Shinigami Thousand Year Blood War

Chapter 34 Tianbei Embroidered Aid

At this moment, Kitahara Cangsuke, who is using Shunpo to leave quickly, finds that the sense of crisis behind him is getting heavier.

Subconsciously looking back, he saw a golden Uzumaki hitting him like a bolt of lightning.

"No way, I've already run so far!" Facing Uzumaki Cero, who was rushing towards him, Kitahara Cansuke's pupils constricted instantly.


A huge mushroom cloud rises here, it is a merciless destructive power, it is a terrifying flame that even changes the color of the sky and the earth.

The soaring flames were imprinted in everyone's eyes, and the scorching air waves even made people feel as if they were right in front of their eyes.

"Captain Kitahara!" All the Shinigami shouted.

"It's over!" Tianbei Xiuzhu knelt on the ground in despair, hammering the ground with his fist unwillingly.

Without Captain Kitahara, they will never be able to evacuate in a Hueco Mundo full of Menos Grande.

call out!

A stream of red light flew rapidly from the direction of the mushroom cloud, it was a group of spirit particles shining red light.

This immediately caught Lin Sheng's attention. It was the first time he discovered that there would be red spirits after killing an enemy.

As the red spirit submerged into his body, Lin Sheng's already amazing Reiatsu boiled again.

It wasn't until a certain point was reached that these boiling Reiatsu leveled off.

Trying to hit this critical point, Lin Sheng found that it seemed to be an extremely strong door, and his huge Reiatsu could only loosen it slightly.

Could this be the tipping point when Gillian was promoted to Adjuchas?

But why can Reiatsu, who is comparable to the peak of Vasto Lorde, push away a little?

When watching others promote Adjuchas, it feels as simple as drinking water, but it's so difficult when it's your turn?

Just when Lin Sheng was studying the door in his body.

On the other battlefield, the faces of all the Shinigami were full of panic. They began to panic, and some even fled towards the periphery of Hueco Mundo.

Seeing this, Xiao Long and Xu Xu immediately launched a counterattack, but the high-ranking officials in Shinigami were not weaker than them, and if they really wanted to escape with all their heart, Xiao Long and Xu Xu could not stop them at all.

Seeing that several Shinigami officers were about to flee, Xiao Long immediately shouted to Grimmjow: "Grimmjow, let's get rid of these Shinigami together!"

"Cut!" Grimmjow had no intention of pursuing.

If it was a powerful enemy he was interested in, he would fight to the end, and even make some crazy moves, but chasing and killing a group of people who lost their fighting spirit, he really couldn't arouse this interest.

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At this moment, Grimmjow's eyes are only on Lin Sheng. He is very interested in this man, and he can't even control the warlike desire in his body. This is an opponent worth fighting!

But he understands that he is no match for this man, and he even saved his own life. Damn it, when will I, Grimmjow, be reduced to the point where I need someone to save me?

Suddenly, Grimmjow noticed that Lin Sheng disappeared from sight.

"Where did you go? I didn't even see a trace!" Grimmjow looked around for Lin Sheng.

It wasn't until Reiatsu's fluctuation came from a distance that he realized that Lin Sheng had appeared so far away in an instant.

In a few blinks, Lin Sheng took care of the escaped Shinigami officers.

When he came back, Xiao Long and Xu also finished off the remaining Shinigami, and there was only one vice-captain, Susuke Tengai, because his opponent was Grimmjow, and Grimmjow didn't bother to kill him.

"Next, I'll give you a ride!" Xiao Long raised his huge claws and aimed at the bald Tianbei Xiusuke.


A figure suddenly flashed out, it was Lin Sheng who teleported over with the ring.

Seeing that it was the mysterious man who rescued himself and the others, Xiao Long and the others looked at each other, somewhat at a loss as to how to face Lin Sheng, but Xiao Long put down his sharp claws first.

After a while of silence, Xiao Long stood up cautiously and asked, "I don't know why your lord helped me?"

"I happened to be passing by and found that Shinigami was making trouble in Hueco Mundo, so I couldn't help but take action!" Lin Sheng said with a random reason.

He didn't show too much enthusiasm for Xu, such as Grimmjow and Xiao Long, because in Hueco Mundo, the word "harmony" is basically not used between Xu and Xu.

Just like Xiao Long and others now, although they seemed to be on the united front just now, they are probably on guard against themselves now.

"In that case, can we leave?" Xiao Long asked tentatively.

When Xiao Long asked this sentence, Di Roy, Adorard, and Nachim all became nervous.

"Of course, you can leave on your own!" Lin Sheng raised his hand as a gesture.

He himself has no intention of attacking Grimmjow. In addition, Xiao Long's strength is not bad after a few false Arrancars, and he may consider taking over his subordinates in the future.

Xiao Long and others breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Lin Sheng's reply, and immediately bowed and said, "Then I won't bother you any more, and I will leave!"

Just when Xiao Long and others were about to leave, Grimmjow, who had been dull all this time, suddenly asked, "Hey, what's your name?"

Facing Grimmjow's arrogance and rudeness, Lin Sheng was not angry. Instead, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "Lin Sheng!"

"Lin Sheng? I admit that you are very strong, but I will not admit defeat. I will become stronger and challenge you again!"

"Also, my name is Grimmjow!" Grimmjow issued a challenge to Lin Sheng, and at the same time reported his name, which is his respect for the strong.

This frightened Xiao Long and others, if this mysterious person named Lin Sheng changed his mind, he and others would not be able to leave!

"I'm waiting for you to challenge anytime, Grimmjow!" Lin Sheng said with a faint smile.

After hearing Lin Sheng's response, Grimmjow didn't say anything, and turned around and left with Xiao Long and the others. Seeing him like this, he probably wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Seeing Grimmjow and other figures gradually disappear, Lin Sheng also looked away, looking at Tianbei Xiuzhu who was kneeling there silently.

"Tianbei Xiusuke, his father died at the hands of Soul Society captain Yamamoto Genryūsai, and now he is lurking in the Shinigami expedition team, always wanting to avenge his father, am I right?" Lin Sheng seemed to be asking rhetorically, But it is said with certainty.

"What?" Tianbei Xiuzhu's pupils constricted, and he looked at Lin Sheng with incredulous eyes. He has always hidden these secrets in his heart, but he has never said them to the outside world!

"How do you know?" Tianbei Xiuzhu stood up and asked with bloodshot eyes.

As if he already knew Tianbei Xiuzhu's reaction, Lin Sheng continued: "You don't need to know how I know this, but as long as you surrender to me, I can help you realize this revenge plan!"

"Surrender to you?" Tianbei Xiusuke's face changed from sunny to cloudy. Of course he hated Captain Yamamoto who killed his father, but he never thought of using Xu's power.

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