kuchiki, forming a daunting passage.

Then, all the huge blades turned into petals like Shikai's Senbonzakura and flew towards Uehara Shiraha.

Uehara Shiraha moved, and Shunpo moved, so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen.

"It's no use running away." Byakuya Kuchiki was unusually calm: "The power of Bankai Senbonzakura lies in the fact that billions of blades can attack in all directions and over a large area.

While saying this, he used both hands to control the Senbonzakura blades to chase and intercept Uehara Shiraha.

When controlled by both hands, the flying speed of the blades will be doubled, and no one can escape from such a storm of sharp blades.

After dodging a few times, Uehara Shiraha was a little uninterested.

He just wanted to know if he could escape from Senbonzakura's pursuit if he only used Shunpo.

The result was no pressure.

In this form, Bankai Senbonzakura can only bully ordinary captains and cannot threaten Uehara Shiraha at all.

In fact, Uehara Shiraha only used the advanced captain-level Shunpo to easily get rid of Senbonzakura's overwhelming blades.

It can only be said that Dabai at this time was still too naive.

In this case, Uehara Shiraha simply stopped pretending.

He suddenly stopped, and millions of blades completely enveloped him like a sea of ​​red flowers.

"Give up? No!" Byakuya Kuchiki could no longer maintain his aloof expression, and looked at Uehara Shiraha, who was "cut into pieces" but still safe and sound, with a shocked face.

At this time, Uehara Shiraha was leisurely admiring the death flower dance in front of him, and said leisurely:

"It's a nice view.

Although the season has not arrived yet, it's nice to see the Sakura flowers falling at this time. "

I have to say, Byakuya Kuchiki's Bankai is pretty good.

The captains who saw this scene were speechless again.

Normal Reiatsu vs. Bankai?

Be a human being!

You know, for Shinigami, vitality and defense are inherently weak points.

Although Reiatsu can also provide defense, it is necessary to actively burst Reiatsu with all its strength to achieve the maximum defensive effect.

But that consumes a lot of energy, which is totally not worth the loss.

And Reiatsu can't burst whenever you want, it requires timing and charging time.

Unless it is like the beast Zaraki Kenpachi, who can resist other people's attacks by relying on the basic scattered Reiatsu.

So, Zaraki Kenpachi of the first team is called immortal.

It was because Zaraki Kenpachi's defense and vitality were amazing.

However, even this eleventh-generation Kenpachi could only defend against vice-captain-level attacks at most, not captain-level attacks.

But the scene in front of him was too incredible.

Could it be that Uehara Shiraha was really that strong?

Almost all the captains were shocked.

Only Zaraki Kenpachi had a ferocious expression, opened his mouth, revealed his long and sharp teeth, and his hand holding the knife was trembling slightly.

This was the battle he wanted, and this was the opponent he wanted.

"Kageyoshi, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!" At this time, Kuchiki Baiyu regained his composure and used the Bankai move.

Under his control, countless pink Senbonzakura blades formed circles of pink haze, which looked very beautiful.

However, the next second, these beautiful pink hazes turned into a huge sphere and completely enveloped Uehara Shiraha's figure, leaving no dead corners.

When attacking, Byakuya Kuchiki reminded: "This is a super-powerful slash that combines billions of blades. The lethality is not comparable to that of ordinary Senbonzakura blades."

"Ice Age!" Facing the super-powerful slash that came straight down with an amazing strong wind, Uehara Shiraha drew out Splitting Void and slashed upwards.

With Uehara Shiraha's light wave of his hand, the White Album was activated, and the slashing form of billions of Senbonzakura blades stopped instantly, and even the strong wind formed by the slashing also stopped.

Under the surprised gaze of the captains, those blades quietly floated in the air, glowing with pink light, and gradually became crystal clear.

This form of Senbonzakura is more beautiful than the previous one.

"What a powerful move............"

Ichimaru Gin put his hand on his forehead and looked up at the pink ice blade in the sky.

Then he looked at Uehara Shiraha, who looked calm and relaxed, and sighed:

"But in comparison, the ability to freeze everything is still stronger. Fortunately, I lost in time."

"Silver, you have done a good job. It is General Uehara's strength that is too strong." Aizen still looks like a caring and warm man.

Zaraki Kenpachi also frowned and muttered: "The damn freezing prevents me from cutting to my heart's content. It seems that I can't hold back this time!"

Except for a few thousand-year captains, the other captains looked up at the huge pink ice in the sky and thought about countermeasures silently.

In the end, they all shook their heads. Byakuya Kuchiki's Senbonzakura was okay, but Uehara Shiraha's ability to freeze everything was too tricky.

They even saw the shadow of the oldest and strongest heat-type Zanpakutō.

Shikai has such power, the strongest ice-type Zanpakutō, it seems that it is not all rumors.

In comparison, the legendary Hyōrinmaru seems a bit unworthy of the name.

Here, Uehara Shiraha walked straight towards Byakuya Kuchiki, and said calmly:

"In front of me, the surging hot magma will stop, and the stormy sea will stop.

This is the power of the white season."

"It seems that my Senbonzakura and your Zanpakutō are incompatible." After saying that, Byakuya Kuchiki once again performed his ultimate move: "Kageyoshi Senbonzakura!"

As he burst out Reiatsu with all his strength, the frozen Senbonzakura blade in the sky immediately broke free and spread to the surroundings.

In the sky, the incomparable pink petals condensed into a sealed state Senbonzakura-style energy sword.

Thousands of pink swords were suspended vertically in the air, forming several sword rings.

Soon, a circular barrier composed of pink swords appeared in front of the two.

Uehara Shiraha looked up and looked around, with a relaxed expression: "Are you abandoning defense and wanting to attack with all your strength?"

Because it was a sparring match, Byakuya Kuchiki said a few more words:

"Since large-scale attacks are ineffective against you, I can only attack with all my strength.

Although I really don't want to use this sword killing formation, I am really helpless.

Generally speaking, facing the billions of Senbonzakura blades that are both offensive and defensive, the enemy will be in a panic and then be cut into pieces.

No one can escape unscathed from the billions of blades flying at high speed.

This was once a fact that Byakuya Kuchiki firmly believed in.

However, today, Uehara Shiraha broke this firmly believed fact.

In desperation, Byakuya Kuchiki could only use this move.

Looking at the circular sword formation in the sky, all the captains were concentrating and watching this exciting battle carefully.

They were looking forward to the power of this sword formation, and were even more curious whether Uehara Shiraha would be forced to use Bankai in the face of such a trick.

And facing Byakuya Kuchiki's other Bankai killer move, Uehara Shiraha still looked calm.

With Byakuya Kuchiki's wave of his hand, a sharp blade of the circular sword formation had already flown into his hand.

After the pink energy blade was in hand, it immediately turned into the sealed state of the Senbonzakura form.

Then, Byakuya Kuchiki held the sharp blade, Shunpo flashed, and slashed towards Uehara Shiraha.

This time, Uehara Shiraha was also slightly interested.

He waved Splitting Void to block the attack.

However, Byakuya Kuchiki continued to reach out, and another pink long sword flew into his hand, quickly changing into the ordinary sealed state form Senbonzakura.

On the circular sword formation, several pink sharp blades were also aimed at Uehara Shiraha.

Then, the two had a series of high-speed exchanges.

Shunpo, Kidō, Zhan Jutsu, White Hits were all open.

It must be said that as a noble genius on par with Shiba Kaien, Byakuya Kuchiki deserves his name of genius and captain status.

Whether it is Kidō, White Hits, Shunpo or Zhan Jutsu, Byakuya Kuchiki is impeccable.

Among his peers, he is an absolute genius.

However, every time Byakuya Kuchiki showed a little bit of excellence, which the captains felt strange, he was completely suppressed by Uehara Shiraha in the same way.

Ichimaru Gin, who had just lost, squinted his slender eyes and looked at the two people in the battle with a smile on his face, and I don’t know what he was thinking in his heart.

"Why do I feel like Captain Kuchiki is just a smaller version of Commander Uehara?" Shiba was outspoken.

Aizen smoothed things over: "After all, he is the head of one of the five noble families, and he is excellent in all aspects."

"Nobles or commoners, this kind of thing doesn't matter, I have to chop enough." Zaraki Kenpachi looked at Uehara Shiraha, who was swinging freely on the stage, with bloodthirsty eyes, and said in a low voice:

"This is how you have to fight, enjoy the battle, enjoy the fight!"

He now looks like a gourmet who has discovered a delicacy.

Now he just wants to have a life-and-death battle with Uehara Shiraha.

Compared to the excited Zaraki Kenpachi and other captains with strange expressions, the captain of the fourth division, Unohana Retsu, did not even raise her head, as if she was counting ants.

Such a battle, such a killing technique, really did not make her excited.

And all along, Unohana Retsu has been restraining herself from getting excited, and has been patient for a long time.

After being repelled by Uehara Shiraha again, Byakuya Kuchiki looked at the broken weapon in his hand in silence.

"What's wrong, is it over?" Uehara Shiraha was a little excited just now.

I have to say that although the wizard is very handsome, there is still a strange pleasure in wielding a knife to cut people.

Compared with ordinary captains, Byakuya Kuchiki is strong in all aspects, and his slashing skills are not weak.

But in front of Uehara Shiraha, who has advanced captain-level slashing skills, it is still not enough.

Byakuya Kuchiki shook his head: "The gap is too big, this is not a fight at all, I have been humiliating myself from beginning to end.

If it is a life-and-death fight, Byakuya Kuchiki will definitely use the final killer move, which is [Final Scene·White Emperor Sword].

But now it is just a sparring fight, he is not fighting to kill the enemy, but just to prove himself.

Even if he defeats Uehara Shiraha with the final trick, he cannot prove himself.

After all, he Bankai is fully opened and uses all tricks, while the other party does not even sweat, and Bankai is useless.

Even if he wins, he can only prove that he is an out-and-out clown.

And the most important thing is that Byakuya Kuchiki has a hunch that even if he uses the White Emperor Sword, he may not be able to defeat Uehara Shiraha in Shikai state.

When he was in doubt, he decisively chose to stop.

After that, he will practice even harder, and he will kill all doubts and weaknesses.

"As a captain, you are already excellent." Uehara Shiraha also praised Byakuya Kuchiki.

After all, he is the handsome guy second only to himself in appearance, and his ability to pretend is also outstanding.

I remember the first time Baymax appeared, he was also pretending to be strong.

Then, he was first beaten by Bankai Strawberry, and then Ichimaru Gin said something "heart-wrenching", and he almost died.

In the thousand-year blood battle, he was beaten to his last words, and the only thing missing was the "final settlement animation".

It seems that he was handsome for just one appearance, and the rest were...

"Get out if you lose!" With a roar like a beast, Zaraki Kenpachi rushed over and shouted:

"Come and fight to your heart's content, Uehara Shiraha!"

After that, he swung a sword.


With a loud bang, the terrifying slash directly cut through the rocks on the martial arts field, sand and stones flew, and a big pit appeared on the spot.

The martial arts arena is made of the best and hardest materials, which can withstand the attacks of ordinary captains.

But under Zaraki Kenpachi's slash, it was as fragile as tofu.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Byakuya Kuchiki frowned slightly, and then Shunpo flashed and came to the stage.

Looking at Zaraki Kenpachi who jumped up impatiently, Uehara Shiraha said helplessly:

"You are beating me like Lu Bu.

I'm tired, how about next time?"

Mainly fighting Ichimaru Gin and Byakuya Kuchiki, he can do nothing.

Fighting with Zaraki Kenpachi, a beast, will not make you feel so relaxed.

For others, fighting is just a means, not an end.

Just like robbers rob to get money and to enjoy life better.

But for Zaraki Kenpachi, robbing is enjoyment.

This guy enjoys the process of fighting and the fun of chopping people, not the result of fighting.

This guy gets more excited the more he fights, and there is no pleasure in winning.

"How can there be a next time?" Zaraki Kenpachi pulled off his eye patch: "I'm already firing on all cylinders now, don't try to freeze me, come and fight and kill!"

As the right eye patch fell off, a golden beam of light shot up into the sky.

The air around the beam of light seemed to be pierced, and electric sparks appeared.

The spirit particles in the atmosphere trembled constantly, and even the space was slightly distorted.

Wherever Reiatsu passed, countless fragments floated.

The boundless bloody murderous intent and the terrifying Reiatsu scattered everywhere, causing the barrier around the Mao Grand Martial Arts Field to tremble.

Looking at this amazing scene, all the captains were shocked.

"No wonder Captain Zaraki was able to defeat the previous Kenpachi without Bankai, this Reiatsu is really too strong." Shiba sighed.

Ichimaru Gin narrowed his eyes and said: "It's really a monster!" Looking at Zaraki Kenpachi's crazy face, Aizen also frowned slightly, and then quickly switched to a shocked expression: "As expected of the captain of the battle team. Much better than me who is not good at fighting." "What a barbarian style!" Looking at the eye mask thrown away by Zaraki Kenpachi, Kurotsuchi Mayuri was a little unhappy. He spent a lot of time to develop this eye mask, which was completely in accordance with Zaraki Kenpachi's requirements. It absorbs Zaraki Kenpachi's Reiatsu at any time, so Zaraki Kenpachi wearing the eye mask will reduce some of his strength. It must be said that this beast's Reiatsu is indeed very strong. But his product is perfect, which effectively limits the beast's Reiatsu. And such a perfect product, this beast doesn't know how to cherish it, what a barbarian!

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