Shinigami: The Invincible Slacker Since Rukongai

Chapter 60: Aizen Senses Something Strange, Uehara Shiraha Inspects The Territory

But as long as Uehara Shiraha uses these strange secrets, she can only passively take the beating.

Whether it is the Clone Technique that is difficult to distinguish true from false or the invisible slash that can perform Kidō, she has no way to deal with it. It's too shameless.

Seeing Shihouin Yoruichi admit defeat, Uehara Shiraha removed the Bakudō on the opponent and raised his eyebrows:

"I told you a long time ago that when facing a strong enemy, don't be so extreme, and leave yourself some room."

Shihouin Yoruichi's fighting style is a bit reckless.

Although he is known as the Flash Goddess, he likes to use combos.

When facing an enemy, he always thinks of a set of combos to take him away, and pursues efficiency, and likes to suppress the enemy at the lowest cost.

This fighting method is quite fast to kill soldiers, and it saves a lot of physical strength and Reiatsu, but it may suffer when facing an unknown master.

For example, in the plot, when Shihouin Yoruichi fought with the tenth Espada Yammy, he hit the person with a set of combos without saying a word.

As a result, Yammy only suffered superficial injuries, while her own arm was injured by Yammy's steel skin.

This is because Shihouin Yoruichi underestimated Arrancar's strength and did not open the moment immediately.

"You make it sound simple." Shihouin Yoruichi was a little unconvinced.

How could the almost instinctive fighting habits formed over the years be changed at will?

Moreover, the reason why she was defeated so cleanly was that this man was too strong.

Shihouin Yoruichi suffered many losses from the opponent's strange secret techniques, but there was no way to crack them until now.

This thing is as outrageous as Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu.

The strength of the man in front of her is so strong that it is terrifying.

And every time she thinks of the other party's age, Shihouin Yoruichi is shocked.

When she first knew the true identity of "Ōtsutsuki Naruto", she was dumbfounded and thought that the other party was playing tricks on her again.

Thinking of this, Shihouin Yoruichi looked at Uehara Shiraha again, his eyes flashing with an inexplicable light, very moist.

She was too young to have such unpredictable strength before she was a hundred years old. It was hard to imagine that such a girl would be a commoner from Rukongai.

Could this guy really be the heir to some secret family in Rukongai?

Otherwise, it was impossible to explain why this guy had more and more powerful means than her, the heir to a great noble family.

At this time, Uehara Shiraha did not use camouflage glasses to disguise herself.

The reason was that the two of them were too familiar with each other, and it would be meaningless to hide it, and he was sure that he had Shihouin Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke under control, and there would be no accidents.

In this "version" that the transcendent did not reveal, with his strength, he did not have to worry too much.

Noticing Shihouin Yoruichi's gaze, Uehara Shiraha casually said: "Did the 'Karakura Town Batman' achieve anything when you came this time?"

Over the years, he has exploited Urahara Kisuke, a pure tool man.

He got a lot of good things from "Urahara A Dream".

The price is that Uehara Shiraha will let the West Rukongai Ting Army turn a blind eye to some illegal activities.

That place is Urahara Kisuke's main base and supply channel in Soul Society.

Shihouin Yoruichi has become accustomed to Uehara Shiraha's strange address, and nodded:

"I have brought the space stabilization equipment you want, where is the intelligence we want?

What exactly is the weakness of Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu?"

While speaking, she took out the sealed equipment and handed it to Uehara Shiraha, and then looked at Uehara Shiraha expectantly.

She and Uehara Shiraha originally had a simple trading relationship.

Because the other party was too mysterious, she wanted to know more about him.

After a few times, she was caught.

However, the man in front of her was indeed a perfect lover, and Shihouin Yoruichi had a lot to say about this.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is, if you want to solve Aizen, you must first solve Kyōka Suigetsu.

Shihouin Yoruichi was furious after being hidden for so long by Aizen.

However, Aizen was too cautious and hid too well. She had not found any clues to solve Kyōka Suigetsu in all these years, and finally she could only pin her hopes on Uehara Shiraha.

Uehara Shiraha naturally knew a lot about Kyōka Suigetsu.

Since he got the benefit, he didn't mind making it more difficult for Aizen, and gave him advice:

"In fact, Kyōka Suigetsu is not unsolvable, but it is so difficult because Aizen is too strong.

However, even Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu is not without traces.

The ability of Kyōka Suigetsu is only to control the five senses, not to change cognition, so the user needs to adjust various parameters personally.

To replace other people with others, you only need to slightly adjust Reiatsu, voice, smell, body shape, appearance, clothing and weapons.

But to "pinch" a ball of air into a living person is a big project, and it is difficult to ensure that every detail is correct.

So using this point, you can determine the range of Aizen.

In addition, for those who have been hit by Kyōka Suigetsu, as long as you hold the physical blade of Kyōka Suigetsu, you will be immune to the effect of Kyōka Suigetsu."

During the Thousand Year Blood War, Aizen used Kyōka Suigetsu to turn into Kurosaki Ichigo to deceive Youhabach.

But he took all the attacks himself, not even a single attack, just to make it look real.

Let alone against "Spirit King Ha", even against the captain, Aizen was extremely careful and would not replace him out of thin air.

After all, captains are usually very capable, and playing tricks on them like this would insult the captain's intelligence.

Except for Xiaobai, Aizen has never "insulted" other captains like this.

"I see."

Shihouin Yoruichi, who got the key information, moved his eyes, clenched his fists, and regained his previous confidence:

"Sooner or later, I will make that four-eyed bastard pay the price."

The nightmare that had been weighing on her heart for a long time dissipated a little, and she felt relieved.

Sure enough, this man is reliable, and he can even get this kind of information.

As he spoke, Shihouin Yoruichi stretched his body, revealing his beautiful and attractive body curves, and said in a lazy voice:

"But I'm a little tired now, and I need to soak in the hot spring to recover.

You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course I don't mind, I still have some good sake here, do you want to have a drink together?" Uehara Shiraha took out the wine bottle and wine glass with ease.

"Yes!" Shihouin Yoruichi smiled.

Just as Shihouin Yoruichi and Uehara Shiraha were happily drinking and soaking in the hot spring, Aizen was looking at the direction of the Ting Army base in the Hueco Palace.

Once, he regarded this base and its owner as a joke.

After all, he occupied the Hueco Palace and conducted various taboo experiments in Hueco Mundo, and these people didn't notice it at all.

If this isn't a joke, what is it?

But now, he has other ideas.

Behind him, Ichimaru Gin and Tousen Kaname stood quietly on the left and right.

Finally, Ichimaru Gin squinted his eyes and spoke first: "I didn't expect that my old classmate is so powerful. The Bankai who can freeze the world is really terrible. My Shinsō is no match for him."

He really wanted to know what Aizen really thought of Uehara Shiraha.

However, Aizen is very good at hiding his inner thoughts and is very sharp.

So, Ichimaru Gin can only use indirect methods to test him a little.

Tousen Kaname said calmly:

"No matter how talented he is, he is still a Shinigami who is less than a hundred years old.

His current strength is not enough to threaten our justice.

If necessary, I will personally clear the obstacles for Aizen-sama.

Aizen's expression was calm, and a light flashed in his eyes:

"Yes, if you continue to think this way, you will suffer a great loss. The power shown by Uehara Shiraha in the final fight with Zaraki Kenpachi was indeed amazing, but that was not all his power.

He still hides his strength."

Aizen knew that in the eyes of ordinary people, the powerful Bankai should be the limit of Uehara Shiraha, and even those captains would be limited by this cognition and unable to see the truth.

But Aizen had long known that Uehara Shiraha could not be only this level.

Otherwise, the other party would not have said that "admiration is the farthest emotion from understanding."

Only when you have a power far superior to all living beings can you have such a feeling.

Aizen deeply understands this.

"Aizen-sama, I know." Tousen Kaname was shocked.

He did not doubt Aizen's judgment, but was very shocked by it.

Ichimaru Gin's snake-like face also changed color slightly, but he immediately regained his composure and sighed: "It seems that my old classmate is very good at hiding, so scary!" "Maybe it's true!" Aizen looked at Ichimaru Gin with an inexplicable look, and then asked: "Gin, do you think that Ōtsutsuki Naruto is Uehara Shiraha?" Ichimaru Gin was stunned for a moment, and said honestly: "It shouldn't be possible. The abilities and goals of the two people don't seem to have a connection at all." Tousen Kaname also added: "Every time Ōtsutsuki Naruto appears, we have done a check, and Uehara Shiraha is not on the list of suspects.' "Every time he happens to have a solid alibi, just like my Kyōka Suigetsu, there is no flaw." Aizen continued: "Before, we all thought that Uehara Shiraha's series of actions were just accidental. Whether it is the Ting Army or the Hueco Mundo base, they are just accidental products. And he has never affected our plan and looks non-threatening. .............*****0...

But is it really the case?"

Now Aizen understood why Uehara Shiraha always acted very reasonably and naturally when facing him.

It was so reasonable and natural that he felt a little annoying.

"This............" Tousen Kaname and Ichimaru Gin were really surprised this time, and even felt a little worried.

If everything is as Captain Aizen said, then this Uehara Shiraha is a little too scary.

This is simply the second Lord Aizen!

The corners of Aizen's mouth slightly raised: "It's getting more and more interesting!"

The next morning, Uehara Shiraha was patrolling the territory of the Imperial Army.

Now he is refreshed and energetic, and moderate relaxation is indeed beneficial to physical and mental health.

Behind him, Ise Nanao, who was holding a thick book, reported:

"Commander-in-chief, we have completed the patrol of all Seireitei bases.

What do you think about this?"

After that, she took out a pen and prepared to record.

The fact that the Imperial Army could develop into a force with influence in Hueco Mundo, Rukongai, and Seireitei was determined by the chief commander Uehara Shiraha.

Uehara Shiraha's occasional guidance was enough to make the Imperial Army develop rapidly.

Uehara Shiraha said casually, "These soldiers of the Seireitei are just 'young master soldiers', similar to the guard of honor. They may not be strong, but they must not lose their noble demeanor.

With the nobles and Gotei 13, it is difficult for the Imperial Army to interfere in Seireitei affairs.

Senior nobles will not join the Imperial Army.

So, Uehara Shiraha only gathered some small and medium noble members.

These people are the face of the Imperial Army, and also to reassure those suspicious nobles.

At the same time, Uehara Shiraha also knows that no matter how many people there are, they are not as useful as top combat power.

The only way is to form an army with one person.

So, he did not expect the Imperial Army to provide much military help from the beginning.

Uehara Shiraha established the Ting Army just to improve strength and enjoy life more conveniently.

"Understood!" Ise Nanao hurriedly wrote down the key points.

After a Shunpo rush, the two arrived at the East Rukongai base.

As soon as he entered the base, Uehara Shiraha was warmly welcomed by a group of soldiers.

The person in charge of the station, that is, the captain of the East Rukongai detachment, Kanizawa Ying, was excited and said loudly:

"The Ting Army East Rukongai detachment welcomes the arrival of the commander-in-chief!"

Uehara Shiraha nodded, walked into the base, and then saw a gorgeous human-shaped statue.

The statue was engraved with Uehara Shiraha himself.

Uehara Shiraha was a little stunned: "What does this mean?"

"This was sent by the nearby residents." Kanizawa Ying hurriedly explained.

It turned out that since the Ting Army was stationed in East Rukongai, even the security of the next few blocks has improved.

The number of attacks by the Hollows in the entire East Rukongai has been significantly reduced.

In order to repay Uehara Shiraha's kindness, the residents here spontaneously raised funds to build this statue.

"This is too wasteful, don't do this next time." Uehara Shiraha looked honest and upright: "But the eyes can be replaced with black gems later, which are more vivid!"

Kanizawa Ying nodded repeatedly and remembered it firmly in her heart.

Ise Nanao sighed, and her face was helpless.

When Uehara Shiraha and Kanizawa Ying talked, the soldiers around them were half-kneeling on the ground with respectful faces, not daring to breathe.

Only a few of them were formal Shinigami.

Most of the soldiers were civilians who had been starving and struggling to survive in the back areas.

These people had some spiritual talents, but not much, not enough to become Shinigami, and could only wait to die in dangerous areas.

Fortunately, Ting saved them.

After Uehara Shiraha left, they stood up, their faces full of excitement and enthusiasm:

"General Uehara is so handsome!"

"Thanks to this sir, we Rukongai ants can survive!"

"It is a pity to die for such a powerful commander!"

"It is said that our treatment is better than that of Gotei 13 official Shinigami!"

"I will follow General Uehara to the death!"

Soon, Uehara Shiraha came to the captain's office of the base.

He was going to learn a little about the development of this base.

Those bigwigs did not take Rukongai and the residents here seriously.

It is because of this that Tingsi can gradually grow and develop here.

Kanisawa Ying reported the situation of this base in detail.

She and Shuhei were classmates. During a simulated combat assessment, they were attacked by a giant hollow.

It was Uehara Shiraha's disciple Hinamori Momo who took action in time to save her.

With this relationship, Kanizawa Ying joined the Imperial Army after graduation and became the captain of the Rukongai unit. Therefore, she was very fond of Hara Baisan.

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