Shinigami: The Invincible Slacker Since Rukongai

Chapter 78: Gotei 13'S Overtures, Squad 14

At this time, only Ichimaru Gin and Aizen were left in the main hall of Kyōya Palace.

Looking at Aizen who looked calm, Ichimaru Gin smiled and said:

"Lord Aizen, you are really mean. You knew from the beginning that Szayel Aporro was not honest but didn't say it, just to scare him."

Aizen looked at Ichimaru Gin leisurely, with a strange light in his eyes:

"People's hearts are really difficult to grasp, even they themselves can't grasp it.

The only thing I can do is to give them a 'Kyōka Suigetsu' that belongs to them alone.

At the beginning, although his Kyōka Suigetsu was very strong, it was not perfect.

But he didn't give up, but fine-tuned and enhanced it again and again, giving different realities to different people.

In the end, whether it was the world in the target person's heart or the world in his eyes, it was all in his hands.

"Lord Aizen's Kyōka Suigetsu is of course perfect, without any weaknesses. " Ichimaru Gin narrowed his eyes and said: "However, do we really want to let my classmate continue to grow? He defeated three Espadas at once, his strength is a bit too terrifying!" " Uehara Shiraha's growth is indeed beyond expectations!" Aizen recalled the scene when he first met Uehara Shiraha. At that time, he knew that the boy was special, but he didn't expect it to be so special, and it might even be close to his level. Ichimaru Gin's eyes flashed a barely perceptible light: "That's what he said, but Aizen-sama is very happy in his heart. "

"Can you tell?" Aizen's expression was calm, and it was impossible to detect his inner thoughts.

Ichimaru Gin smiled like a fox: "It's really pitiful that Aizen-sama regards him as an opponent!"

In his words, he attributed Aizen's excitement to his excitement.

However, Ichimaru Gin knew very well that this man was not that simple.

Even he only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of the other party's inner world.

"Are you excited about the prey?" Aizen looked in the direction where Uehara Shiraha had been with an inexplicable look.

Uehara Shiraha, who returned to the Imperial Army Base, received countless admiring glances.

As he eliminated powerful enemies one by one, these great villains from the 80th district became his diehard fans.

In the past, these brutal guys only believed in swords and fists, but now they only believe in Uehara Shiraha.

As long as Uehara Shiraha gave an order, they would not frown even if they were asked to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

For them, being able to serve Uehara It is worth dying to serve a strong man like Shiraha.

These reckless men are so simple or stubborn.

Unconsciously, most of the soldiers of the Imperial Army have reached their full loyalty.

They only have General Uehara in their eyes, not the captain; only the Imperial Army, not Gotei 13 and other forces.

Uehara Shiraha is their god!

Uehara Shiraha, who returned to Seireitei, was treated like a hero again.

The Technology Development Bureau detected that Hueco Mundo had a strong Reiatsu fluctuation, and the level was Vasto Lorde.

And three of them appeared at once, one of which was even beyond the ordinary Vasto.

The Shinigami of Seireitei panicked all of a sudden, thinking that the invasion of Soul Society by Vasto more than two hundred years ago was going to happen again.

Although Kuyashiki Kenpachi repelled the invading Menos Grande, Gotei 13 still suffered a great loss.

However, after Uehara Shiraha arrived at Hueco Mundo, Hueco Mundo calmed down, and the Reiatsu that was rioting Vasto also disappeared.

Gotei The 13 Shinigami breathed a sigh of relief and were very grateful to Uehara Shiraha.

In fact, this was not the first time they had been indebted to the Imperial Army and Uehara Shiraha.

During this period of time, with Uehara Shiraha, the Imperial Army commander-in-chief, in charge of Hueco Mundo, Soul Society and the present world have been much more peaceful.

For this, all the Shinigami were very grateful.

Uehara Shiraha's prestige also rose rapidly, and he had long surpassed ordinary Shinigami captains.

Now, the Imperial Army is almost the "Fourteenth Division" in Seireitei.

All this is just because they have an invincible commander-in-chief.

The next night, Kyoraku Shunsui held a celebration banquet for Uehara Shiraha as usual, and the location was still the flower street.

In the magnificent and green room, a group of young and beautiful beauties surrounded Uehara Shiraha like stars surrounding the moon.

There were beautiful women everywhere, and it was very lively.

He once again enjoyed the meticulous and personal care of the beauties.

The white hands stirred the spoon, and the red sleeves added fragrance.

The silk clothes were taken off lightly, and the buds were about to bloom.

After a few spring breezes, Uehara Shiraha was transparent and comfortable.

Several geishas who had been trained since childhood were giving him a personal massage.

After all, they were professionals, and their strength and skills were impeccable.

After enjoying it for a while, Uehara Shiraha waved his hand: "You go down first"||!"

He sensed Kyoraku Shunsui's Reiatsu.

After a while, Kyoraku Shunsui came in with a bottle of fine wine.

The two began to drink and chat.

Uehara Shiraha looked at Kyoraku Shunsui who was drinking beside him and smiled:

"Brother Kyoraku, why is it so big this time?

This is the best flower house in the flower street. Your small treasury is going to be empty, right?"

The furnishings here are extremely luxurious, and Captain Shinigami will never see them in his life.

The beauties who come to serve are all talented and beautiful, pure and flawless, and all are carefully cultivated top-quality products.

The price is naturally very outrageous.

Ordinary nobles can't afford it.

This time Kyoraku Shunsui is bleeding a lot.

"This time someone is treating us." Kyoraku Shunsui smiled:

"Just now, the old man Shan approved a large amount of military expenses for your court army.

He also specifically asked me to thank you and that the first team would pay for all the expenses tonight.

Even to his own team, the old man has never been so generous. "

He could also guess what the old man Shan meant.

Whether it was the Ting Army or Uehara Shiraha, they were no longer small-scale operations, but had become a force to be reckoned with.

This money was the old man Shan's compensation.

After all, Uehara Shiraha basically started from scratch and established the Ting Army on his own.

No one was optimistic about the Ting Army before, and no one helped.

But the Ting Army developed and helped Gotei 13 a lot.

It was reasonable for Gotei 13 to show some appreciation.

Besides, given Uehara Shiraha's strength and the momentum of the Ting Army, ordinary people were not qualified to pay for him.

For the controllers here, they would rather not have money, but give Uehara Shiraha a favor.

Money was just a number for Kyoraku Shunsui and Uehara Shiraha, and it was not important.

For strong men of their level, what they wanted was attitude and respect.

After hearing this, Uehara Shiraha took a sip from his wine glass and said, "Does the old man Shan want to recruit the Ting Army?"

The Ting Army developed rapidly, and its momentum was so strong that even Tousen Kaname can see it.

The development prospects of the Ting Army are definitely not comparable to those of Kidō and the Technology Development Bureau.

Gotei 13 has previously recruited the Xing Army, and it is possible that they want to recruit the Ting Army after tasting the sweetness.

Of course, Uehara Shiraha knows that the old man in the mountain can't be so shallow.

Compared with the Ting Army, he is more valuable as the commander-in-chief.

This old man in the mountain may have long wanted to take down both the people and the Ting Army.

"Hahaha, I can't hide it from you." Kyoraku Shunsui clapped his legs and laughed:

"In fact, at the beginning, Old Man Yama wanted to hone you.

He thought that the Imperial Army could not be maintained at all, and you would be convinced by then.

Unexpectedly, the Imperial Army developed so well that the old man was a little interested."

Old Man Yama felt that talents were rare, so he let Uehara Shiraha's temper go, thinking that the other party would sooner or later turn back.

As a result, no one expected that in a blink of an eye, Uehara Shiraha and the Imperial Army would rise strongly.

Now, Old Man Yama is not optimistic about Uehara Shiraha, but values ​​him and even relies on him.

Uehara Shiraha said calmly:

"In fact, with Old Man Yama's prestige, there is no need to do this.

Besides, I am still the third seat of the first team, and I am still a member of Gotei 13."

He was not arrogant, and he knew the thoughts of Kyoraku Shunsui and Old Man Yama.

This is actually a disguised way of winning over [It seems that the two are still thinking of letting him take over the position of the captain of Gotei 13.

It's just that this idea was not strong before, but it is different now.

After all, his strength is a little beyond control, and those nobles will not be at ease.

Kyoraku Shunsui picked up the small wine gourd and took a big sip:

"Actually, it's good for you to stay in the court army.

Gotei 13 is not so free here.

Those nobles are sometimes annoying."

Kyoraku Shunsui said this because he understood Uehara Shiraha.

After all, no one wants to be controlled by someone above them. It's better to work for others than to be your own boss.

As for these benefits, it is the basic respect for a strong man.

If it weren't for the rules, with Uehara Shiraha's strength and achievements, his status would only be higher.

Therefore, Kyoraku Shunsui became more and more dissatisfied with the Tsunayashiro family and the Forty-Six Rooms.

"Let's see when the time comes!" Uehara Shiraha knew that Kyoraku Shunsui was on his side.

The nobles were using him.

The old man's optimism and respect for him was based on the premise that he did not touch the bottom line and break the rules of Soul Society.

He knew the ideas and plans of these people very well, but he didn't care much.

Uehara Shiraha can only take advantage of the situation and fish in troubled waters to seek benefits for himself.

Those blind guys, the future Tsunayashiro Tokinada and the Tsunayashiro family are their role models.

In the next few months, Gotei 13 and the Ting Army began to cooperate deeply.

With a backer, the Ting Army has a more solid foundation and its scale is no less than that of the Xing Army.

Uehara Shiraha is not worried that Gotei 13 and the nobles will interfere with the Ting Army.

The secrets of the Ting Army are hidden in Rukongai and Hueco Mundo.

The nobles and Gotei 13 don't like these two places.

Besides, the real core of the Ting Army is not those bases and team members, but him as the commander-in-chief.

Without Uehara Shiraha, the Ting Army is not a climate at all.

With the task system and many trump cards, he is sitting on the Diaoyutai and is not panicking at all.

Therefore, Uehara Shiraha's pace remains unchanged.

Although his actions have triggered several public opinion storms and even changed the situation in the three realms to some extent.

But he himself was like the eye of a hurricane, always calm and safe.

However, others were not as confident as Uehara Shiraha.

He could sit still, but others could not.

The first person to come was Shihouin Yoruichi.

Uehara Shiraha once again made an appointment with him in the hot spring in the underground base.

The two of them had a sparring match first.

This time, Uehara Shiraha agreed to use only Shunpo and White Hits.

With the blessing of Observation Haki and the Universal Barrier, even if he only used the Zanquanguizou, he would be a master of the Thousand-Year Captain level.

If he activated the second stage of Bankai and added the power of the Mind Gem, it would be easy for him to defeat the Thousand-Year Transcendant.

Therefore, he naturally didn't need to take it too seriously against the senior captain.

This time, Shihouin Yoruichi was very confident and had a sure win.

After a few rounds of fighting, the clothes behind her suddenly exploded, and the spiritual energy spirit particles gushing out of her shoulders were like substance, like an extra pair of wings.

She had suffered too much at the hands of Uehara Shiraha.

In order to regain her ground, she was not idle during this period, but focused on developing her unique skills.

Now, she has finally developed her own unique skills.

At this time, Shihouin Yoruichi said proudly: "||Hehe! Didn't expect it! This is my ultimate move————Shunkan!

Now my White Hits and body contain the power of Kidō.

You have to be careful, because the power of Shunkan is too great, so I can't release it freely.

After saying that, her figure flashed, and she rushed towards Uehara Shiraha like a violent hurricane.

"Speed, strength, and power are all improved to a higher level, a good ultimate move!" Uehara Shiraha nodded.

Shunkan is a fusion skill of White Hits and Kidō, and its power is still very strong, stronger than ordinary Bankai.

After opening Shunkan, Shihouin Yoruichi's White Hits and Shunpo also reached the Millennium Captain level, which is a big improvement.

Shihouin Yoruichi, who was as fast as the wind, was even more proud: "Of course, we agreed before that you only use White Hits and Shunpo, and don't use those strange abilities."

After her strength skyrocketed, she really saw hope of turning over.

As a Shunpo master, White Hits expert, and with unique skills, how could she lose this battle?

As soon as the voice fell, Shihouin Yoruichi turned in the air, and her straight (good) slender legs had already wrapped around Uehara Shiraha's neck.

When Yoruichi's legs were like two spiritual pythons, Masahara Shiraha's figure suddenly disappeared.

Faced with this change, Shihouin Yoruichi was not panicked at all.

The Kidō power behind her exploded, and her body suddenly turned to Shunpo and punched at Uehara Shiraha's foothold: "I got you!"


With a loud bang, Shihouin Yoruichi's punch was powerful and could not stop ten thousand people.

However, immediately, her face changed, and she subconsciously wanted to use Shunpo, and then she saw a huge hand coming from the sky.

It turned out that Uehara Shiraha had come to her without knowing when, and then stretched out his right hand.

In the blink of an eye, Uehara Shiraha's right hand had already pressed on Shihouin Yoruichi's forehead, and then he swung it hard towards the ground.

With an astonishing burst of power, Shihouin Yoruichi was slapped away like a chicken.

But after all, she was Flash Goddess Yoruichi, and the moment she landed, she quickly performed Shunpo and narrowly avoided the terrible blow.

As soon as she left the spot, Uehara Shiraha was like a god descending from the sky, and kicked the ground to pieces the moment he landed.

With one kick, Reiatsu exploded, the earth trembled, and the ground cracked.

With a "boom", the deep gullies of the day suddenly appeared on the hard ground.

Seeing this scene, Shihouin Yoruichi's golden pupils shrank slightly.

If she had been slower, she would have been the one torn apart.

However, she also knew that Uehara Shiraha had shown mercy, otherwise she would not have been able to dodge it so easily.

Is this man a monster?

After activating Shunkai, her Shunpo and White Hits were still far inferior to the other party.

And the other party seemed to have seen through all her moves and thoughts.

Before, this guy's White Hits, Shunpo and perception abilities were not so terrible.

Only this guy could achieve such a rapid improvement. .

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